A Treatise on the Law of Insurance: In Four Books; I. Of Marine Insurances, II. Of Bottomry and Respondentia, III. Of Insurance Upon Lives, IV. Of Insurance Against Fire, Volumes 1-2A. Strahan, 1802 - Fire insurance |
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A Treatise on the Law of Insurance: In Four Books; I. of Marine Insurances ... Samuel Marshall No preview available - 2016 |
A Treatise on the Law of Insurance: In Four Books; I. Of Marine Insurances ... Samuel Marshall No preview available - 2016 |
Common terms and phrases
abandon action adjuſtment affignment affured againſt alfo alſo anfwer arrived average averment barratry becauſe borrower bottomry captain capture caſe caufe cauſe cent circumftances common law confequence confideration contract convoy courfe courſe court damage declaration defendant deviation diſcharge Emerig enemy entitled expence fafe faid failed falvage fame faved fays feems fhall fhew fhip fhip and cargo fhip's fhould figned firft firſt flaves following cafe fome fraud freight ftat ftated fubject fuch fufficient fum infured fured himſelf infifted inſured intereft Jamaica Juftice jury lender liable loft London Lord Mansfield loſs mafter marine muft muſt neceffary neceffity occafioned opinion owner paid partial lofs perfon perils plaintiff port Pothier prefent purpoſe queſtion reaſonable recapture recover refpect return of premium rifk riſk ſaid ſhall ſhe ſhip ſtate ſuch thefe theſe thoſe tion total lofs ufage ufual underwriters unleſs uſe Valin veffel verdict warranty
Popular passages
Page 716 - ... arrests, restraints, and detainments of all kings, princes, and people, of what nation, condition, or quality soever, barratry of the master and mariners, and of all other perils, losses, and misfortunes, that have or shall come to the hurt, detriment, or damage of the said goods and merchandises, and ship, &c., or any part thereof.
Page 414 - ... surprisals, takings at sea, arrests, restraints, and detainments of all kings, princes, and people, of what nation, condition, or quality soever...
Page 711 - Upon any kind of goods and merchandises, and also upon the body, tackle, apparel, ordnance, munition, artillery, boat, and other furniture, of and in the good ship or vessel called the...
Page 689 - They must mean rebellion, where the fire is made by authority : as in the year 1745, the rebels came to Derby, and if they had ordered any part of the town, or a single house, to be set on fire, that would have been by authority of a rebellion. That is the only distinction in the case — it must be by rebellion got to such a head, as to be under authority.
Page 723 - Witness whereof the said corporation have caused their common seal to be hereunto affixed, the day of in the year of the reign of our sovereign lord by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c.
Page 723 - SECTION 21. And be it further enacted, That, in order to avoid misconstruction, it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of this act, so far as the question of slavery is concerned, to carry into practical operation the following propositions and principles, established by the compromise measures of 1850, to wit:
Page 575 - ... other cause, the premium shall be returned, because a policy of insurance is a contract of indemnity. The underwriter receives a premium for running the risk of indemnifying the...
Page 718 - Vicar, &c. of the faid pari(h and pari(h church, (hall •fhali' and will well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid...
Page 712 - And so we the assurers are contented, and do hereby promise and bind ourselves each one for his own part, our heirs, executors, and goods to the assured, their executors, administrators, and assigns for the true performance of the premises...
Page 577 - Auguft." and Mr. Wallace confiders in that cafe, that the whole policy would depend upon. the fhip failing before the ftated day. I do not think fo. On the contrary, I think with Mr. Dunning, that cannot be. A lofs in port before the day appointed for the...