THE ECLECTIC REVIEW. ar MDCCCXLV. JANUARY-JUNE. Φιλοσοφίαν δὲ οὐ τὴν Στωικὴν λέγω, οὐδὲ τὴν Πλατωνικὴν, ἢ τὴν Ἐπικουρεῖον τε NEW SERIES. VOL. XVII. LONDON: THOMAS WARD & CO., PATERNOSTER ROW. W. OLIPHANT AND SON, EDINBURGH; JAMES MACLEHOSE, GLASGOW. THE ECLECTIC REVIEW FOR JANUARY, 1845. Art. I. Tracts of the British Anti-state Church Association. 1. History of the circumstances which led to the Conference. By Dr. Cox. 2. The principles of Voluntaryism. By Dr. Wardlaw. 3. Practical Evils of the Union between Church and State. By Mr. E. Miall. 4. External Forms of the State-church principle. By Rev. J. W. Massie. 5. What is meant by a separation of the Church from the State. By a Barrister-at-law. 6. Means by which the Establishment should be assailed, etc. By the Rev. J. P. Mursell. THESE tracts consist of the several papers read at the Anti-statechurch Conference, held in London, in the spring of last year. Their re-publication in a separate form is indicative of a fact, and it is upon that fact, rather than upon the merits of this series of essays, that we wish to found a few observations. Cuvier, the prince of naturalists, is said to have been able, from the inspection of a single bone, to infer with unfailing accuracy, the structure and habits of the animal to which it once belonged. Were other evidence wanting, these tracts would at once suggest, the constitution, objects, and spirit of that organized body known by the name of the British Anti-state Church Association. They suffice, at all events, to give the world assurance of the existence of a society pledged to concentrate its energies upon the separation of the church from the state. They VOL. XVII. B |