47. 8, 8, 6 Μ.
Attendance upon religious Institutions.
1 I'LL bless Jehovah's glorious name, Whose goodness heaven and earth proclaim, With every morning light; And at the close of every day, To him my cheerful homage pay, Who guards me through the night.
2 Then in his churches to appear, And pay my humble worship there, Shall be my sweet employ: The day that saw my Saviour rise, Shall dawn on my delighted eyes With pure and holy joy.
3 With grateful sorrow in my breast, I'll celebrate the dying feast Of my departing Lord; And while his perfect love I view, His bright example I'll pursue, And meditate his word.
Eternal Praise for divine Goodness.
1 T'LL praise my Maker with my breath, And when my voice is lost in death,
Praise shall employ my nobler powers'; My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures.
2 Happy the man whose hopes rely On God alone: He made the sky, And earth, and seas, with all their train; His truth for ever stands secure ; He saves the oppressed; he feeds the poor, And none shall find his promise vain.
3 The Lord hath sight to give the blind; The Lord supports the sinking mind; He sends the contrite spirit peace: He helps the stranger in distress, The widow and the fatherless,
And grants the prisoner sweet release.
4 He loves the good; he knows them well; His love their joyful lips can tell ; Their gracious God for ever reigns :
Let every tongue, let every age, In this exalted work engage:
Praise him in everlasting strains!
The unceasing Goodness of our heavenly Father,
1 JEHOVAH GOD! thy gracious power On every hand we see ; O may the blessings of each hour Lead all our thoughts to thee.
2 If on the wings of morn we speed To earth's remotest bound, Thy hand will there our footsteps lead, Thy love, our path surround.
3 Thy power is in the ocean deeps, And reaches to the skies; Thine eye of mercy never sleeps, Thy goodness never dies.
4 From morn till noon, till latest eve, The hand of God we see; And all the blessings we receive, Ceaseless proceed from thee.
5 In all the varying scenes of time, On thee our hopes depend; Through every age, in every clime, Our Father, and our Friend!
50. 10 & 11 s. M.
The unrivalled Power and Dominion of God.
1 JEHOVAH reigns! let every nation hear, And at his footstool bow with holy fear; Let heaven's high arches echo with his name,
And the wide-peopled earth his praise proclaim; Then send it down to hell's deep glooms resounding, Through all her caves in dreadful murmurs sounding.
2 He rules with wide and absolute command, O'er the broad ocean and the steadfast land; Jehovah reigns, unbounded and alone, And all creation hangs upon his throne :
He reigns alone; let no inferior nature, Usurp, or share the throne of the Creator.
3 This earthly globe, the creature of a day, Though built by God's right hand, must pass away; And long oblivion creep o'er mortal things, The fate of empires, and the pride of kings:
Eternal night shall veil their proudest story, And drop the curtain o'er all human glory.
4 The sun himself, with gathering clouds oppressed, Shall in his silent, dark pavilion rest; His golden urn shall break, and useless lie, Amid the common ruins of the sky; The stars rush headlong in the wild commotion, And bathe their glittering foreheads in the ocean.
5 But fixed, O God! forever stands thy throne : Jehovah reigns, a universe alone: The eternal fire that feeds each vital flame, Collected, or diffused, is still the same : He dwells within his own unfathomed essence, And fills all space with his unbounded presence.
6 But O! our highest notes the theme debase, And silence is our least injurious praise: Cease, cease, your songs; the daring flight control; Revere him in the stillness of the soul:
With silent duty meekly bend before him, And deep, within your inmost hearts, adore him.
The Coming and Kingdom of Christ. Ps. xcviii,
1 Joy to the world, the Lord is come! The long-predicted king; Let every heart prepare him room, And heaven and nature sing.
2 Joy to the earth; the Saviour reigns! Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains, Repeat the sounding joy.
3 No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make his blessings flow, To earth's remotest bound.
4 Thus God displays his truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love.
God kind and merciful. Ps. cxlv. 14-19.
1 LET every tongue thy goodness speak, Thou sovereign Lord of all! Thy strengthening hands uphold the weak, And raise the poor that fall.
2 When sorrow bows the spirit down, Or want assails the breast, Thy love can smooth the invader's frown, And give the mourner rest.
3 The Lord supports our tottering days, And guides our giddy youth: Holy and just are all his ways, And all his words are truth.
4 He knows the pain his servants feel, He hears his children cry; And their best wishes to fulfil, His grace is ever nigh.
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