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thedral; and in that city he found himself surrounded by many differing entirely from him in their views of Christian doctrine. Such a position, with his peculiarly sensitive frame of mind, was by no means an easy one; for he never shrank from the bold and uncompromising statement of his own principles, but did his utmost to spread throughout the city the knowledge of those truths which he believed to be essential for man's spiritual welfare. In 1859, he preached the Latin Sermon at St. Paul's to the assembled Convocation, at the request of Archbishop Sumner. This appointment was a testimony to his character as a scholar by one well capable of forming a judgment, and, together with his other distinctions, is a sufficient answer to the sneers which appeared in some of the public journals, as to the want of scholarship in those who were appointed to the Episcopacy during Lord Palmerston's Premiership.*

In 1860, he was called to preside over the Diocese of Carlisle, from which the late Bishop Villiers had been recently translated to the See of Durham. His predecessor, by his frank, out-spoken, faithful declaration of Gospel truth, had prepared many to welcome a chief pastor of Evangelical principles; but the episcopate of Bishop Villiers at Carlisle had been of so short duration, that the whole work of the Diocese remained to be done by the new Bishop. He found, as it is well known, an ill-provided and ill-paid body of clergy; and with a deep feeling of sympathy with them, and a desire to increase the number of efficient labourers, and also to deliver them from the burden of poverty by which many among them were oppressed, he threw himself with all his energy into the work of improving their condition, as well as adding to their numbers. With this view, in the year 1862 he founded a Church Building Society, the object of which was not only the building of new churches, but also to furnish endowments and to build parsonage houses. In this cause he laboured most indefatigably; and by urging the local claims of his diocese on the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, and applying to Christian friends by letters and personal influence, in the short space of nine years thirty-one churches have been built or restored, thirtysix parsonages erected, and thirty-nine benefices had their endowments augmented. Thus he has left behind him a lasting memorial which will make his name to be remembered with honour and gratitude by many of the clergy and their families. But his great delight was the preaching of the Gospel of the Grace of God; and this he did as a faithful shepherd wherever he had an opportunity. He went about his diocese, preaching frequently twice, sometimes even three times on the Sunday, carefully and prayerfully prepared sermons, full of unction and clear statements of the way of salvation. In whatever sphere he was employed, he was also a cordial supporter

* We regret to find this charge per that, amongst others, Dr. Baring was a sisted in in a late article in a public Double First Class man at Oxford, that journal, in which it was stated that Dr. the present Bishop of Worcester was Waldegrave was perhaps the only case of Senior Wrangler at Cambridge, and an elegant and accomplished scholar that Dr. Ellicott had been known as acquiring the distinction that he did a theologian and critic on a large porunder the Palmerstonian régime. In tion of the New Testament before he answer to this, it should be remembered was made Bishop of Gloucester.

both of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and the Church Missionary, the Pastoral Aid, and other Evangelical Societies connected with the Church. Nor was he contented with giving them his conn. tenance by taking the chair in his diocese; he took a deep interest in the work which they were carrying on; and, when in London, from time to time, afforded the help of his counsels in the Committee Meetings in Salisbury Square. His sermon at St. Bride's, on the Church Missionary Anniversary in 1868, is a characteristic specimen of his faithful adherence to the principles of the Word of God. In mentioning the public objects which specially engaged his attention, it would not be right to omit the Clergy Daughters' School at Casterton, instituted by that faithful servant of God, Mr. Carus Wilson, which owes much of its present state of efficiency and activity to his wise counsels and persevering attention.

It is not to be expected that such a man should have been without his trials, or without opposition; and he was one who felt these acutely, and was most specially jealous for his Master's honour, There was in him, however, with all his firmness and uncompromising fidelity, such real Christian courtesy, such fairness and unblameableness in his manner of dealing with others, such transparency of intention as often disarmed opposition, whilst the humblest curate was sure to find a fatherly welcome in his house, and encouragement to bring to him all his difficulties. It is right also to mention what special pains he took with reference to the candidates for holy orders, both as to their admission into the ministry and the faithful influence he exercised over them, lending them books and directing their reading before they came up for examination.

He had a great dread of the entrance of ritualistic practices or Romish doctrine into his diocese; and the manner in which he detected, and sought to repress, anything having this tendency, appears in a correspondence which he had with one of his clergy concerning a “Burial guild,” which it was sought to establish under the plausible pretext of benefiting the poor, but concerning which he wrote in these wise and decided terms :-“I cannot but deprecate the institution of a society which, appealing to the susceptibilities of human affections, seizes upon the opening thus afforded for entering upon a course the manifest tendency of which is the setting up anew in our Church some of the worst superstitions from which we were delivered at the blessed Reformation.” His Visitation Charge two years ago, in which he drew, in a clear and scholarlike manner, a contrast between the Sacerdotal character of the priesthood of the Church of Rome and the Evangelistic character of the ministry of the Church of England, bore faithful testimony to his views on this subject.

Nor were his labours confined to his diocese. On public occasions he did not withdraw from what he felt to be the path of duty. In his place in the House of Lords he spoke in support of Lord Shaftesbury's proposal to put down the use of sacrificial vestments by clergymen of the Church of England ; and on one occasion took a night journey from Carlisle for the purpose of being in the House, that he might vote on the subject of the better observance of the

Lord's Day, though he was obliged to return immediately afterwards. Such was Bishop Waldegrave; one who unswervingly maintained the doctrine of salvation by grace only through the justifying merits of the Lord Jesus Christ, having its origin in the electing love of God the Father, and applied to the sinner by faith of the operation of God the Holy Ghost; yet one who indeed manifested that these truths received into the heart, whilst they humble the sinner before God, become the source in him of all holy activity; for his labours were most abundant, and he was in all respects one “ zealous of good works.” The secret of his inner life was, that he was truly a man of prayer. He loved his Bible, and he prayed over it. Those who were best acquainted with him knew well that he never undertook anything without first asking the Lord's blessing, and was often looking up to Him for His continued help in his ordinary occupations. It is remarkable how his prayers were answered; what wisdom was given him in all his appointments, which were made in the most disinterested manner, and with a single eye to his Master's service, so that they have commanded very general respect and approval throughout the diocese. The principles upon which he acted, and the power by which he lived, were embodied by him within two months of his death, whilst his faculties were clear and unimpaired, in the words with which he commenced his last will and testament:-“I desire, in the first place, to testify that I die in the faith of Christ crucified, and as a sinner saved by grace alone, humbly trusting in the alone blood and righteousness of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and in the full assurance of that eternal and unchangeable love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one Triune God, which it has been my joy and delight to have been permitted to proclaim throughout my beloved diocese whenever I had opportunity; and which doctrines, as they have been my comfort in life, are now my stay and support in the prospect of death and eternity.”

The Bishop experienced a severe shock in the month of December, 1867, by the unexpected death of his eldest sister, Lady Elizabeth Waldegrave, to whom he was specially and deservedly attached. They were the two members of the family to whom all the rest were accustomed to look up; and they were singularly alike in integrity, good sense, dignity of character, and diligent usefulness. Entirely coinciding with him in her views of the Truth, she was also abundant in good works, continually employing herself in seeking to do good, especially amongst the invalids who were visiting at Hastings. His expression with regard to her, and which was no less applicable to himself, was, “All her life was a service for God.” But whilst deeply feeling the severity of the blow, in this as in everything else he humbly acknowledged the loving hand of his heavenly Father. His touching words of comfort, addressed to the mourning members of his family on the Sunday morning after her death, were these :" It is as if the Lord had said to her, 'My child, you are tired-you have done enough—rest now;' and so he put her to sleep.”

Up to the close of the year 1868, his labours in his diocese were incessant. He undertook a Confirmation tour in the autumn, and subsequently paid visits to many of the clergy in Westmoreland and North Lancashire, when he preached five or six sermons in the week. From these exertions he returned much fatigued at the close of the year, and a visit to relatives in Scotland failed to afford him the relief and refreshment which were hoped for from it. From this time his strength began rapidly to decay; but this was reasonably ascribed to his assiduous labours, and the hope was entertained that a change of scene and occupation of mind by a visit to the Continent would, with God's blessing, restore him. For this purpose he left England; but after a short stay in Paris, the disease which was the cause of bis prostration manifested itself in such a manner as to lead to the determination that he should return at the close of April, and put himself under the skilful direction of the best medical advice in London. In July he went back to his beloved home at Rose Castle. The disease from which he suffered was at first somewhat obscure in its character, but proved afterwards to be a schirrous tumour, which so affected him as to press upon the optic nerve of one of his eyes, and deprive him of the sight of that eye, causing great uneasiness, and not unfrequently much and severe pain. During the whole of his illness he was never heard to utter a murmur or complaint, but often to express thanks to his heavenly Father for any alleviation through the use of remedies and the watchful tender care of his beloved partner. He would not even allow his friends to speak of the dispensation as mysterious, lest the expression might seem in any way to impugn the wisdom and love of his heavenly Father in sending it. Often, when his mind was weak on other subjects, he poured out a beautiful prayer both for himself and those around him; thus personifying, in his last prolonged illness of many months, the words of the Apostle, “ Patient in tribulation, rejoicing in hope, continuing instant in prayer.”

His genuine humility was manifested by many expressions during his last illness. Frequently, when he heard that friends had spoken of him as a faithful servant, he would urge, “Do not let them call me a faithful servant. I am an unprofitable one-less than the least the chief of sinners." At another time he dwelt on the power with which the words in Isaiah xliv. 22 had been applied to him,-“I have blotted out as a thick cloud thy transgressions, and as a cloud thy sins;" adding, “I can never tell what that word thick has been to me.” His extreme tenderness of conscience was well known to all who came in contact with him, and was also sig. nally exemplified during the course of his illness. Once, when allusion was made in his presence to some tale of sin, he shuddered, and begged that nothing more might be said on the subject, and added emphatically, “Remember always it is written, Whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

That the feelings of the Pastor's heart were still warm, and his anxiety for the flock continued to the last, is testified to by one of his attached Chaplains, who, when preaching a funeral sermon, records these words of his in one of his later days,-“I can leave my wife, I can leave my children; but oh, my people, my people, my

He sank into his rest on Friday, October the 1st ; the last articulate words he was heard to utter were the prayer of his Saviour, “Father, glorify Thy name! Gracious, loving Father !” His funeral took place on Friday the 8th, in the presence of numbers of every class, who assembled to show their respect for his memory. By permission of the Secretary of State, his mortal remains were deposited within the precincts of the Cathedral in which his voice had so often been heard proclaiming the glad tidings of his Saviour's love, and where for the last time on the preceding New Year's Day he had preached from the text Daniel vii. 18, “But the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom even for ever and ever.” We believe that these particulars of the life and labours of one whose faithfulness and devotedness were justly appreciated by all who delight in the pure Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, will be read by them with warm interest; and we think they ought to be recorded, because the career of Bishop Waldegrave proves beyond doubt that the best friends of the Church are they who, having received the word of salvation in its power in their own hearts, are ready to maintain the authority of God's Word written as the work of His inspiration; and love our Protestant Church, because they are fully persuaded that the doctrines vindicated by our Reformers are most strictly in accordance with the teaching of the Bible, and that in these truths, maintained in their purity, is to be found all that belongs to the reality of the soul's life.


To the Editor of the Christian Observer. SIR, I regret to learn from my friend Mr. Biley, that in the brief sketch which I too hurriedly made, when passing through London last July, from his voluminous MS. on Armageddon, and which was inserted in your Number for August, there were admitted two serious errors; of which, in his name, I will ask you now kindly to insert the correction.

1. At p. 635, 1. 5 from bottom, instead of the following words, Against this Mr. Biley objects that the Hebrew word for mountain is generally 757, with the , and the aspirate,” read (as in Mr. Biley's MS.), “Against this Mr. Biley objects that mount 71,7 is always Hor, with the aspirate."

2. At p. 636, 1. 30, suppress entirely the words, “if written with the aspirate, Harmageddon, the city of the prince."

So my friend Mr. Biley : and I must take blame to myself for admitting such errors. The necessary hurry in which I wrote the abstract—being desirous that my friend should not be disappointed

Vol. 69.—No. 383.

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