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To Monguago, one-half a section of land, at Mish-she-wa-ko-kink. To Pierre Moran or Peeresh, a Pattiwatima chief, one section of land, and to his children two sections of land, at the mouth of the Elk-heart river.

To Pierre Le Clerc, son of Moi-qua, one section of land on the Elk-heart river, above and adjoining the tract granted to Moran and his children.

The section of land granted by the treaty of St. Mary's, in 1818, to Peeresh or Perig, shall be granted to Jean B. Cicot, son of Pesay-quot, sister of the said Peeresh, it having been so intended at the execution of the said treaty.

To O-she-ak-ke-be or Benac, one-half of a section of land on the north side of the Elk-heart river, where the road from Chicago to fort Wayne first crosses the said river.

To Me-naw-che, a Pattiwatima woman, one-half of a section of land on the eastern bank of the St. Joseph, where the road from Detroit to Chicago first crosses the said river.

To Theresa Chandler or To-e-ak-qui, a Pattiwatima woman, and to her daughter Betsey Fisher, one section of land on the south side of the Grand river, opposite to the Spruce Swamp.

To Charles Beaubien and Medart Beaubien, sons of Man-naben-a-qua, each one-half of a section of land near the village of Ke-wi-go-shkeem, on the Washtenaw river.

To Antoine Roland, son of I-gat-pat-a-wat-a-mie-qua, one half of a section of land adjoining and below the tract granted to Pierre


To William Knaggs, or Was-es-kuk-son, son of Ches-qua, onehalf of a section of land adjoining and below the tract granted to Antoine Roland.

To Madeline Bertrand, wife of Joseph Bertrand, a Pattiwatima woman, one section of land at the Parc aux Vaches, on the north side of the river St. Joseph.

To Joseph Bertrand, junior, Benjamin Bertrand, Laurent Bertrand, Theresa Bertrand, and Amable Bertrand, children of the said Madeline Bertrand, each one-half of a section of land at the portage of the Kankakee river.

To John Riley, son of Me-naw-cum-a-go-quoi, one section of land, at the mouth of the river Au Foin, on the Grand River, and extending up the said river.

To Peter Riley, the son of Me-naw-cum-e-go-qua, one section of land, at the mouth of the river Au Foin, on the Grand River, and extending down the said river.

To Jean B. Le Clerc, son of Moi-qua, one-half of a section of land, above and adjoining the tract granted to Pierre Le Clerc. To Joseph La Framboise, son of Shaw-we-no-qua, one section of land upon the south side of the river St. Joseph, and adjoining on the upper side the land ceded to the United States, which said section was also ceded to the United States.

The tracts of land herein stipulated to be granted, shall never be leased or conveyed by the grantees or their heirs to any persons whatever, without the permission of the President of the United States. And such tracts shall be located after the said cession is surveyed, and in conformity with such surveys as near as may be, and in such manner as the President may direct.

ART. 4. In consideration of the cession aforesaid, the United States engage to pay to the Ottawa nation, one thousand dollars in specie, annually forever, and also to appropriate annually, for the term of ten years, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, to be expended as the President may direct, in the support of a blacksmith, of a teacher, and of a person to instruct the Ottawas in agriculture, and in the purchase of cattle and farming utensils. And the United States also engage to pay to the Pattiwatima nation five thousand dollars in specie, annually, for the term of twenty years, and also to appropriate annually, for the term of fifteen years, the sum of one thousand dollars, to be expended as the President may direct, in the support of a blacksmith and a teacher. And one mile square shall be selected, under the direction of the President, on the north side of the Grand River, and one mile square on the south side of the St. Joseph, and within the Indian lands not ceded, upon which the blacksmiths and teachers employed for the said tribes, respectively, shall reside.

ART. 5. The stipulation contained in the treaty of Greenville, relative to the right of the Indians to hunt upon the land ceded while it continues the property of the United States, shall apply to this treaty.

ART. 6. The United States shall have the privilege of making and using a road through the Indian country, from Detroit and fort Wayne, respectively, to Chicago.

ART. 7. This treaty shall take effect and be obligatory on the contracting parties, as soon as the same shall be ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof.

In testimony whereof, the said Lewis Cass and Solomon Sibley, commissioners as aforesaid, and the chiefs and warriors of the said Ottawa, Chippewa, and Pattiwatima nations, have hereunto set their hands, at Chicago aforesaid, this 29th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one.


Lewis Cass,

Solomon Sibley.

Kewagoushcum, his x mark,
Nokawjegaun, his x mark,
Kee-o-to-aw-be, his x mark,
Ket-che-me-chi-na-waw, his x mark,

Ep-pe-san-se, his x mark,


Kay-nee-wee, his x mark,
Mo-a-put-to, his x mark,
Mat-che-pee-na-che-wish, his x mark,

Met-tay-waw, his x mark,
Mich-el, his x mark,

PATTIWATIMAS, To-pen-ne-bee, his x mark,

Mee-te-ay, his x mark,
Chee-banse, his x mark,
Loui-son, his x mark,
Wee-saw, his x mark,
Kee-po-taw, his x mark,
Shay-auk-ke-bee, his x mark,
Sho-mang, his x mark,
Waw-we-uck-ke-meck, his x mark,
Nay-ou-chee-mon, his x mark,
Kon-gee, his x mark,
Shee-shaw-gan, his x mark,
Aysh-cam, his x mark,
Meek-say-mank, his x mark,
May-ten-way, his x mark,
Shaw-wen-ne-me-tay, his x mark,
Francois, his x mark,
Mauk-see, his x mark,
Way-me-go, his x mark,
Man-daw-min, his x mark,
Quay-guee, his x mark,
Aa-pen-naw-bee, his x mark,
Mat-cha-wee-yaas, his x mark,
Mat-cha-pag-gish, his x mark,
Mongaw, his x mark,
Pug-gay-gaus, his x mark,
Ses-cobe-mesh, his x mark,
Chee-gwa-mack-gwa-go, his x mark,
Waw-seb-baw, his x mark,
Pee-chee-co, his x mark,
Quoi-quoi-taw, his x mark,
Pe-an-nish, his x mark,
Wy-ne-naig, his x mark,
Onuck-ke-meck, his x mark,
Ka-way-sin, his x mark,
A-meck-kose, his x mark,
Os-see-meet, his x mark,
Shaw-ko-to, his x mark,
No-shay-we-quat, his x mark,
Mee-gwun, his x mark,
Mes-she-ke-ten-now, his x mark,

Kee-no-to-go, his x mark,

Wa-baw-nee-she, his x mark,
Shaw-waw-nay-see, his x mark,
Atch-wee-muck-quee, his x mark,
Pish-she-baw-gay, his x mark,
Waw-ba-saye, his x mark,
Meg-ges-seese, his x mark,
Say-gaw-koo-nuck, his x mark,
Shaw-way-no, his x mark,
Shee-shaw-gun, his x mark,
To-to-mee, his x mark,
Ash-kee-wee, his x mark,
Shay-auk-ke-bee, his x mark,
Aw-be-tone, his x mark.

[blocks in formation]

The tract reserved at the village of Match-e-be-nash-she-wish, at the head of the Ke-kal-i-ma-zoo river, was by agreement to be three miles square. The extent of the reservation was accidentally omitted.



Articles of a treaty entered into and concluded at the United States factory, on the M. De Cigue Augt. by and between Richard Graham, agent of Indian affairs, authorized on the part of the United States for that purpose, and the chiefs, warriors, and head men, of the tribes of Great and Little Osage Indians, for themselves and their respective tribes, of the other part.

Whereas, by the second article of the treaty made and entered into between the United States and the Great and Little Osage nations of Indians, concluded and signed at fort Clark, on the Missouri, on the tenth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and eight, it is stipulated that the United States shall establish at that place, and permanently continue, at all seasons of the year, a well assorted store of goods for the purpose of bartering with them on moderate terms for their peltries and furs: now we, the said chiefs, warriors, and head men, in behalf of our said tribes, for and in consideration of two thousand three hundred and twentynine dollars and forty cents, to us now paid in merchandise, out of the United States factory, by said Richard Graham, on behalf of the United States, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do exonerate, release, and forever discharge, the United States from the obligation contained in the said second article above mentioned; and the aforesaid second article is, from the date hereof, abrogated and of no effect.

In witness whereof, the said Richard Graham and the chiefs, warriors, and head men, of the Great and Little Osage tribes, have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals, this thirty-first day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two.

R. Graham,

L. S.


Pahuska, his x mark, or White Hair, head chief, B. O. Neshumoiny, his x mark, or Walk in Rain, head chief L. O. L. s,

Kahegewashinpisheh, his x mark,

L. S.

Big Soldier, his x mark,

L. S.

Cothistwoshko, his x mark,

L. S.

Tocathingah, his x mark,

L. S.

Towakaheh, his x mark, chief of the Crosse Cotte V.

L. S.

[blocks in formation]
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