COLONIES OF A PLAN FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF SOME PORTION OF OUR COLONIAL POSSESSIONS. BY JOHN ARTHUR ROEBUCK, M.P. A land there lies Now void; it fits thy people; thither bend LONDON: JOHN W. PARKER, WEST STRAND. MDCCCXLIX. PREFACE. IN the truth of the main conclusions which the following work seeks to establish, I have myself a most sincere and earnest faith; but I cannot hope that, to others, they will appear equally correct; neither do I expect that my plan will be at once adopted, and followed. There are so many interests, fancied and real, opposed to every reform in our colonial management-there is so much ignorance (I must be pardoned the word) respecting everything connected with our Colonies, that no plan could be devised which would not, on the instant of its promulgation, be met with a storm of violent abuse. Some would be angry because a profitable abuse was pointed out for extirpation; some, because the means of a fancied benefit were to be removed; others, because a real advantage would erroneously be deemed in danger; and lastly, all the timid, all those who hate chanoe because it is change, would be in arms against the plan. For all this opposition I am prepared, and shall be |