drawn ont of his hands by any act or acts, order or orders of assembly, or warrants under the hand of the governor or commander in chief, for the time being, pursuant to the powers lodged in such governor: And that the receipt or receipts of the said John Holloway, for such sum and sums, as the said Peter Beverley, esquire, shall pay him, shall be sufficient discharges to and for him the said Peter Beverley, esquire, his heirs, executors, and administrators, and every of them, for all and every such sum or sums of money so paid by him; ony act or acts heretofore made to the contrary, or seeming to the contrary, notwithstanding. And the governor or commander in chief, for the time being, is hereby impowered and desired, from time to time, as occasion shall be, to issue his warrant or warrants. directed to the said John Holloway, now treasurer, for the paiment of the several salaries of the burgesses, and other charges of this assembly, and all other paiments to be made, by any act or order of this assembly, and not paid or discharged by the said Peter Beverley, esquire: All which warrants, the said John Holloway is hereby impowered and required to obey and discharge, and to account, upon oath, to the next general assembly, of and for all and every such sum and sums of money, as he shall at any time, by virtue of this act, receive from the said Peter Beverley, esquire, or by his order, and of all paiments by him the said John Holloway to be made: And this to be done without any fee, reward, or allowance, for so doing. CHAP. IX. An Act for raising a Public Levy. CHAP. X. An Act for enlarging the jurisdiction of the Court of Hustings, in the City of Williamsburg, within the limits thereof. Pecitalof the 1. charter of the 28thof IIEREAS, your Majesty, by your letters pa tents, bearing date the twenty-eighth day of July, 1722. July, in the eighth year of your reign, under the seal of this your Majesty's most ancient colony and dominion of Virginia, hath been graciously pleased to grant unto the inhabitants of Williamsburg, your Majesty's chief town in the said colony, that the same shall be a city incorporate, consisting of a maior, one person learned in the law, stiled and bearing the office of recorder of the said city, six aldermen, and twelve common council men of the said city: And, among other things, your Majesty hath been pleased, by your said roial charter, to grant, that the said maior, recorder, and aldermen, and their successors, or any four or more of them, of which the said maior, recorder, or the last preceding maior shall be one, shall hold a court of hustings once in every month, within the said city; and shall have jurisdiction and hold plea of trespass and ejectment, and of all writs of dower for any Jands and tenements within the said city, and of all other actions personal and mixt, arising within the said city: And as a court of record, may give judgment, and award execution thereon, according to the laws and statutes of England, and of the said colony: Provided, the demand in the said action, personal or mixt, do not exceed twenty pounds current money, or four thousand pounds of tobacco. And whereas, the peace and good government of the said city, do very much depend upon a due regulation of the ordinaries and public houses, and the well ordering of servants and apprentices, within the said city, whereof the said court hath not at present competent jurisdiction: May it therefore please your most excellent Majesty, that it be enacted, to ordina II. And be it enacted, by his Majesty.s Lieutenant- Power of Governor, Council, and Burgesses, of this present Gene-court of ral Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That hustings, as from and after the passing this act, the said court of ries. hustings shall have the same power over the ordinaries and public houses within the said city, as well in granting licences, as in any other matter or thing; and shall and may hear and determine all complaints of masters, servants, and apprentices, within the said city, in the same manner as the courts of the counties of York and James City, respectively, now have or do; any act heretofore made to the contrary notwithstanding. III. And for the more easy und speedy procceding in In prosecutions, for cri the examination and commitment of persons commit- minal offenting capital crimes, or other offences, triable in the ces, duty out of the county. general court, within the said city, Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful, to and for the maior, recorder, and aldermen of the said city, or any three of them, whereof the said maior, recorder, or last preceding maior, shall be one, to take the examination of any person or persons whatsoever, suspected of having committed any capital crime, or other offence, triable in the general court, or courts of oier and terminer; and upon such examination, if they see cause, by mittimus under their hands, to commit such offender or offenders to the public goal of the said city. And the keeper thereof is hereby required to receive the body of such offender so committed, or by recognizance, to bind such offender or offenders, personally to appear before the next general court, on the fourth day thereof, or the next court of oier and terminer, and not to depart thence without leave of the said courts respectively; and also to summon and bind all such person or persons, as they shall think to be material witnesses against such offender or offenders, to appear personally before the said general court, on the said fourth day, or the said court of oier and terminer, then and there to give evidence against such offender or offenders. IV. And whereas it may happen, that the chief maInhabitants gistrates, and other inhabitants of the said city, may not compel- be listed and compelled to serve under the command of lable to perform militia the officers of the militia, in the counties of James City, and York, respectively, without the said city; and forasmuch as the same may be very inconvenient, and may render the governor's house, public magazine, and capitol, in the said city, defenceless in times of danger, Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That no inhabitant of the said city, capable of serving in the militia, shall hereafter be compellable to make his or their appearance at any muster of the militia, hereafter to be had or taken, out of the said city: But all and every such inhabitant and inhabitants (except the maior, recorder, and aldermen of the said city) shall be listed and trained, according to the laws of this colony, under the command of one or more person or persons, of the principal inhabitants of the said city, as shall be thereunto commissionated by the governor or commander in chief of this colony, for the time being; and such persons so listed and trained, shall not be compelled to go out of the said city, on any military service, without the express order of the governor or commander in chief of the said colony and dominion, for the time being, or, in his absence, without the order of the said maior, recorder, and aldermen, or the major part of them. And the said maior, recorder, and aldermen, or the major part of them, in their said court of hustings, upon the complaint of any officer or officers appointed to command the militia within the said city; and upon sufficient proof, shall and may give judgment against any person or persons listed under the command of such officer or officers, for the fines which such person or persons shall be liable to, by means of his or their not appearing, or not doing his or their duty at any muster, or upon any other service within the said city; and may also issue warrants for levying such fines as the officers of the militia, in the respective counties of this colony, may or do. And this act is hereby declared to be a public act; This a puband as such, shall be construed, deemed, and taken. CHAP. XI. An Act for dividing Saint Stephen's Parish, in the CHAP. XII. An Act for dissolving the Parish of Wilmington, in the Counties of James City and Charles City; and adding the same to other parishes. CHAP. XIII. An Act for confirming the title of John Fox, gentleman, to certain Lands formerly purchased of the Pamunky Indians. lic act. CHAP. XIV. An Act for vesting the Fee-Simple Estate of certain entailed Lands in William Meriwether, gentleman, and for vesting five Negro Slaves, therein mentioned, in Sarah Brechin, and the heirs of her body. CHAP. XV. An Act for vesting the Fee-Simple Estate of certain entailed Lands in Pierce Butler and Paulin Anderson; and for vesting other Lands therein mentioned, in Robert Stubblefield, in fee tail. Signed by HUGH DRYSDALE, Esq. Governor. |