| Edward Hatton - 1712 - 332 pages
...Bonds, Contracts and Ajjurances wbatfoever made after the Time aforefaid for Payment of any Principal er Money to be lent or covenanted to be performed upon ; or for any Ufttry whereupon or whereby there jhall be referved or taken above the Rate of fix Pounds in the Hundred... | |
| Great Britain - 1763 - 556 pages
...and that all bonds, contraéis and affurances whatfoever made after the time aforefaid, for payment of any principal or money to be lent or covenanted to be performed, upon or for any ufury, whereupon or whereby there fhall be referved or taken above the rate of eight pounds in the... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1763 - 570 pages
...and that all bonds, contracts and aflurances whatfoever made after the time aforefaid, for payment of any principal or money to be lent or covenanted to be performed, upon or for any ufury, whereupon or whereby there ihall be referved or taken above the rate of eight pounds in the... | |
| Connecticut - Law - 1784 - 410 pages
...Money lent, or covenanted to bêlent upon, or for Ufury, whereupon or whereby there ihall be referved or taken above the Rate of Six Pounds in the Hundred, as aforefaid, ihall be utterly void. And all and every Perfon and Perfons whatfoever, who ihall take,... | |
| Adam Anderson - Commerce - 1787 - 662 pages
...that all bonds and aflurances whatever, made after the time aforefaid, for payment of " any principal money to be lent or covenanted to be performed, upon or for any ufury, 4' whereupon there ihall be referved or taken above the rate of fix pounds in the hundred, "... | |
| Great Britain. Courts - Law reports, digests, etc - 1793 - 430 pages
...com« modify, above five fer cent. ; and " all bond«, contraéis, and aflurances, *' »or payment of any principal or " money to be lent, or covenanted to " be performed upon or for any ufu" ry, whereupon or whereby there <• mall be referved or taken above the " rate of five fer tent,... | |
| Sir John Bayley - Bills of exchange - 1797 - 158 pages
...time; and that all contra6tSj and affurances whatfoever, made after the time aforefaid, for payment of any principal, or money to be lent or covenanted to be performed upon or for any ufury, whereupon or whereby there fhall be referved or taken above the rate of ^'5. in the hundred,... | |
| Stewart Kyd - Bills of exchange - 1800 - 328 pages
...Ann. ft. 2. c. 16. fi " All bonds, contrafts, and affurances whatfoever, A a 2 made. made for payment of any principal, or money to be lent, or covenanted to be performed up.on or for any ufury, whereupon or whereby there fhall be reJerved or taken above the rate of five pounds in the hundred,... | |
| Adam Anderson - Commerce - 1801 - 810 pages
...And that all bonds, contracts, and affûrances whatfoever, made after the faid "' date for payment of any principal or money to be lent, or covenanted to be performed upon " or for any ufury," (more efpecially as the natural intereft of money, or what a refponfiblc H z тан 1714 man... | |
| Law - 1805 - 678 pages
...whatsoever, If hisher Jnmade after the Time aforesaid, for Payment of any Principal or edTsecurUies Money to be lent, or covenanted to be performed, upon or for any voidUsury, whereupon or whereby there shall be reserved or taken above the Rate of six Pounds in the... | |
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