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THE Profeffion will please to obferve, that this

Volume contains the Head of ASSUMPSIT with the INDEX complete, except the Pleas; although the Precedents of the Confiderations not Classed, on Common Promises, &c. and the Pleas in Afsfumpfit, with the INDEX to Pleas in Affumpfit, are poftponed to make part of the Third Volume, for the convenience of the Profeffion, to keep the Pleas and Index to Pleas diftinct; which Volume will also contain the Head of Covenant and INDEX to Covenant complete.

THIS has been done in order to afford the Students and Practitioners the addition of the Form of a Count or Declaration in Affumpfit on Common Promises and by and against particular Persons in every possible way that may occur in Practice; which, by perusing the INDEX and the ANALYSIS, I trust it will be thought I have well done; for I have in the INDEX separated all the Forms, by and against particular Perfons, in Indebitatus or Gencral Affumpfit, from the Declarations on Common Promises made by any person, for the ease too and convenience of the Practitioner. Ex. gr. for Fees, Fines on Admission to Copyholds, &c.; an action for the former would be brought

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