ON THE PRINCIPAL DOCTRINES AND PRACTICES OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, DELIVERED AT ST. MARY'S MOORFIELDS, DURING THE LENT OF 1836, By NICHOLAS WISEMAN, D. D. PROFESSOR IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ROME; FOREIGN MEMBER OF THE OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. VOL. II. : LONDON: JOSEPH BOOKER, 61, NEW BOND STREET. 1836. ADVERTISEMENT TO VOL. II. In the Lectures which compose the foliowing volume, a slight deviation has been made from the order in which they were delivered. The tenth Lecture was upon the Real Presence, or Transubstantiation; but, as this subject was treated on three successive Sundays, on account of the greater numbers who could attend on that day, while other topics were discussed on the Wednesdays and Fridays, it has been thought expedient to proceed with these, and place the three Lectures on the Real Presence together, at the close of the series. A Discourse has been added on Indulgences. This was not delivered at Moorfields, from want of time. It had, however, been given at the Sardinian Chapel, in a short course delivered there during Advent, 1835; and a strong desire having been expressed by many who heard it, that it should be published, the author has been induced to write it from his notes, and add it as part of the present series. 54, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 870123 |