HEARINGS BEFORE THE JOINT SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEES ON THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON S. 3764 A BILL TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH A COMMISSION, AS AN COMMITTEE ON THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Slattery, Mrs. Mary E. Touhey, G. C.. Tschipke, Mrs. J. A. Waldron, Rev. John Milton (colored). 411 176 82, 460 123 Wardby, Mrs. W. S_ Warren, Bates.. 58 RENT COMMISSION IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1925 CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, JOINT SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Washington, D. C. The joint subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 9.30 o'clock Present: Senators Ball (chairman), Jones of Washington, and Present also: Representatives Lampert, Hammer, Stalker, and Present also: Richard S. Whaley (chairman), William F. Gude, Present also: Former Senator Thomas P. Gore. The joint subcommittee had under consideration S. 3764, a bill to The CHAIRMAN. The committee will come to order. We have First and personally I would like to have in as concrete form I think it would be better to have Mr. Whaley, chairman of the |