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other matter or thing, within the purview of this act, is and are hereby repealed and made void, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had never been made.


[From edit. 1733,p. 313.]

An Act for explaining and amending an Act, intituled, An Act for appointing Rolling-Houses and Public Landings, and ascertaining the prices of Storage. 1. WHEREAS, the act made at a general assem - Preamble. bly, begun the twenty-second day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and twelve, intituled, An Act for appointing Rolling- (See ante ch. Houses and Public Landings, and ascertaining the pri- 5, 1712.) ces of Storage, by reason of the uncertain wording thereof, hath not had the desired effect of bringing all rolling-houses as near to the landings as the conveniency of the land would admit: And whereas it may seem, that the county courts are thereby obliged to keep up all rolling-houses then set within a mile of the landing, which is not intended, and cannot yield any reasonable conveniency for taking goods and merchandizes ashore from water carriages: And whereas it is absolutely necessary, for the benefit and conveniency of landing goods and merchandizes from water-carriages, that rolling-houses be also made store-houses for the reception and security of goods and merchandizes taken on shore, until the owners can send for them, and should therefore be set as near as can be to such landings:

II. Be it therefore enacted, by the Lieutenant-Gover-County nor, Council and Burgesses, of this present General As-courts may sembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the rolling-hous. same, That where any county court shall find the rol- es, inconveling houses in their county, or any of them, at incon- nient to landvenient distance to answer the benefits intended by this ings, and oract, they shall have power, and power and authority is be built. hereby granted unto them, to put down the said rollinghouses, and order or grant new ones to be built, convenient to the landings, to answer the benefits intended by this act; in which case, the said county courts shall be invested with all the powers, privileges and autho- acquired. rities of coming at the land, and setting up the said rolling and store-houses, as are granted in the like cases by the before-recited act.


others to

Lands, how

No storage III. And, after any rolling-house shall be, by any demandable county court, declared to be put down or laid aside, no for tobacco tobacco shall be accounted convenient which shall be lodged in a rolling-house thereafter lodged therein, nor any fee demandable for discontinued storage therein.


IV. And, whereas it is not provided by the said act, Owners to that the owners or keepers of such rolling houses, should keep fit per- keep at or near the said rolling-houses, capable perceive tobac- sons, for which themselves would answer, to take in such goods and merchandizes delivered to them, and to give receipts, Be it therefore enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That each owner or keeper of a rolling-house or store house, shall keep at or near such house, some capable person, who shall always take in such tobacco, goods, and merchandizes, as shall be brought thither, and preserve the same, or be liable to make good the damages which shall happen to the said tobacco, goods, and merchandizes, (as by the said act is directed) on failure in any of the premises.

Storage for salt.

V. And whereas, by the said cited act, there is a rate set, for storage of grain, but none for salt, and other such like unpacked commodities, Be it also enacted, That the price of storage for salt, and other such like unpacked commodities, be after the same rate as the storage therein set for grain.

[From edit.


1733,p. 314.] An Act for settling new Ferries on Pamunky, Mattapony, and Patowmack Rivers; and for ascertaining the Rates of Ferriage for Wheel-Carriages.


New ferries




a good regulation of ferries, within

this his Majesty's colony and dominion of Virginia, hath been found very beneficial and useful, for the dispatch of publick affairs, and for the ease and benefit of travellers, and men in business; but by reason of the increase of settlements, and otherwise, the ferries already appointed by law, are not sufficient to answer the ends aforesaid: For remedy whereof, and for the better transportation of goods and merchandize,

II. Be it enacted by the Lieutenant-Governor, Counestablished. cil, and Burgesses, of this present General Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That ferries be constantly kept at the places hereafter named; and that the rates for passing the said ferries, and transportation of the said goods and merchandize, be as follow, that is to say:

On Pamunky River,

From Robert King's, over the said river, the price Rates of ferfor a man, three pence, and for a horse, three pence. riage. From Sweet Hall, over the said river, to the mouth of Tank's Queen Creek, on either side thereof, the price for a man, six pence, and for a horse, six pence.

On Mattapony River.

From Samuel Norment's, over the said river, the price for a man, three pence, and for a horse, three pence, and for each hogshead of tobacco, six pence.

From William White's over the said river, the price for a man, three pence, and for a horse, three pence, and for each hogshead of tobacco, six pence.

On Potowmack River,

From colonel Rice Hoe's, to Cedar Point, in Maryland, the price for a man, two shillings, for a horse, two shillings.

by act

III. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That the licences for keeping the said ferries, Keepers regshall be obtained after such manner, and the keepers 53, 1705. thereof under such regulations, advantages, and restrictions, as are mentioned, prescribed, and comprised, in and by one act of assembly, made in the fourth year of the reign of our late sovereign lady, Queen Anne, intituled, An act for the regulation and settlement of ferries, and for dispatch of public expresses, to be thereby made, granted, and allowed to the ferrykeepers therein mentioned.

IV. And for the encouragement of all ferry-keepers, Boats for within this colony, to provide convenient boats, for the transportatransportation of coaches, carts and waggons, Be it tion of wheel enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That were ferries carriages. are already, or hereby established, it shall and may be lawful, to and for the courts of the counties wherein

such ferries are or shall be kept, at any time when they shall find it necessary, for the conveniency of travellers, and transportation of goods and merchandizes, to direct and appoint proper boats to be kept at the said ferries, for the convenient transportation of coaches, waggons, and other wheel-carriages.

V. And, when such boats shall be so provided and Rates of fer- kept, Be it further enacted, That it shall and may be riage, for lawful for the keeper or keepers, of such ferries, to dewhell-carria- mand and take for the ferriage and transportation of


such wheel-carriages, after the rates, following, that is to say: For every coach, chariot, or chaise with four wheels, or waggon, the same rates as are by law established, at such ferries respectively, for the ferriage of six horses; and for every two-wheel chaise, or cart, the same rate as is by law established for the ferriage of four horses; and no more.


An Act for raising a Public Levy.


An Act for dividing St. John's Parish, in the County of


An Act for enlarging Charles City County; and for consolidating those parts of the Parishes of Westover and Weynoake, on the North side James River, and that part of Wallingford Parish, on the West side Chicohominy River.


An Act to divide those parts of the Parishes of Westover and Weynoake, which lie on the South side James River, from those parts of the said Parishes which

lie on the North side the said River; and for uniting Westover and Weynoake Parishes; on the South side James River, to Martin Brandon Parish, in the County of Prince George; and for erecting a Chapel in Bristol Parish, in the said County.


An Act for dividing the Parish of Henrico, in the County of Henrico.


An Act for dividing Richmond County.
[King George County formed.]


An Act for dividing New-Kent County.
[Hanover County formed.]


An Act to impower Henry Cary, gentleman, to finish the House of the Governor of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia.


An Act to alter the day for Northampton County Court.


An Act to enable Abraham Cocke, to sell certain intailed Lands; and for settling other Lands to the same uses.

Signed by ALEXANDER SPOTSWOOD, Esq. Governor.


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