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Absence from God, lamented, 280.

Acceptance of all who fear God and work righteousness, 172.
Acquiescence in the will of God, 136. See Trust.

Adversity, consolation in, 354. God, our portion in, 367. Praise in,
83. Trust in God, in, 324.
Afflictions, benent of, 271. 410. Chastisements under the merciful
hand of God, 262. Comfort and support under them, 52. 354. 410.
Deliverance from them, 157 377. Moderated by the Divine
Mercy, 195. Patience in, 363. Proceeding from God, and pro-
ductive of good, 122 See also, 317. Resignation under them,
264. 288. Refuge in them to God, 401. Use of, 375. 410. See
Hope and Trust

Age, old, anticipated, 499.

Aged Christian's reflections and hopes, 414. Prayer for support, 423.
Longing for heaven, 470.

Aids, divine, implored, 100 See Grace.

Anxiety, disquieting, remedy for, 209. 388. Reproved, 365. Under

the trials of virtue restrained, 480.

Appeal, to God, the searcher of hearts, 276.

Ascension of Christ, 101. 479.

Aspirations, devout, 306. After the Christian temper, 131.

Attributes, of God. See God.

Autumn, hymns for, 104. 431. 452. 486.

Baptism, hymns for, 461. 482


Beatitudes, the, 200. See also, 148. 157.

Benevolence, 197. 392. See Charity and Love.

Blessing of God, on the labours of life, 300. Implored, 19. 57. On

the Word, supplicated, 103.

Blessings, temporal and spiritual, acknowledged, 13. 33. 67. Spiritual
and eternal, implored, 18. Arising from the exercise of piety and
charity, 314. Of friendship, 309. 442. Of the gospel, See Gospel.
Of providence and redemption, 402. Prospect of the spread of spi-
ritual, 316. Of divine worship, 35.

Birth, of Christ, 408. New, 207.

Book, of nature and scripture See Gospel. Scripture.
Brotherly love, 309 From the precept and example of Christ, 504.
See Charity and Love.

Candour, 128.


Care, of God, an antidote to anxiety, 365. Of the soul, most needful,
387 Reliance on God, a remedy for, 209.

Charity, essential to the Christian character, 340. The most excellent
grace, 382 Inculcated by the doctrine and example of Christ, 146.
Properties of it, 236 382 And its reward, 283. And unity, 239.
On occasions of, 283 422. 440. 473. See Love. Candour.
Children, charity, hymns for, 422. 440 Christ's regard to them,
482. Claimed by God, 461 Cominended to God, 343. Instruct-
ed, 418. See Education.

Choice, the wise, 145.387 Of the Christian, 460.

Christ, abiding in, 170. To be ashamed of him, absurd and danger-
ous, 232 Ascension of, 101 479 Birth of, 408. His birth pro-
claimed by angels, 469. Baptism of, 296. Blessings through him,
105 Coming and kingdom of, 51 301. See also, 137 His first
and second coming, 301. Contemplation of his character, 394.
Reflections on the death of, 502 And exaltation of, 396. And re-
surrection of, 441. Example of, 132. 147 223 394.504. Fidelity
to him, 483 Grace by him, 301 355. Gospel of, See Gospel.
The image of the invisible God, 342 Influence of his death, 143.
Invitations of mercy by him, 155, 156. Kingdom of, 193. 355.
Light of the world, 144. See also, 137. 311. Light and salvation
by him, 295. Love of, 297. 498. 502.504. Life eternal given
through him, 13. 170. Miracles of, 368. See also, 295. Mission
of, 152 201 295.301 474; confirmed from heaven, 296 295 368.
Prophet of God, 68. 144. Resurrection of, 133. 149. 206 479. A
ground of triumph over death, 133. His resurrection the pledge of
ours, 149 See also, 458. Redemption by, See Salvation. Re-
verence and love of him, 166. His second coming, 134. 212.
See also, 379. Sufferings of, 297. Seen of angels, 282. His
submission to his Father's will, 147. The Sun of righteousness,
207. 359 Triumph of his kingdom, 193. 355. See also, 316
Truth and grace by him, 67. Victory over death through him, 311.
Christmas, hymns for, 408. 469 474. See also, 137.
Christian, character, 130. See also, 128 Charity,
See Charity. Church, see Church. Course, 179. Peace and con-
solation of the, in the hour of death, 370. Farewell, 489. Hope
of the, see Hope. Inheritance of the, 149. Led to heaven, 268.
See, 317. Perfected by divine grace, 28. Prospect of the, 198.
335. 460. Privileges, and obligations, 213. Race, 140. Religion,
See Gospel. Sabbath, see Sabbath, and Lord's Day. Temper, aspi-
rations after the, 131. Triumph of the, in the prospect of future glo-
ry, 142. 379. Over death, 266. Watchfulness, 188.397. Warfare,
138 305. Zeal, tempered by charity, 192.

Church, God's presence in it, 35 60. See also, 95. Peace and glory
of the, in the latter day, 203.

Close, of service, hymns proper for, 18, 19. 21. 28. 30.57 78.85 90.
103. 5th and 6th verses of 501.

Communion, hymns on occasion of it, 411.420. 453, 454, 471, 472. 483.
487.492 494, 495, 498. 502, 503, 504, See also, 47. 105. 143. 155,
156. 166. 170 225.232 296, 297.307 357 376 394. 460. See also,
Christ, example of. Of saints, 172.

Communing, with our own hearts, 163. 465.

Compassion, to the afflicted, 164. 283. 473. And bounty of God, 67.
And forgiveness, 224 Of God, to human frailty, 73, 249.

Condescension of God, to man, 80. To our worship, 95.
Confession of sin, See Penitence and Pardon.

Confidence in God, 191 See Trust. Founded on the everlasting co-

venant, 256 On his paternal character, 269.

Conscience, good, the best support, 383. See also, 210 220. Its guilt
relieved, 155, 156 161.308 See Pardon, Penitent.

Consolation, and health, from God, 354. From God in adversity, 231.
And instruction, from the scriptures, 250

Contentment, profession of, 131 And resignation, 220.
Covenant, sealed by Christ, 28 The everlasting, 256. Of divine love,
84. See also, 71.

Courage, in the cause of Christ, 232. 483.

Course, the Christian's, finished with joy, 485.

Creation, of the world, 235 Devout contemplation of, 243. Of man,
178. And redemption, 31, 32. 94. Rejoicing in, 293. The muta-
bility of, 184. The new, 399. Voice of, 75.96.98.

Creator, God the, see God. fraise to him, see Praise.
Cross of Christ, its attractive influence, 143.

Dead, the pious, blessed, 204.


Death, appointed to all, 217. Approaching, 313. Of the Christian,
370 485. Comfort and support in sickness, and, 256. 380. 409.
And judgment, 319. Life, death and the resurrection, 159. Me-
ditation upon 217.270.400. Of a child, 406. 459. Of our fathers,
improved, 218. Of a friend, 231. Of friends and kindred, 463.
484. Of a young person, 497 Of a minister, 488. Prayer in
the prospect of, 485. The pious, bappy in it, 204. Preparation for
it, 175. 242 331, 332. Reunion of virtuous friends after, 150. Tri-
umph over it by the resurrection of Christ, 133. Victory over it
through Christ, 331. 379. Uncertain time of, 332. 356. 426. Warn-
ing of, 331. 497.

Decrees of God, and dominion, 233. A foundation of acquiescence
and hope, 240 Of providence, unsearchable, 174.
Dedication, to God, 71 Of a place of worship, 404. 428.433.
Desires, known to God, 358 Virtuous, 180. 277. See Prayer.
Devotion, and gratitude, 438. 496 Habitual, 384. Influence and
pleasures of, 346. Secret, 416. In sickness, 468. Vain, without
virtue, 99. See Worship.

Domestic, duties and blessings, 418. Peace and harmony, 442.
Dominion, of God, absolute and supreme, 2. 185. 233. Over nature,
50. 104. 107. 187. 361. Over the seas, 112. In storms, 141. Uni-
versal, 50. 116. Of man, over other creatures, 80.


Earth, its treasures compared with heavenly, 338. Full of riches, 129.
Easter, hymns for, 458, 479. See also, 1. 133

Education, benefit of a religious one, 230. 234. 439.

Envy, deliverance from it supplicated, 139. Prayer against it, 131.
Reproved, 237. Restrained by Christian charity, 236, 239.

Equity, Christian, 154. Of the divine dispensations, 386. 389.
Elernity of God, 127. Contrasted with the brevity of time, 245. 270.


Erening hymns, 405, 421. 438. 445, 446. 464. 490.
Example of Christ. See Christ.


Dead without works, 135. In God,
And hope of immortality, 339.
A living and a dead, 252. En-
l'ower of it, 161. In the pro-
198. 338. Triumph over death

Faith, in the invisible God, 158.
in the darkness of providence, 248
Insufficient without love, 340. 382.
couraged by the names of God, 88
mises of God, 290 In things unseen,
by, 266. See also, Trust
Faithfulness of God, See Promises.
Family religion and blessings, 418
Farewell, the Christian, 489
Fast, hymns for, 427 429. 449. 451. 476.

Harmony and peace, 442.

Fathers, reflections on their state, and their death improved, 218.
Fear of G d, 151. 183. 188. See also, 158. 267. Living habitually

in the, 346.

Fidelity, to the cause of truth and righteousness, 483.

Fire, hymn on occasion of, 413.

Forgiveness, and compassion, 224 See Pardon.

Forms and instrumental duties of religion, vain without obedience,


Fore-knowledge, and providence of God, 240.

Fortitude, Christian, 124, 483. In death, 485. Derived from trust in
God, 284. See Warfare.

Frailty of man, 328. 364. And dominion of God, 185. God's com
passionate regard to the, 73. 249. 262. And eternity of God, 245.
270. 278 See Life.

Friendship, blessings of, 208. 442.

Funeral hymns, 406. 459. 463. 484 488. 497. See also, 149, 159.204.



Gentiles, Christ's kingdom among them, 193

Glory, of God, and majesty, 116. In his works, 107, 108. In his
word, 123 The perfection of grace, 216. Triumph in the prospect

of future, 142.

God, all in all, 247. 300 All-knowing, 358 All-seeing, 227.246 344.
All sufficient, and creatures vain, 214. 312. 419. All-sufficient por
tion of the good, 290 371 His attention to man, 165. 402. Assu-
rance of his favour desired, 280. Author and Lord of Nature, 79.
116, 117 Being, omnipresence and providence of, 187 Our con-
stant benefactor, 190 402. His benignity, 219 His blessing im
plored, 19 57 His bounties acknowledged, 25, 118. His com
passion, 73 249.377 His condescension to man, 80. The confi
dence of the good, 290 The creato, 3. 14, 15. 40. 43. 75. 96. 108.
119. 235. Creator and preserver, 40.65 113. 115. The creator of
man, 178. See also, 7.75. The author of our comforts, delive
rances, and hopes, 196. The dispenser of all good, 29. 33. Our

dependence upon him, 39. 349. His sovereign dominion, 2 50.
And decrees, 233. Eternal, See Eternity. Eternal and unchange-
able, 127. 270.278. Eternal sovereign, 50. 112. 185. The ever-
lasting light of good men, 395. His existence declared by the voice
of nature, 9, 10. 43. 96.98 107. And known by his works, 385.
See Works. The equity of his dispensations, 386.389. Our Father,
168. 254. 255.269 450. Fore-knowledge and providence of, 240.
His gracious regard to his frail creatures, 249. Glory of, See Glory.
The supreme good, 371. Goodness of, See Goodness. His power
and grace, 31, 32. The guardian of man's sleeping dust, 373. Our
guide, 5. Our helper, 434. 467. His holiness, 58. The bearer of
prayer, 109. His house, 55. Immutable, 184.348. Incomprehen-
sible, 153. 186. The intellectual light, 291. Invisible, 158. The
supreme judge, 77. Kind and merciful, 52. The leader of his
people, 268. Light and deliverance from him, 334. The source of
life to the whole creation, 362. His loving-kindness, 29. His
Love, See Love. His majesty, See Majesty. His mercy, See
Mercy. His names the encouragement of faith, 88. The One Su-
preme, 70. The One living and true, 17. Omnipresent, 187.246.
344. His perfections, See Perfections. His providence, See Pro-
vidence Freserver, benefactor and saviour, 341. 493. Our portion
in adversity, 237. His presence, desired, 276. 280. Assurance of
his presencè, 249. 358. His power, 160. 381. And goodness, 117,
118, 119. And grace, 31, 32. Worthy of perpetual praise, 63, 263.
Our protector, 360. Our refuge in adversity, 401. 484 Refuge and
strength of the righteous, 284. Refuge of his servants every where,
205. And in every generation, 343. 461. His regard to the right-
eous, 391. No respecter of persons, 389. The supreme ruler and
judge, 77. The salvation of his people, 214 Seen in all things, 62.
The searcher of hearts, 276. Security in him, 191. Our shepherd,
See Shepherd. The source of consolation and health, 354. The
unfailing source of all good, 33. Of the blessings given through Je-
sus Christ, 105. Of comfort, deliverance and hope, 196. Of light,
81. Our strength, 307 Support of all creatures, 113, 115.362.
Of nature, 72. 119. The unknown, 186 Universal sovereign, 15.
54. 65. His unity, 322. His wisdom, 233 303. His works, See
Works. Trust in God, See Trust.

Good, man, character of the, 251. And blessings of the, 314. Death
of the, 370. The supreme. 371. God their everlasting light, 395.
Goodness of God, in spiritual and temporal blessings, 13. 25.33. 48,
49. 261. Daily, 438 464. 477.
Displayed in the blessings of the
Gospel, 357 In the supply of our daily wants, 177. Contrasted
with the shortness of life, 353 Distinguishing to man, 80.352.
Experience of it, encouraging, 347. And equity, 386.389. Faith
and hope in it, 174. 177. To those who love and trust in him, 244.
And power, 69.117. Never ceasing, 33. 49. 443. Worthy eternal
praise, 48. To the righteous, 86. 391. And truth, 48. Universal
and perpetual, 61. 102. 318. See Mercy, Seasons, Works, Year.
Gospel, blessings of the, 46.357. Conversation becoming it, 376 Ex-
cellency of it, 9. 26. 37. 94. 173. Its power and emblems of its ef-
fects, 253. Praise for it, 26 46.57. Success of it, 94. Unprofita-
bleness under its privileges, 56. Prayer for its spread, 189. See
Christ, Kingdom, Salvation, Scripture.

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