| Mathew Carey - 1789 - 632 pages
...legiflative council, fecretary, and (iich other officers as congrefs (hall appoint in the dillrift, (hall take an oath or affirmation of fidelity, and of office — the governor before the prcfident of congrefs — and all other officersbefore the governor. As foon as a legiflatnrc (ball... | |
| Courts - 1790 - 286 pages
...appoint in the diftrift, fhall take ao oath or affirmation of fidelity, and (if H ha office, congrefs. ° office, the governor before the prefident of congrefs,...all other officers before the governor, as foon as a legiflature fhall be formed in the diftrift, the council and houfe, aflembled in one room, fhall have... | |
| United States - Law - 1796 - 588 pages
...legiflative council, fecretary and fuch other officers as Congrefs fhall appoint in the diftrift, fhall take an oath or affirmation of fidelity, and of office...all other officers before the governor. As foon as a legiflature fhall be formed in the diftrift, the council and houfe aflembled, in one room, fhall have... | |
| United States - Law - 1796 - 584 pages
...legiflative council, fecretary and fuch other officers as Congrefs fhall appoint in the diftricl:, {hall take an oath or affirmation of fidelity, and of office...governor before the prefident of Congrefs, and all other officer^ before the governor. As foon as a legiflature fhall be formed in the diftricl:, the council... | |
| Booksellers and bookselling - 1800 - 306 pages
...Legiflative Council, Secretary and fuch other officers as Congrefs (hall appoint in the diftrift, (hall take an oath or affirmation of fidelity, and of office...the Prefident of Congrefs, and all other officers by the Governor. As foon as a Legiflature (hall be. formed in the diftrift, the Council and Houfe aflembled,... | |
| William Graydon - Law - 1803 - 730 pages
...legislative council, secretary and such other officers as Congress shall appoint in the district, shall take an oath or affirmation of fidelity, and of office ; the governor before the president of Congress, and all other officers befo.-e the governor. As soon as a legislature shall... | |
| Edward Ingersoll - Law - 1821 - 882 pages
...legislative council, secretary, and such other officers as congress shall appoint in the district, shall take an oath or affirmation of fidelity, and of office; the governor before the president of congress, and all other officers before the governor. As soon as a legislature shall be... | |
| Edward Deering Mansfield - United States - 1836 - 320 pages
...legislative council, secretary, and such other officers as Congress shall appoint in the district, shall take an oath or affirmation of fidelity, and of office — the governor before the president of Congress, and all other officers before the governor. As soon as a legislature shall be... | |
| South Carolina - Law - 1836 - 476 pages
...legislative council, secretary, and such other officers as Congress shall appoint in the district, shall take an oath or affirmation of fidelity and of office; the governor before the President of Congress, and all other officers before the governor. As soon as a legislature shall be... | |
| Caleb Atwater - Bookbinding - 1838 - 420 pages
...legislative council, secretary, and such other officers as congress shall appoint in the district, shall take an oath or affirmation of fidelity, and of office — the governor before the president of congress, and all other officers before the governor. As soon as a legislature shall be... | |
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