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85. 8 & 7 s. м.

Universal Praise.

1 PRAISE to thee, thou great Creator;
Praise to thee from every tongue ;
Join, my soul, with every creature,
Join the universal song.

2 For ten thousand blessings given,
For the hope of future joy,
Sound his praise through earth and heaven,
Sound Jehovah's praise on high.

86. L. M.


God's Perfections, and his Love to the Righteous. Ps. cxlvii.

1 PRAISE ye the Lord; 'tis good to raise
Our hearts and voices in his praise:
His nature and his works unite
To make this duty our delight.

2 He formed the stars, those heavenly flames;
He counts their numbers, calls their names;
His wisdom's vast, and knows no bound;
His counsels are a deep profound.

3 Great is the Lord, and great his might;
Kind are his ways, his judgments right:
He loves the meek, rewards the just,
And lifts the humble from the dust.

4 His saints are precious in his sight;
He views his children with delight;
He sees their hope, he knows their fear,
Approves and owns his image there.

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87. с. м.

Solemn Call to Praise.

1 SING to the Lord, Jehovah's name,
And in his strength rejoice;
When his salvation is our theme,
Exalted be our voice.

2 Repeat his praise with awe profound;
Let knowledge lead the song;
Nor mock him with a solemn sound
Upon a thoughtless tongue.

3 How large his tender mercies are!
How wide his power extends !
On his beneficence and care
The universe depends.

4 Come, and with humble souls adore;
Come, bow before his face;
O may the creatures of his power

Be children of his grace!

88. L. M.

Watts, alt'd.

God's Names, the Encouragement of Faith. Ps. ix. 10.

1 SING to the Lord, who loud proclaims
His various and his saving names;
O may they not be heard alone,

But by our sure experience known!

Let great Jehovah be adored,

The eternal all-sufficient Lord;

He, through the world, Most High confessed,

By whom twa

twas formed, and is possessed.

3 Awake, our noblest powers, to bless
The God of Abram, God of peace;
Now by a dearer title known,
Father and God of Christ his Son.

4 Through every age his gracious ear
Is open to his servants' prayer;
Nor can one humble soul complain
That it hath sought its God in vain.

5 What unbelieving heart shall dare
In whispers to suggest a fear,
While still he owns his ancient name?
The same his power, his love the same!

6 To thee our souls in faith arise,
To thee we lift expecting eyes,
And boldly through the desert tread;
For God will guard where God shall lead.

89. с. м.

The Sabbath of the Soul.


1 SLEEP, sleep to-day, tormenting cares,
Of earth and folly born!
Ye shall not dim the light that streams.
From this celestial morn.

2 To-morrow will be time enough
To feel your harsh control;
Ye shall not violate, this day,
The sabbath of the soul.

3 Sleep, sleep for ever, guilty thoughts!
Let fires of vengeance die;
And, purged from sin, may we behold
A God of purity!

Mrs. Barbauld..

90. с. м.

Close of the Evening Service.

I SOON will our fleeting hours be past;
And, as the setting sun

Now leaves the clouds in yonder west,
Our parting beams be gone.

2 May he, from whom all blessings flow,
Our sacred rites attend;
Unite our hearts in wisdom's ways,
Till life's short journey end:

3 And as the rapid sands run down,
Our virtue still improve;
Till each receive the glorious crown
Of never fading love.

91. P. M.

Kippes' Coll.

Thanksgiving for Divine Mercy.

I SOVEREIGN Lord of light and glory!
Author of our mortal frame!

Joyfully we bow before thee,
And extol thy holy name:

Ever sacred be the theme!

2 Kind dispenser of each blessing
Which surrounds the human race!
May we, gratefully possessing,
Still adore thy boundless grace :

Praise to God, immortal praise!

3 Thus, with humble adoration,
We attend before thy throne;
And with grateful exultation,
Thine abundant mercy own:
Praise belongs to thee alone!

4 In thy every dispensation,

Love and mercy we descry;
Thou, the God of our salvation!
To preserve us, still art nigh:

Glory be to God on high!

92. L. M.

† Exeter Coll.

Religious Worship. Ps. xcii.

1 SWEET is the work, my God! my King!
To praise thy name, give thanks and sing;
To show thy love by morning light,
And talk of all thy truth at night.

2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest,

When earthly cares forsake the breast,
When our best powers to God we raise,
And the whole hearts' attuned to praise.

3 Our souls shall triumph in the Lord,
And bless his works and bless his word:
His works of grace, how bright they shine!
How deep his counsels, how divine!

4 Lord, may we walk with growing strength.
Till all shall meet in heaven at length,
Till all before thy face appear
And join in nobler worship there!

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