Census, of Cherokees west to be taken, conditionally Cession, lands north and east of Tennessee river, etc., excepting Jolly's island reservations in second article, treaty Oct. 27, 1805, (see page 124) and a tract of 12 miles square, in trust for school fund to be sold, and proceeds vested lands now ceded, to be in full for lands assigned to emigrants Education, reservations to be surveyed and ceded in trust for school fund 268 265 265 266 266 265 tracts to be sold, and proceeds vested in stock; dividends to be applied to education 267 Improvements, 640 acres to each family, in lieu of : 266 Intruders, on reservations, to be removed by United States Reservations, 640 acres to each family in ceded territory, who become citi Unicoy Turnpike Company, rights not affected by this treaty Annuities, $2,000, three years, for recovery of cattle $2,000, ten years, for education Blanket, to each member of family emigrating Boundary, of Arkansas, western, defined of lands to Cherokees west of Arkansas, defined lines to be run by October 1, 1828 Cession, lands in Arkansas secured by former treaties Education, $2,000, ten years, to be expended for buildings erected by benevolent society, to be paid for Emigration, to each head of family, removing from Georgia, a rifle, blanket, Factory, claim of United States for $3,500, due to, relinquished 425 Graves, Thomas, $1,200 to be paid, for losses and sufferings [annulled by treaty February 14, 1833-see page 564, art. 3.] Mills, grist and saw, to be erected in new country 244 Outlet, west, perpetual, guarantied [8 corn mills substituted by treaty February 14, 1833, see page 564.] 424 427 Printing press and types, $1,000 to be expended for not to embrace lands ceded to Creeks and others Rifle, to each head of family emigrating from Georgia [annulled by treaty February 14, 1833-see page 564, art. 3.] Tobacco, five pounds to each head of family emigrating from Georgia Several of the provisions of this treaty, altered by treaty of February 14, 1833sce page 561. 425 426 424 428 425 426 426 427 427 426 426 No. 16. Blacksmiths, four to be employed, and four shops erected 564 Boundary, of new reservation, defined : 563 Cession, lands reserved by treaty of May 6, 1828 : 563 Iron and steel, four tons iron, and one thousand pounds steel, annually 564 Laws, obligation to provide by United States, annulled 564 Mills, eight patent railway corn mills, to be erected by U. S. Survey, obligation to make, by United States, annulled 564 564 Wheel-wright, one to be employed, and one shop erected under this treaty, for two years, to be advanced by United States, and expended in provisions and clothing for poor classes 643 Boundary, from Old Arkansas line, to Verdigris river, etc. 635 Buildings, at New Echota, to be used by United States for settling business 642 Cession, all lands east of Mississippi river agency, to be occupied by agent 643 635 Citizenship, heads of families, desirous to remain within the States, shall receive 160 acres of land; those not now there, may locate within two years 640 Claims, upon Indians, payment guarantied by United States without expense, [rejected by the Senate ] 644 of Western Cherokees, not to be affected by this treaty, [rejected 645 under this treaty, to be adjudicated by commissioners 643 Cherokees Clothing, part of annuity for two years to be expended for 500,000, to be deducted for additional reservation 15,000, for Osage reservations 200,000, to be vested by President, and interest paid to 100,000, for the benefit of poorer class who emigrate last item added to national fund of $400,000 Debts, due by Indians, to be paid out of money paid for improvements $60,000, allotted therefor, to be paid by United States Depredations, $300,000 to be paid for, by United States and the amount expended for Osage schools $150,000 to be vested, and interest applied to 643 640 646 638 635 636 637 639 641 647 638 639 639 639 637 639 $50,000 to be vested, for education and support of orphans 639 639 principal may be withdrawn, on giving two years notice 639 640 647 Emigration, in wagons and steamboats provided for; a physician with me dicines shall accompany each detachment; shall be sub- 638 Emigration, those out of nation, entitled to remove in two years 638 teachers to be removed west at expense of United States 639 640 642 $600,000 allowed, in lieu of expenses of 646 Expenses of negotiating this treaty, to be defrayed by United States 647 Improvements, to be valued by agents, and paid for 638 Cherokees dispossessed of, by laws of Georgia, to be restored or paid for 642 Intruders, shall be removed by United States 637 Laws, power to make for themselves, granted to Cherokees 637 not to extend to citizens or soldiers of the United States 637 Military posts, United States reserve right to establish 636 638 640 639 report of application of funds to be made to the President principal may be withdrawn on giving two years notice Pensions, granted to warriors wounded in service of United States Pre-emption rights secured to Cherokees who remain within the States Provisions, part of annuity for two years, to be expended in 643 635 perpetual outlet west 636 letters patent to be issued for 636 salt plain, for the use of other tribes 636 800,000 acres between west line of Missouri and Osage nation, excepting lands assigned to the Quapaws 636 military post at Fort Gibson; if abandoned, to revert to Chero- 636 to Osages, 1825, title to be extinguished by United States 636 $15,000 estimated therefor, per schedule 637 for Osage schools, to be appraised and paid for by U. States made under former treaties to individuals, and since sold by 641 such as have not been sold, confirmed to original reservees allowance for spoliations for agency, to be used by United States, or United States agent Roads, United States reserve the right to make such as are necessary Stipulations, in former treaties not annulled, to be continued Surplus, distribution of, provided for Survey of ceded lands, to be made immediately 2 1801, Oct. 24 Chickasaw Bluffs Wilkinson, Hawkins, and 1802, May 1 Pickens 3 1805, July 23 Chickasaw Coun'y Robertson and Dinsmoor 1807, May 22 4 1816, Sept. 20 Chickasaw Coun-Jackson, Meriwether and 1816, Dec. 30 83 116 201 cil House Franklin on Indians, to be punished same as if on whites 16 Hostilities, intended against U. S. to be made known retaliations for, not to be practised Intruders, forfeit protection of U. S. and may be punished 16 17 16 Prisoners, if any, negroes and other property, to be restored 15 Protection, of U. S. acknowledged 15 Reservations, tract of five miles at the Muscle Shoals, for trading post 16 Merchandize, $700 given for privilege of making road 83 83 Road, through Mero and Natchez districts to be opened Cession, from mouth of Caney Creek, Tennessee river, to the Tombigby Reservations, tract on north bank of Tennessee river to Geo. Colbert 201 tract on Beach creek to Appassantubby 202 [$500 given in lieu, by treaty, Oct. 19, 1818-see page 262, art. 5.] one mile square to J. McCleish 202 80 acres south side of Tennessee river to Levi Colbert 202 Trade, no more licenses to be granted goods brought in, to be forfeited Annuities, $20,000, fifteen years Reservations, [all to revert to U. S. if abandoned-see page 262, '3, art. 5.] [forfeiture changed by treaty, Oct. 19, 1818-see page 262, '3, art. 5.] No. 5. heretofore payable in goods, to be paid in cash 203 203 1 261 264 Boundary, to be marked by commissioners 263 Cession, lands north of south boundary of Tennessee 261 Colbert James, Interpreter, $1,089, lost at Baltimore, to be paid to 262 Improvements, on lands ceded, shall be paid for 263 262 Reservations, salt spring or lick, on Sandy river 262 to be leased to citizens of U. S.-[see pp. 525 and 527.] 262 Salt, a reasonable quantity to be paid annually 262 after two years, not to be sold for more than $1 for 50 lbs. 262 No 6. Agent, request that he may be continued, granted 517 when new one appointed, wishes of nation to be consulted 517 Annuities, to Tish-o-mingo, $100 during life 519 to Queen Puc-caun-la, $50 during life 519 Boundary, between Choctaw and Chickasaw lands, to be determined, and how 519 surveys of Choctaw lands not to cross the line until the true line Colbert, James, bond to, for $1811 933-4 and interest, transferred to R. provisions and means for, to be furnished Gordon, Robert, consents to take a section of land in payment of bond Investment, three-fourths proceeds of lands to be vested in stocks dividends to be used for national purposes after fifty years, may be withdrawn Land Office, to be established in central part of nation 518 523 515 518 518 518 salaries fixed, and to be paid out of proceeds sales of lands 516 section of land granted for use of 524 Mail route, weekly through the nation, requested 524 Reservations, to individuals who do not emigrate-(see page 609) 515 possession guarantied while occupied 515 to be sold after occupants remove 515 to be sold to highest bidders, not less than quarter sections 517 combinations of buyers to be prevented 517 after five years to be sold at reduced prices 517 correct list to be made out, after survey, and returned to Re gister of Land Office to be recorded 520 not to be leased or rented to any person, red, white or black 522 to young men of 17, orphans and widows, stipulated for 528 |