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Common terms and phrases
Added by chapter almshouse amended by chapter annual application appointed appropriated approved asylum audit authorized blind board of charities board of managers board of supervisors buildings by-laws certificate charge charitable institutions child clerk colony commission commissioner of charities common council comptroller contract convicted corporation county treasurer custody deem delinquents directed discharge dispensary eighteen hundred Elmira reformatory epileptic examine expenditures expenses female filed fiscal supervisor fund furnished governor hereafter hereby hospital house of refuge hundred dollars inmates insane inspection juvenile delinquents magistrate manner ment misdemeanor necessary North Hempstead overseer paid parents patients pauper payment physician poor person poorhouse powers and duties prescribed proper pupils purpose pursuant reformatory relief removed residence rules and regulations salary Supreme Court therein thereof thousand dollars tion town of Newburgh town of Oswegatchie York
Popular passages
Page 2 - Payments by counties, cities, towns and villages to charitable, eleemosynary, correctional and reformatory institutions, wholly or partly under private control, for care, support and maintenance, may be authorized, but shall not be required by the Legislature.
Page 538 - Laws repealed. — Of the laws enumerated in the schedule hereto annexed, that portion specified in the last column is hereby repealed.
Page 576 - No act committed by a person while in a state of voluntary intoxication is less criminal by reason of his having been in such condition. But whenever the actual existence of any particular purpose, motive, or intent is a necessary element to constitute any particular species or degree of crime, the jury may take into consideration the fact that the accused was intoxicated at the time, in determining the purpose, motive, or intent with which he committed the act.
Page 67 - December in any year, the term of office of his successor is abridged so as to expire on the last day of December, preceding the time when such term would otherwise expire, and the term of office of each manager thereafter appointed shall begin on the first day of January.
Page 452 - Sec. 12. That upon the arrival of any alien by water at any port within the United States it shall be the duty of the master or commanding officer of the steamer, sailing or other vessel, having said alien on board to deliver to the immigration officers at the port of arrival lists or manifests made at the time and place of embarkation of such alien on board such steamer or vessel, which shall, in answer to questions at the top of said...
Page 80 - Every person in said city and county shall be deemed guilty of disorderly conduct that tends to a breach of the peace, who shall in any thoroughfare or public place in said city and county commit any of the following offenses, that is to say: (2) Every common prostitute or nightwalker loitering or being in any thoroughfare or public place for the purpose of prostitution or solicitation, to the annoyance of the inhabitants or passers-by,
Page 461 - ... the duty, necessity, or propriety of the unlawful assaulting or killing of any officer or officers, either of specific individuals or of officers generally, of the government of the United States...
Page 446 - The duty imposed by this section shall be a lien upon the vessels which shall bring such passengers into the United States, and shall be a debt in favor of the United States against the owner or...
Page 450 - That for every violation of any of the provisions of section four of this Act the person, partnership, company, or corporation violating the same, by knowingly assisting, encouraging, or...
Page 582 - ... must be arrested and brought before a proper court or magistrate, who may commit the child to any incorporated charitable reformatory, or other institution, and when practicable, to such as is governed by persons of the same religious faith, as the parents of the child, or may make any disposition of the child such as now is, or hereafter may be authorized in the cases of vagrants, truants, paupers or disorderly persons, but such commitment shall, so far as practicable, be made to such charitable...