s'd persons in whose behalf such Surveys were made shall be at liberty to assign over the same to any other person or persons that shall be willing to take out patents for the s'd tracts on y'e Conditions afores'd before the s'd 6th day of April Genl. Court or in case the s'd persons shall rather be desirous to quitt their pretensions to the s'd Lands and withdraw their Rights the Clerk of the Secretary's Office is hereby required to deliver back such Rights accordingly and for all Rights purchased of her Majestys Receiver General and not used or intended to be used the purchasers shall if they desire it, be reimbursed the money paid for the same upon returning them to the s'd Receiver General who is hereby directed to make such payment. Reserving always to such persons who Surveyed any Lands before the death of the s'd Edward Nott the benefit of their s'd Surveys according to the purport of my proclamation issued the 8th day of December 1710 until her Maj'tys pleasure be signified upon what terms the said Lands shall be granted them. And Whereas diverse persons keep possession of Lands rightfully Escheated to her Maj'ty without suing out Grants thereof under a mistaken notion that their possession will give them a preference to y'e Grant of the s'd Lands whenever the same shall be discovered, For undeceving such persons and for the better discovery of such Lands as are Escheated to her Majesty and not yet Granted, I have thought fit by and with the advice afores'd to publish and declare that as such unwarrantable possession doth not give them any Right to a Grant of such Escheated Lands so if such persons do not before the 25th day of December next coming sue for a grant of the same Lands in y'e usual manner they shall be excluded from all benefit of her Maj'tys favour as having justly forfeited the samé by endeavouring to defeat her Majesty's just Rights to such Escheated Lands. And for the better ascertaining the bounds and quantity of all Lands hereafter found to Escheat to her Maj'ty I do hereby require the persons who shall obtain a grant thereof to cause the same to be truly Surveyed and a platt thereof returned into the Sec'ry's Office, that the exact bounds and quantity may be described in the patent and without which no patent will hereafter Issue thereupon Hereby requiring the Sheriffs of the respective Countys to cause this proclamation to be published at all Churches Chappels and Court houses in their respective Countys. Given under my hand and the seal of the Colony at Williamsburgh the 12th day of August 1713 In the twelfth year of her Majestys Reign. A: SPOTSWOOD. Proclamati on, permitting the taking up of lands, within the bounds lately controverted between Tina. VIRGINIA. By her Majesty's Lieutenant Gov: & Commander in Chief of this Dominion. A PROCLAMATION enlarging the Liberty of taking up Land on the Southern Frontiers of this Government. WHEREAS the Surveyors of this Colony have been Virginia and for some Years past prohibited by Sundry orders of North Caro- the Governmt. to receive Entry for any Lands which they might judge to be within the bounds in dispute between this Colony and North Carolina: And more particularly by my proclamation of the 10th of June 1712, the said Surveyors were restrained from Entering or Surveying any Lands to the Southward of the Maherine River: Yet for as much as the due West Line wich I have Lately Caused to be run from the Mouth of Nottoway River till it intersects Roanoak River doth now Ascertain the Limits of the Contraverted Lands next to Virginia. I have therefore thought fitt by and with the Advice and Consent of Her Majesty's Council to Issue this proclamation Hereby notifying to all her Majesty's Subjects y't shall be desirous to take up Land to be held of her Majesty within this Government, That full Liberty is Given then to Enter for and take up after the usual manner any of the Lands not heretofore Entered to the North. ward of Roanoake River aforesaid, and of the Line Lately run from Thence to the Mouth of Nottoway River: And the Surveyors of the Several Countys are to take notice hereof and conform themselves Accordingly. And I do Appoint this Proclamation to be read : and Published at the Courthouses of the respective Countys on the South side of James River: to the End that all her Majestys Subjects there may reap the benefite hereby intended. Given at the Council Chamber in Williamsburgh this 16th day of June 1714 in the Thirteenth Year of her Majesty's Reign. A: SPOTSWOOD. [The foregoing documents are from a book in the office of the General Court, bound in Vellum, containing proclamations during the reign of Queen Anne, pa. 245, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251, 255, 256, 262, 264, 280, 286, 288, 317.] END OF THE FOURTH VOLUME. : : INDEX TO THE FOURTH VOLUME OF THE Statutes at Large. titled to administration 15.- |