Annuity, $300, twelve years, in money, goods, or domestic animals Saline creek, etc. Merchandize, $2,000 worth delivered Protection, to be afforded by the United States Reservation, 640 acres on Blackwater river, to include village War, not to be declared without consent of the United States 247 [For other treaties, to which various bands of the Illinois tribe are parties, see Kaskaskias and Peorias. ] IOWAYS. NO. CONCLUDED HELD AT COMMISSIONERS RATIFIED PAGE 1 1815, Sept. 16 Portage des Sioux Clark, Edwards, and Is a treaty of peace and friendship between the United States and the tribe; hostilities shall be forgiven and forgotten; perpetual peace and friendship declared; all prisoners to be mutually delivered up at St. Louis; and all former treaties confirmed. [This appears to be the first treaty with the Ioways as a distinct tribe.] No. 2. Agriculture, persons to be employed by United States to aid in, and utensils furnished Annuities, $500, ten years may be paid in money, merchandize, provisions, or cattle merchandize to be delivered at St. Louis free of expense Blacksmith, to be supported by U. S. while President thinks proper Cattle, U. S. will furnish as many as the President deems expedient Cession, all lands in Missouri, between the Mississippi and Missouri rivers lands east and south of above, acknowledged to belong to U. S. 317 316 317 317 317 317 316 316 Consideration, $500 in cash or merchandize; and $500 ten years Treaties, none shall be held with foreign powers, States, or individuals No. 5. Agriculture, farmer and implements for five years, to be furnished, and 200 to the Sacs and Foxes, the same number Cession, lands between State of Missouri and Missouri river United States to furnish rations one year after removal Ferryboats, one to be furnished by United States to each tribe Provisions, one year after removal, to be furnished by United States KANZAS. NO. CONCLUDED HELD AT COMMISSIONERS 677 677 677 678 676 677 677 677 Stipulates that every injury or act of hostility shall be mutually forgiven and forgotten; there shall be perpetual peace and friendship; and the protection of the United States is acknowledged. No. 2. Agents, to reside within the reservation, and shall occupy as much land as Agriculture, as many persons employed to instruct, and implements furnished, as Sup't of Indian Affairs may deem expedient 334 335 Blacksmith, shall be provided and supported by the United States 335 furnished by the United States 335 Cession, all lands lying within the State of Missouri, and tract west of Missouri, on Kanzas, Nodewa, Big Nemahaw, and Missouri rivers Consideration, $3,500 annually twenty years, in money, merchandize, pro visions, or cattle goods to be delivered in St. Louis at first cost $3,000 for depredations by Indians; and $100 to F. G. Chouteau Depredations, by Indians since 1815, to be paid by U. S. to amount of $3,000 334 334 334 335 ✓ 335 335 336 334 335 Merchandize, $2,000 worth to be delivered with as little delay as possible - 335 336 Education, teachers shall reside within reservation, and occupy land 36 sections of ceded land to be sold to raise a fund for support Protection, of the United States, Kanzas shall forever remain under 337 be surveyed and marked 334 for agents and teachers, as much as may be necessary 334 36 sections on Big Blue river, for support of schools 335 to certain individuals, 23 square miles 335 shall not be sold without permission of the United States 337 White men, shall be delivered up on demand 336 No. 3. Consideration, for privilege of making a road, and the free use thereof, $500 shall be marked on either side, to enable travellers to find subsistence 370 369 370 Annuity, increased to $1,000, to be paid in money, merchandize, provi- Cession, all lands in Illinois territory, (see page 246) Consideration, $100, seven years to Catholic priest; $300 for church; and 101 101 101 102 100 $580 for debts, etc. House, United States will build one for chief, and enclose a field 101 101 102 101 Religion, $100 annually, seven years, for support of a Catholic priest, who Reservations, 350 acres near the town of Kaskaskia 101 101 100 1,280 acres, to be located within ceded lands 101 War, not to be declared against others without the consent of United States 101 No. 5. SEE PEORIAS, NO. 1 246 No. 6. Agriculture, $50, four years, allowed for implements, etc. $300, for breaking and fencing ground Annuities, of $1,000, by treaty of August 13, 1803, relinquished $3,000 ten years, to United Nation, in money or merchandize, etc. Boundary, of western reservation, defined Cattle, $400 worth, to be delivered, after ratification of treaty lands in Illinois and Missouri, claimed by the Peorias, Kaskaskias, Consideration, $3,000 to United Nation, ten years, in money, merchandize, in lieu of reservation (see page 247, art. 5,) $1,600 to Peo- Emigration, desire to unite with Peorias west, expressed $1,000 to be paid for expenses of Horses, seven lost by Kaskaskias, allowed and paid for 150 sections to Peorias and Kaskaskias, on Osage river, west claim of Peorias to 640 acres, on Blackwater river, explained Salt, annuity of 150 bushels, by treaty of 7th June, 1893, relinquished KICKAPOOS. 548 548 547 547 548 548 548 548 547 547 549 543 543 547 548 548 548 548 518 548 548 547 548 548 548 547 *There is nothing in this treaty to show at what place it was held; but by the third par. art. 1, of a treaty concluded at Edwardsville, July 30, 1819, (see page 272,) it appears to have been held at Vincennes. Annuity, $400 additional, permanently, for first cession $100, for cession of tracts between Wabash and Vermilion rivers stipulations of the treaty of Greenville, applicable to, (see page 58) Cession, by Delawares and others, on northwest side of the Wabash (see page 150) agreed to tract between Wabash and Vermilion rivers Consideration, $400 permanent additional annuities, and $800 worth of goods for first cession; $100 annuity, and $700 worth of goods, for second cession United States released from annuity of $100, if Miamis do 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 Hunting, stipulations of the treaty of Greenville applicable to, (see page 58, art 7.) No. 5. Hostilities, shall be mutually forgiven and forgotten; perpetual peace and friendship declared between United States and Kickapoos; prisoners to be mutually restored; and all prior treaties recognized and confirmed United States will take Kickapoos under their Annuities, $2,000 in silver, fifteen years, to be paid on Osage river all other tracts, on left side of Illinois and Mississippi rivers Emigration, two boats, well manned, to be furnished by United States, and Navigation, of waters, within reservation, free to citizens of United States Reservation, tract in Missouri; not to be sold without consent of the Presi 272 272 273 273 273 273 272 272 272 dent; (see page 283.) 273 peaceable possession of, guarantied 273 citizens of United States may pass and repass through Annuity, of $1,000 relinquished; and $2,000 in specie, 10 years, in lieu Boundary, of lands ceded, defined Cession, all lands on the Wabash river, heretofore claimed No. 9. Changes the terms on which the reservation granted by treaty No. 7, shall be held, viz: “to be by them possessed in like manner as the lands ceded by the first article of this [ No. 7 ] treaty by them to the United States were possessed" 275 275 275 275 283 |