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" Majesty, shall continue to hold them according to the nature and tenure of their respective estates and titles therein; and may grant, sell or devise the same to whom they please... "
Documents of the Senate of the State of New York - Page 4
by New York (State). Legislature. Senate - 1831
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Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, Between His Britannick Majesty ...

Great Britain - Great Britain - 1795 - 38 pages
...refpective States and Titles therein ; and may grant, fell, or devi(e the fame, to whom they pleafe, in like manner as if they were natives ; 'and that neither they, nor their heirs or affigns, (hall fo far as may refpeiSt the faid lands, and the legal remedies incident thereto, be regarded...
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The Laws of the United States of America, Volume 2

United States - Law - 1796 - 588 pages
...refpeftive eftates and titles therein ; and may grant, fell, or devife the fame to whom they pleafe, in like manner as if they were natives ; and that neither they nor their heirs or affigns {hall, fo far as may refpeft the faid lands and the legal remedies incident thereto, be regarded...
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Acts Passed at the First Session of the 1st Congress - 3d Session of the ...

United States - Law - 1796 - 584 pages
...respective eftates and titles therein ; and may grant, fell, or devife the fame to whom they pleafe, in like manner as if they were natives ; and that neither they nor their heirs or affigns (hall, fo far as may refpect the faid lands and the legal remedies incident thereto, be regarded...
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The Parlimentary Register or History of the Proceedings and Debates of the ...

J DEBRETT - 1796 - 842 pages
...rcfpeftive ilutes and titles therein; and may grant, lell or dcvile the lame to v\hom they pleaie, in like manner as if they were natives ; and that neither they, nor their heirs or affigns. (hall, fo far us may refpeä the faid Lads, and the legal remedies incident thereto, be rcgurded...
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The New Annual Register, Or General Repository of History, Politics, and ...

English poetry - 1796 - 796 pages
...refpeftive liâtes and titles therein ; and mi v grant, fell, or devife the fame to whom they pleafe, in like manner as if they were natives ; and that neither they, nor their hei s or affigns, ihall, fo far as may refpeft the f.iid lands, ar.d the legal remedies incident thereto,...
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An Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of ..., Volume 4

William Winterbotham - America - 1796 - 570 pages
...their rcfpcftivc dates and titles therein-, and may grant, fell, or devife the fame to whom they pkafe, in like manner as if they were natives ; and that neither they nor tJieir heirs or afiigns ihall fo far as may refpcft the (aid lands and the legal remedies incident...
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The Statutes at Large: From the Magna Charta, to the ..., Volume 41; Volume 1225

Great Britain - Law - 1797 - 574 pages
...and titles therein, ant might grant, fill, or tlevife the Jame to tvbim they flxuld plroff, in ¡;i; manner as if they were natives, and that neither they nor their hein :r (ifjigm ßwdd, jo far as might refpeii the faid lands and the legal <;rmdifs incident thereto,...
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An Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of ..., Volume 4

William Winterbotham - America - 1799 - 576 pages
...refpe&ive dates and titles therein ^ and may grant, fell, or devife the fame, to whom they plea fe, in like manner as if they were natives ; and that neither they, nor their heirs or afligns, fliall, fo far as may refpedt the faid lands, and the legal remedies incident thereto, be...
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United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court, Volume 7

United States. Supreme Court - Courts - 1807 - 542 pages
...respective estates and titles therein; and may grant, sell, or devise the same to whom the}- please, in like manner as if they were natives ; and that neither they nor their heirs or assigns shall, so fai as may respect the said lands, and the legal remedies incident thereto, be regarded as...
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American Encroachments on British Rights: Or, Observations on the Importance ...

Nathaniel Atcheson - Canada - 1808 - 398 pages
...respective states and titles therein; and may grant, sell, or devise the same to whom they please, in like manner as if they were natives ; and that neither they, nor their heirs or assigns, shall, so far as may respect the said lands, and the legal remedies incident thereto, be regarded as...
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