principled, established Christians, will but which are in danger of going into depend very much, under the divine oblivion. If the republication of the blessing, on the education they now re-present pamphlet is the means of exceive. can arise from it; that, it is true, it bears hard against certain persons then in power, particularly of the Ecclesiastical order; and above all, against the church of Rome, with whom the author on no terms of amity. citing attention to other works of the In the excellent "address to parents" same class, it will be a great advantage there is one passage in which we canto our Denomination, and yield much not concur with the author. Page 373, | gratification to many of its members. he says, 66 Though I have read many The present pamphlet is a clear, disvolumes on the subject, I have not met tinct defence of religious liberty, avowwith one instance of a child religiously ing the broad principle, that "no man and faithfully educated who died in a is to be persecuted for his religion, be wicked and impenitent state. It is con- it true or false, so he testify his faithful trary to the promise of the God of truth allegiance to the king," On this ground and grace.” On the contrary, we be- the author urges the consequence of a lieve there have been many instances; free toleration in a variety of directhough they were not likely to be re-tions; shews that no political danger corded in the volumes which the author has read, nor in any other. If we ask what promise Mr. Barker refers to, he will tell us (as we gather from p. 47.) that he refers to Prov. xxii. 6. "Train up a child," &c. It is obvious, how-is ever, that those words contain not a promise, but a proverb, and a proverb, we may add, which has been verified in all ages and nations. It is sufficient to establish the truth of the proverb, that the thing affirmed appears visible in most instances, though the exceptions may be numerous. The fact is, we conceive, that parents, like ministers, do not always succeed; the means of grace are put into our hands, and we have many and great encouragements, but the grace itself the Lord keeps in his own hands. Dr. Johnson has stated the matter wisely and guardedly in relation to parents, in the motto which our author has adopted for his first part. "In general, those parents have most reverence, who most deserve it." Persecution for Religion Judged and Condemned; first published in London in the year 1615. The fourth Edition with a Preface. By JOSEPH IVIMEY. Wightman and Cramp. Price 2s. pp. 82. In the course of his work, (the chief part of which is carried on in the form of a Dialogue), he also exhibits and defends his sentiments as a Baptist, and by this means he shews us what were the popular arguments in support of Infant Baptism in his day. At the end of the work, is "an humble supplication to the king's majesty," presented in 1620, in which the cause of religious liberty is again stated and argued at length; and the right of interpreting the Scripture is contended for, freely and boldly. In this part of his labour, the author holds the learned in very low estimation, and considers the Spirit, which he observes is given "to every particular saint of God," as the best guide to lead us into the sense of his word. This "humble supplication" is addressed to the king, by his "majesty's loyal subjects, not for fear only, but conscience, sake, unjustly called ana-baptists." This work is, we believe, the first in which the principle of religious liberty THIS is a curious pamphlet, and we are was ever brought forward clearly and glad to see it republished. We wish distinctly. In the preface, Mr. Ivimey the plan of publishing some of the scarce informs his readers, that one reason for tracts of our ancestors, in our religious republishing it is to settle an historical profession, was adopted; it would pre-fact. The Independents, it seems, have serve many that are worth preserving, claimed, and do still claim, the honour of being the first Christian denomina- | II. From his settlement at Gosport, to tion who have recommended "religious the formation of the seminary for the liberty to the esteem of the world." | ministry.—III. From the commenceMr. Ivimey states, on the authority of ment of the Theological seminary at Messrs. Bogue and Bennett, in their Gosport, to the formation of the MisHistory of Dissenters, that "the first sionary Society.-IV. From the formaIndependent church in England was not tion of the Missionary Society, to the formed until the year 1616, the year afflictions of his latter days.-V. David after this pamphlet was published." Bogue's last afflictions and death.-VI. (Preface pp. 6, 7.) If the Indepen- His character and works. dents can prove that before this time they pleaded the same cause, let it be done; in the mean time, the present pamphlet is a proof that it was exhibited with great cogency of argument in 1615. The author is believed to be Mr. Thomas Helwisse, a character highly deserving esteem and veneration. We unite cordially with Mr. Brook in his "Lives of the Puritans," in saying of the present work, "This was a bold protestation against the illegal and iniquitous proceedings of the ruling prelates, and a noble stand in favour of religious liberty." We need not say more in recommending it to our readers. Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. David The narrative is skilfully drawn out, and more replete with incident than might have been expected. It will surprise many to find that David Bogue, who seemed to be made of sterner stuff than most men, who had a frame so robust, and an aspect so austere, and who often dealt in eight and forty pounders, should be so exquisitely susceptible of all the tenderness and endearments of domestic love, · And all the charities Of father, son, and brother.' The criticism is elegant, acute, sometimes profound, sometimes playful, free, though of course restrained by the reverence such a pupil must ever cherish for the memory of such a tutor. We must make room for a few ex tracts, which cannot fail to be acceptable to our readers. In p. 35, there is a piece of advice which we heartily recommend to all our students and young ministers as of the highest moment. DR. BOGUE was so well known, and so highly and justly esteemed, that many must have felt a desire to see an authen-nistry with much anxiety, and to have asked He seems to have commenced his mitic account of his early studies, his man- counsel of those to whom he communicated ner of life, and the steps by which he an account of the step. One of these, Mr. ascended to that eminence on which he Jolly, the minister of Coldingham, gave him stood for a long course of years. the following excellent reply :-'I congratulate you heartily on entering upon the imcellent work of the Christian ministry. I portant and difficult, but honourable and exmake no doubt but you have taken the field with the most upright motives, and will endeavour to approve yourself a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Dangers and discourage It may certainly be reckoned among the rare felicities of this distinguished individual, that his biographer is an able and accomplished man, his pupil and his friend. Dr. Bennett has acquitted himself handsomely of the delicate and difficult task assigned him.ments, trials and temptations, you may lay We cannot but wish he had given us a preface, with a table of contents, or an index; these, however, will be found perhaps, in subsequent editions. dom and your safety to follow the direcyour account with; but it will be your wistions of the Captain of salvation. I dare promise you, in his name, that he will not only teach your hands to war and your fin The work is divided into six chapters.gers to fight, but lead you on to certain vicChapter I. From his birth to the commencement of his ministry at Gosport. tory. As to your public discourses, I give it as my best advice that you study to unite solidity and simplicity, ease and elegance, strength of thought and force of expression. in this sort of good humour we proceed; Truth, like beauty, is never half so amiable not suffering ourselves to be interrupted as when arrayed in a modest and homely or detained by those critical reflections dress." It will appear from p. 105. that David Bogue never lost sight of this advice, at least, as far as solidity and simplicity were concerned. which in a more rigorous examination of the performance, would be indispensable. We must, however, confess that we now and then meet with something, so much like a dereliction of duty, on the "On the eighth anniversary of his ordinapart of the biographer, that we find tion he adores God for the good that was it extremely difficult to preserve the done. Some persons he notices as become stedfastness of our purpose, and fulfil thoughtful, and some as under convictions of at the same time the implied contract sin. Many are become attentive to the between ourselves and those persons word. Family prayer has this year been who may be accustomed to consult our set up in many houses. Several have been admitted members of the church. periodical observations. And this is esare going on well in the ways of God, and pecially the case, if we happen to think more attend on public worship than ever be- that where the whole truth ought to fore. There is, however, much formality have been told, a part has been sup found among those who make a profession. pressed; or where certain facts have Some, it is to be feared, attend from worldly been stated, which, on account of their Many motives. But we have been settled in the new place more peacefully than I expected. reprehensible nature, should either have As to my preaching, I see more and more been wholly omitted or their improthat plain and serious preaching is most priety more severely censured. useful. Much that is elaborate is thrown away." In the memoir of Mr. Sykes, of whose piety we entertain no doubt, we have met with much that is justly entitled to our approbation; and we sincerely wish it were in our power to speak thus favourably of the whole. Some of the "While he was preaching on the question How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?' a person was so struck and agitated, that though she strove to the utmost to suppress her feelings, she was at length overcome, and rushed out of the circumstances connected with his conplace uttering a tremendous shriek. On another Sabbath evening, he was sent for version from Arminianism to Calvinism, to converse with one who was in anguish of do not appear to us at all adapted to heart, in consequence of something that was raise his reputation as a Christian said in the sermon. The preacher found the minister. But that against which we person bewailing the guilt of sin, and the consider it to be our incumbent duty want of love to Christ."" to enter our most serious protest, and which we regard with unqualified dis 66 Memoir of the Life, Ministry and Corres- approbation, is the addiction he manipondence of the late Rev. George Sykes, of fested to jest with the phraseology of Rillington. pp. 285. Baynes. the Bible, which, together with certain WE are so thoroughly convinced that eccentricities, in which he occasionally the tendency of pious biography is emi- indulged, seem almost to justify the nently beneficial, that we always sit asperity of the language in which he down to the perusal of such works, was once addressed: "Sure you are determining, if possible, not to take any not a Methodist preacher ! exception ourselves, nor present any to preacher is an abominable character." the consideration of our readers, and p. 98. A jocose 22 LITERARY RECORD. New Publications. 1. Conversations on the Corporation and Test Acts. By an old Servant of the Pub- been bound. It contains an amplification, We cordially wish it all the attention 2. A Key to the Calendar: explanatory of the Fasts, Festivals, and Holidays of the Church of England, with biographical notices of the Apostles and Saints. By Josiah H. Walker. Westley and Davis, &c. An in- teresting pamphlet, containing information 3. The Child's Commentator on the Holy Scriptures, made plain and familiar to meet the infant capacity; and illustrating many por-. tions in a manner interesting and instructive. By Ingram Cobbin, A.M. No. 1. price Two Pence, to be continued monthly. 4. The Domestic Guide to the Footstool of Mercy, a course of Morning and Evening Prayers for one Month, with occasional An Original treatise on Self Knowledge. By the late Stephen Drew, Esq. Barrister, Mr. J. Mann will publish a small volume of Hymns early in the present year. Elements of Geography on a new plan, illustrated by cuts and maps. By Ingram Gazeteer of all the places occupied by Chris- tian Missionaries, with a brief description, notices of the natural history, manners and customs of the natives, &c. the progress of Christianity, with an Introductory Essay by The Rev. J. K. Foster, of Cheshunt Col- lege, bas in the press a volume, price 4s. The Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, The Life and Opinions of John de Wy- cliffe, D.D. illustrated principally from his unpublished Manuscripts, with a preliminary view of the Papal System, and of the State of the Protestant Doctrine in Europe, to the commencement of the Fourteenth Cen- tury. By Robert Vaughan. With a finely engraved Portrait by E.H. Finden, from the original picture by Sir Antonio More, now an Heirloom to the Rectory of Wycliffe, Moase (Rev. C.) on Religious Liberty, in Reply to Bishop Burgess's Catechism. OBITUARY. MRS. P. SAFFERY. and affecting peculiarity, it is our me. lancholy office to record. THE importance and felicity of true religion in our friends, as well as in She was born in 1799, at Weymouth, ourselves, is constantly growing in our where her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scriestimation as they approach the end of ven, are still living to lament the loss life. By their removal to the upper of their beloved daughter. Under the world, this holy impression is much aug-guidance of an excellent mother, her mented, being then changed into cer- attention was very early directed to the tainty, at least into solid hope, that concerns of religion. By this means, their religion has secured for them a probably, her mind was prepared for permanent safety and bliss, above which the reception and love of those holy nothing remains to be desired among principles which she afterwards chethe riches and goods of the universe. rished and displayed. She received the Of all human acquisitions, it belongs to first truly devout and permanent imreligion alone to gain in lustre and hap- pressions of religion about eleven years piness by exchanging worlds. The as- since, under the preaching of the Rev. surance of this renders it most conso- Mr. Baynes, of Wellington. From that latory to remember the pious virtues of period her character assumed a new and the dead, who, having served and loved decided form. Soon after, she became their Redeemer ou earth, are gone to a member of the Baptist church at Weythe full enjoyment of his presence. mouth. Though her piety commenced That they were pious, that their piety at so early an age, in which the most continued to live and improve till life promising and beautiful appearances are was closed, is the sole consolation that of doubtful character, and often decay, religion permits us to indulge, while it was sustained to a pleasing degree in mourning over their loss. For, however her temper and conduct. Amidst the they were loved, or even admired, for fascinations of the world, and the imthe graces of their natural loveliness, pediments resulting from the gaiety of which produced delight to themselves youth, she habitually manifested a seand to those around; these graces bear-rious attachment and love to the things ing no reference to the spiritual enjoy- of God; employing herself with much ments and virtues of eternity, have diligence in those pious and benevolent ceased to exist with the life which they cheered and adorned; but their piety, untouched by death, now refined and matured to the perfection of holiness, gives the highest joy to themselves, and reflects down comfort upon those whom they have left behind. It is thus one of the peculiar and celestial distinctions of real piety, to give happiness in both worlds at the same time; making its departed possessors supremely blessed in the presence of God, and imparting the best consolation to their mourning friends. This consolation is felt in no In May, 1826, she was married to the slight degree by the relations and friends Rev. P. Saffery, of Salisbury. This of the excellent person whose early union with a Minister of the Gospel, in death, under circumstances of tender a station rendered prominent and happy services, for which religious females are so much distinguished in the present age. So far as our knowledge of her temper and deportment extends, considering the splendid and dangerous character of the place where she lived, we think she was preserved in an unusual degree from the spirit and habits of the world. Having a sister engaged on a distant scene in the service of the Baptist mission, she felt a peculiar ardour and delight in whatever promoted the success of that Society. |