Forming the only complete and uniform edition of the writings of the "Magician of the North" ever published in America. THE WHOLE COMPRISED IN TEN LARGE OCTAVO VOLUMES, EMBELLISHED WITH TEN FINE ENGRAVINGS. Price, elegantly bound in embossed cloth and lettered, $20. The whole revised and corrected, with explanatory notes, by the Author. *** A few copies of the above, with thirty splendid illustrations on steel, may be had. Price, $13.50. The publishers have supposed that they could not render a better or more acceptable service to the great mass of readers, than by issuing A COMPETE EDITION OF THE WRITINGS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT-at so low a price as to be within the reach of every one. The revised Edinburgh edition, from which this is reprinted, comprises NINETYEIGHT VOLUMES, the cost of which is one hundred and fifty dollars, in boards. The American edition contains the entire matter, with the Author's latest notes and corrections, and is comprised in TEN OCTAVO VOLUMES, printed on good paper, and is now offered at the low price of TWENTY DOLLARS, being scarcely more than oneeighth the price of the Edinburgh edition. 1 |