The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake: Being His Next Voyage to that to Nombre de Dios ; Collated with an Unpublished Manuscript of Francis Fletcher, Chaplain to the Expedition ; with Appendices Illustrative of the Same Voyage, and Introduction |
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The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake Sir Francis Drake,Gertrude Eleanor Hollingworth,W. S. Vaux No preview available - 1933 |
Common terms and phrases
aboard againe agayne alwayes amongst anchor anker anny Arica arrowes boate bodies British Museum brought Cacafuego called canoas canowes Cape Cape Verde Captaine coast cold comming conuenient couered course danger dayes deliuered diuers dyvers England entred euen euery farre fell fleet Fletcher fresh water gaue Generall giue hands hath haue hauen hauing himselfe Iland inhabitants John king land leagues Maiestie Mastar Mastar Dowghty meanes Mogador moneth neere neuer night ouer ourselues pinnace pinnesse port Portugall Portugals present prouision receiued runne saile saue sayd T. D. sayle seemed selues sent serue shewed ship shippe shoare shore shuld sight siluer Sir Francis Drake sonn South Sea Spaniards Streight sunne Ternate themselues thence theyr things Thomas Doughty Tidore tooke traffique tyme victuals vnder vnto voyage vpon vsed wherein whereof wind
Popular passages
Page 112 - Nova Albion, and that for two causes ; the one in respect of the white banks and cliffs, which lie towards the sea, and the other, because it might have some affinity with our country in name, which sometime was so called.
Page xxiv - Doughty (as he then in the presence of us all sacredly protested) was great, yet the care he had of the state of the voyage, of the expectation of her Majesty, and of the honour of his country did more touch him (as indeed it ought) than the private respect of one man.
Page 104 - ... biting aire was nothing altered, the very roapes of our ship were stiffe, and the raine which fell was an vnnatural congealed and frozen substance, so that we seemed rather to be in the frozen Zone then any way so neere vnto the sun, or these hotter climates.
Page 110 - God, if it made for his glory, to giue cure to their diseases by these meanes. The like we did from time to time as they resorted to vs. Few were the dayes, wherein they were absent from vs, during the whole time of our abode in that place; and ordinarily euery third day they brought their sacrifices, till such time as they certainely vnderstood our meaning, that we tooke no pleasure, but were displeased with them; whereupon their zeale abated, and their sacrificing, for a season, to our good liking...
Page xlv - Neither had he omitted to make provision also for ornament and delight, carrying to this purpose with him, expert musicians, rich furniture (all the vessels for his table, yea, many belonging even to the cook-room being of pure silver), and divers shows of all sorts of curious workmanship...
Page 133 - Harleian Manuscripts, British Museum, No. 280, Folio 23• . . . and here drake watered his ship & departed sayling northwardes till he came to .48. gr. of the septentrionall Latitud still finding a very lardge sea trending toward the north but being afraid to spend long time in seeking for the straite hee turned back againe still keping along the cost as nere land as hee might, vntill hee came to .44. gr.
Page 113 - ... manner, the blood streaming downe along their brests, besides despoiling the vpper parts of their bodies of those single couerings they formerly had, and holding their hands aboue their heads that they might not rescue their brests from harme, they would with furie cast themselues vpon the ground, neuer respecting whether it were cleane or soft, but dashed themselues in this manner on hard stones, knobby hillocks, stocks of wood, and pricking bushes, or whateuer else lay in their way, itterating...
Page 192 - This cape is a most stately thing, and the fairest cape we saw in the whole circumference of the earth, and we passed by it the 18 of June.
Page 122 - Lord in the deep, in discovering so many admirable things, in going through with so many strange adventures, in escaping out of so many dangers, and overcoming so many difficulties in this our encompassing of this neather globe, and passing round about the world.
Page 181 - Generall promised our company, that whosoever could first descrie her, should have his chaine of gold for his good newes. It fortuned that John Drake going up into the top, descried her about three of the clocke, and about sixe of the clocke we came to her and boorded her, and shotte at her three peeces of...