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Governments, like Clocks, go from the motion Men give them; and as Governments are made and moved by Men, so by them
they are ruined too. Wherefore Governments rather depend upon Men than Men upon Governments. Let MEN be good and the
Government cannot be bad. If it be ill, they will cure it. But if Men be bad, they will endeavor to warp and spoil it to their turn.
Preface to the Constitution of Pennsylvania, by William Penn,




ENTERED according to act of Congress, in the year 1846, by

in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.



ABOLITIONISTS. Author not one 65; Marcy
proposed to abolish the 274; Jefferson one of by 160.
the first and firmest 276; Young on 281.


Baker, Caleb. 158; Butler's reinforcement
Baltimore Convention, 1844. 291 to 298.
Bamber, John and James. Marcy's con-

Bancroft, George. Was anti-slavery 295;
on Convention, ib.

ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY. Young a means of
his election as president 57, 58; on Mexico duct to 67.
61; Albany Argus speaks for 76; and again
83; 97; 101; vindicates Jackson's Florida
inroad 107; on navigation of St. Lawrence
111; Kendall on 118; for relief to exiles 131;
bank votes 134; bank enquiry baulked by 28; deposites in 124.

Polk 135; on the bloodhound 146; Campbell
agt. 193; Croswell's artful plan agt. 195; didn't
resign 198; Wright on 203; Sanford for 204;
election lost by 206; Swartwout's unprincipled
opp. to 209; V. B. and 214; to Dutee J.
Pearce 253; [his father on Canada 282.]

Adopted Citizens. See Foreigners.

Albany Argus. [See Edwin Croswell.]
Not in state library, when for U. S. bank
76; views, 1828, 128; V. B. on 190; on both
sides 195.

Albany Regency, or Bucktail Head-quar-
ters. 51 Feds. join them 29; 168; Noah



Bank of Alabama, Deposites at Mobile 124.
Bank of America, N. Y. Origin of 26 to

Bank of England. Its loans 1835 to '37--
137; Peel on its new charter 140.

Bank of State of N. Y. 116; a national pet
124; a state pet 139.

Bank Restriction Act. On repealing it 138;
Marcy and Flagg agt. 175, 176, 177.

Bank Stock Tax. Nevins agt. 188.

Bank Suspensions, 1814, 1837, 1839. Gris-
wold on 124; Binney on 135; in '37-136-7;
Washington and Warren, and Barker's Ex-
change 154 to 162.

Bankrupt Law. Van Buren's profligacy
caused the necessity of 78; bank movements
137; Butler, Edmonds, &c. on 267.

BANKS. Tompkins on 27; Bailey on 28;
Pennsylvania 36; a bank hard pressed 39 to

Allen, Orlando. Buffalo bank and 91.
Allen, Stephen. Sub-treasurer 139:
nounces the banks, he had made 174; to Hoyt 44; N. Y. 1828-84 to 86; Clinton, &c. on 86,
for Tammany Bank 241; for U. S. bank, ib. 87; affect public justice 86; in Buffalo 90,
Allen, Wm. Senate. Non-colonial 280; for 91; Jackson on 92; Cambreleng and 101;
Young about 128 to 130; assi assignats preferred

V. B. 295.

Alley, Saul, 112; on tyranny of bank mono- to 138; Hard on 138; Peel on 140; Olcott on
poly [a new discovery!] 174; wants Thomp- pretended 157; hints to empty handed, by
son removed 214; how made a bank director


[blocks in formation]

Butler 154 to 160; Flagg and Marcy on 175;
Nevins on 188-9; Cambreleng & Tibbetts on
232-3; bankrupt 267.

[See also, Banks, of America, Auburn, State
of N. Y., Buffalo, Chenango, Chemical, Cin-
cinnati, Dry Dock, England, Exchange, Ful-
ton, Girard, Hudson, Long Island, Lyons, Me-
chanics & Farmers', Manhattan, Merchants',
Morris Canal, Metropolis, New Hope, N. A.
Trust, Plattsburgh, Tonawanda, Tradesmen's,
Utica, Watervliet, Washington and Warren;
Bk. restriction; Bk. Suspensions; Free Bank-
ing; N. Y. Safety Fund banks; Pet or depo-
site do.; Sub Treasury, and Stockjobbers.]

Barbour, Philip P. In Crawford Caucus
55 and 195; 101.

Barker, George P. City Bank, Buffalo and
90, 91; 132.

Barker, G. R. cashier. Letter to Butler 161.
Barker, Jacob. Sets up Butler as a 'wild
cat bank' president at Sandy Hill, 38; entraps the

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public 39, 40; puffs his Washington and War- from Canal Board 53; against choice of Elec-
ren concern 42, 43; wants a national bank tors by the citizens 57; 194; praises V. B. for
44; Buffalo Bank and 154; Butler's manage- his uprightness 102; 112; with Butler 169;
m't of his W. and W. bank 152 to 162; on the 185; V. B. on 216; 218; aided in starting
W. & W. B. 159; pays off Butler 163, would Blair 233.

hire him again 165; to be tried for fraud 169;
letters 192, 220.

Beach Moses Y. Polk's herald, through
Sun 280; extraordinary change of his Texas
policy 305 to 307.

Beardsley, Levi. Vote on Buffalo City
Bank 90; 111; 129.

Beardsley, Samuel. On bank deposites, and
Polish exiles 131; Bank votes 134; nickname
253; to Hoyt-notice of 254.

Beekman, Dr. John P. 154; on V. B. 293.
Beers, Joseph D. 137; a proper deputy 261.
Bennett, James Gordon. On Kendall 122;
on Calhoun 139; on state prison for defaulters
141; 184; letters 221, 222; Marcy, Webb and
235-6; on Van Buren, U. S. Bank and big
gun 236-7; borrowing-hot for V. Buren-
gets a cooler 245.

Boyd, G. D., Columbus. Embezzles $51,000


[blocks in formation]

Brinkerhoff, Jacob. On Canada 283; for
Van Buren 295.

Britain. Great, glorious, salutary and
peaceful reforms in 46, 47.

Brokers, Wall St. Butler abuses them 45;
is sharper than 160.

Brownson, Alvin [federal, mercht. Oswego].
Votes to drive Clinton from the canals 53;
with the immortal 17, 57; a Butler democrat

Benton, Nath'l S. On banks, &c. 93.
Benton, Thomas Hart. Votes for Steven-169.
son 98; and for V. B. 112.

Berrien, John M. of Ga. Jackson and 109.

Betting on Elections. V. Buren for, Wright
against 205; Gouverneur's 213; Hill's 239;
Ritchie's 240; Hoyt and J. V. Buren's 255;
Webb's ib.; Lawrence's 262.

Betts, Judge Sam. R. Could not find a law
to punish Hoyt, [He only stole $220,000!]
141; laws scarce nowadays, ib.; notice of 190.
Biddle, Nicholas. Van Buren and Marcy's
petition to 79; who he was 115.

Binney, Horace. Report on treasury banks
133: speech on Polk's pets 135; on currency


Birchard, Matthew, Solr. Treas. Fiat against
merchants at Hoyt's request 271; 152.

Bronson, Greene C. 207.

Brown, William [Brown, Shipley & Co.]
Bank loan to 137.

Brownson, O. A. On trading politicians
35; letter to Mackenzie 143.
Buchanan, James.
policy changed 280.
Buckner, Wm. G.
and 179.

98; 100; 123; colonial
Hoyt, and the banks

Bucktails. How named 50; Crawford cau-
cus 57; Butler joins 163; no office if not one
186; flag 198; 211.

Buel, Judge Jesse. Sells Argus to V. Bu-
ren, &c. 190.

Buffalo, Bank of, 1816. Dishonest charter
granted by Van Buren, &c., to 31 to 33; But-
ler on 154; Hoyt for cashier 155.

Buffalo, Bank of. 91.

Buffalo, City Bank of. Some facts about

Blair, F. P. On foreigners 71; for banks
88; on Congress 97; against Sub-treasury 134,
139, 140; his style approved by V. B. speci-
mens 144; notice of 145; Fisk on, ib.; on pub-90, 91.
lic expenditure 146 to 149; a hired machine of
state 215; $2,022 paid for his press 233; lost
the printing 242; on Polk 292; for anybody 295.
Bleecker, Harmanus. Anti-war fed.-gets
office from V. B. 44.

Blennerhassett, Harman. Burr's confeder-
ate 62; his son 259.

Bloodhounds. Imported to track Indians
and poor negroes in Florida 146.

Bockee, Judge Abraham, [Ex-N. Y. Cus-
toms.] Votes to let the pets keep U. S. trea-

sure 134.

Bogardus, Cornelius S. 10; 13, 14; 223;


Buffalo Commercial Advertiser. On Mar-
cy, &c. 125.

Buffalo, Commercial Bank of. 94.
Bunner, Rudolph. 200; 212.
Buonaparte, Napoleon. On national hospi-
tality 67.

Burke, Edmund. On popular movements,
1; on currency and usury 149.

BURR, AARON. 21; the first to nominate
Jackson 58; 259; his plans against Mexico
and this Union 60 to 63; notice of 62.

Burrows, Latham A. Skinner tries to in-

fluence 197.

Burrows, Silas E. Swartwout praises 222;
Bouck, Joseph. Vote on deposits to pets 131. notice of 223; loan to Webb and Noah 235.
Boughton, Dr. Smith A. J. V. Buren gets BUTLER, BENJAMIN F. 5; Glentworth affair
$1250 for speaking at his two trials 148.
by 11; 16; Polk continues $20,000 a year to,
Bowman, John, of Monroe Co. Moves ex- Ritchie defends him-Butler's early life-piety
pulsion of Clinton from Canal Board 53; gets of father and son-Washington & Warren
Rochester bank (party) charter, ib.; one of the bank charter passed 37, 38; Butler as its pres-
immortal 17, 57.
ident 39 to 44; hypocrisy ib.; Wright en-

Bowne, Walter. Voted to expel Clinton dorses him 41; on Polk, ib.; the Brokers and

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