| Central Universalist Society (Boston, Mass.) - Hymns, English - 1823 - 400 pages
...high; 504. PM 8,7s. AH Creatures invoked to praise God. 1 PRAISE the Lord ! ye heavens adore him ; Praise him, angels in the height ; Sun and moon, rejoice...Lord, for he hath spoken ; Worlds his mighty voice obey'd ; Laws, which never can be broken, For their guidance he hath made. 2 Praise the Lord, for he... | |
| Central Universalist Society (Boston, Mass.) - Hymns, English - 1823 - 398 pages
...invoked to praise God. 1 PRAISE the Lord ! ye heavens adore him : Praise him, angels in the height j Sun and moon, rejoice before him ;. Praise him, all...Lord, for he hath spoken ; Worlds his mighty voice obey'd ; Laws, which never can be broken, For their guidance he hath made. "2 Praise the Lord, for... | |
| Hymns, English - 1824 - 138 pages
...thy august decree. Peel. IV. HYMN.— 8 lines, 8's # 7V. • 1 PRAISE the Lord, ye heav'ns adore him, Praise him Angels in the height, Sun and moon rejoice...him all ye stars of light ; Praise the Lord, for he has spoken, Worlds his mighty voice obey'd, Laws which never can be broken, For their guidance he hath... | |
| Bible - 1824 - 418 pages
...Johnson. 82. 8&7s. M. All Creatures invoked to praise God. 1 PRAISE the Lord ! ye heavens adore him ; Praise him, angels in the height ; Sun and moon rejoice before him ; Praise him, alb ye stars of light! Praise the Lord, for he hath spoken ; Worlds his mighty voice obeyed ; Laws,... | |
| Hymns, English - 1824 - 142 pages
...Praise him all ye stars of light ; Praise the Lord, for he has spoken, Worlds his mighty voice obey'd, Laws which never can be broken, For their guidance he hath made. Praise the Lord, for he is glorious, Never shall his promise fail; God hath made his saints victorious,... | |
| Hymns, English - 1825 - 232 pages
...last, Or immortality endures. PSA&M CXLVIII. . . ' . ; 1 PRAISE the Lord ! ye heav'ns, adore him ; Praise him, angels, in the height; Sun and moon rejoice before him ; Praise him, all ye stars and light: Praise the Lord ! for he hath spoken, Worlds his mighty voice obey'd; Laws, that never shall... | |
| 1825 - 260 pages
...version. (PM) Exhortation to universal praise. v. 1—6. 14. 1 PRAISE the Lord ! ye heavens, adore Him, Praise Him, angels in the height ; Sun and moon, rejoice before Him ; Praise Him, all ye stars and light : Praise the Lord ! for He hath spoken, Worlds his mighty voice obey'd ; Laws, that never... | |
| Hymns, English - 1826 - 474 pages
...PM LIVERPOOL COLLECTION. Universal praise. [Psalm cl.] 1. PIIAISE the Lord; ye heavens, adore him ; Praise him, angels in the height ; Sun and moon, rejoice...Lord, for he hath spoken ; Worlds his mighty voice obey'd ; Laws which never can be broken For their guidance he hath made. 2. Praise the Lord, for he... | |
| 1828 - 134 pages
...Father, Son, Holy Ghost, — the three in one. Hymn 65. PM PRAISE the Lord ! ye heavens adore him, Praise him, Angels in the height ; Sun and moon, rejoice before him : Praise him, all ye stars and light : Praise the Lord for he hath spoken, Worlds his mighty voice obey'd ! Laws, that never shall... | |
| J Molineux - 1829 - 160 pages
...abode Our souls arise in peace. No. CXLIV. PM PS. CXLVIII. PRAISE the Lord. Ye heav'ns adore Him ; Praise Him angels in the height ; Sun -and moon rejoice...Lord for He hath spoken : Worlds His mighty voice obey'd. Laws, which never can be broken, For their guidance He hath made. Praise the Lord, for He is... | |
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