| Great Britain - Law - 1807 - 730 pages
...by the person so appointed or directed, att books and papers of such person *. appointed or directed shall, to all intents and purposes, be deemed and taken to be, and shall be read and admitted in evidence i? the books and papers of the proper officer. LXII. And... | |
| Abraham John Valpy - Great Britain - 1813 - 684 pages
...service shall belong to any of her Majesty's subjects of Great Britain, for the space of two years, shall, to all intents and purposes, be deemed and taken to be a natural-born subject of her Majesty's Kingdom of Great Britain, and have, and enjoy, all the privileges,... | |
| Thomas H. Palmer - United States - 1814 - 634 pages
...that if any foreign seaman shall serve on board of any British vessel for the space of two years, he shall, to all intents and purposes, be deemed and taken to be a natural born subject of his majesty's kingdom of Great Britain, and have and enjoy all the privileges,... | |
| David Ramsay - History - 1817 - 522 pages
...service shall belong to any of her majesty's subjects of Great Britain, for the space of two yours, shall, to all intents and purposes, be deemed and taken to be a natural born subject of ber majesty's kingdom of Great Britain, and have and enjoy all the privileges,... | |
| William Earnshaw - Great Britain - 1818 - 648 pages
...belongs, or to any other Port in which she may be legally registered ; on Failure whereof such Ship shall to all Intents and Purposes be deemed and taken to be a Foreign Ship. 26 Geo. 3. c. 60. § 24. 36. The Owners of all Ships taken by any of His Before Registry... | |
| Virginia, William Waller Hening - Law - 1819 - 612 pages
...abettors, and taken and subscribed the oath of abjuration, and repeated and subscribed the test, and also subscribed to be conformable to the doctrine and discipline...all intents and purposes be deemed and taken to be vestrymen of the said parish. X. And be it furtlier enacted, by the mtthonty aforesaid, That upon the... | |
| Virginia - Law - 1820 - 604 pages
...number of vestrymen, in each parish, twelve, and no more: Which vestrymen, so continued, and elected, having taken the oaths appointed by law, and subscribed to be conformable to the doctrine and disciplincof the church of England, shall, to all intents and purposes, be deemed and taken to be the... | |
| Edward Ingersoll - Law - 1821 - 882 pages
...Pennsylvania, to the district court of the United States for the western district of Pennsylvania, shall, to all intents, and purposes, be deemed and taken to be depending in the said court on the said first Monday of June last, and the same proceedings may be... | |
| Great Britain - 1822 - 900 pages
...of any Person or Persons, not being a Subject or Subjects of His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, shall to all Intents and Purposes be deemed and taken to be a Ship or Vessel of the Built of the Foreign All Goods of Morocco imported into Gibraltar. Jewels,... | |
| Virginia - Law - 1822 - 678 pages
...elected, having in the court of the said county of Sussex taken the oaths prescribed by law, and in vestry subscribed to be conformable to the doctrine and discipline...purposes, be deemed and taken to be the vestry of (he said parish of Albemarle. Provided, That any suit now depending, or hereafter to be brought by... | |
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