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" Process of subpoena, issuing out of this court, in any suit in equity, shall be served on the defendant sixty days before the return day of the said process; and if the defendant, on such service of the subpoena, shall not appear at the return day, the... "
Documents of the Senate of the State of New York - Page 19
by New York (State). Legislature. Senate - 1831
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Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the ..., Volume 1

United States. Supreme Court, William Cranch - Court rules - 1812 - 486 pages way of deposition, and not viva voce. X. — 1796, AUGUST 12. Ordered, That process of subpoena issuing out of this court in any suit in equity, shall...defendant sixty days before the return day of the said processj; and further, that if the defendant, on such service of the subpoena, shall not appear at...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States

United States. Supreme Court, Henry Wheaton - Law reports, digests, etc - 1816 - 608 pages
...hail, must be by way of deposition, and not viva. August Term, 1796. ORDERED, That process of subpoena, issuing out of this court in any suit in equity, shall...days before the return day of the said process ; and farther, that if the defendant, on such serVice of the subpoena, should not appear at the return day...
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A General Abridgment and Digest of American Law: With Occasional ..., Volume 7

Nathan Dane - Law - 1824 - 726 pages
...United States as early as AD 1796, by a rule of court, accordingly ordered, " that process of subpoena issuing out of this court in any suit in equity, shall be served on the defendant sixty days 4 Vesey jr. «6, 72.— 6 See Ch. 193, a. 23, «. 10 fee. 1 Cranch rules be. before the return day...
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A General Abridgment and Digest of American Law: With Occasional ..., Volume 6

Nathan Dane - Law - 1824 - 764 pages
...for a discharge upon bail," to be by way of deposition; and the tenth rule, that process of subpoena, issuing out of this court, in any suit in equity, shall be served on the deft, sixty days "before the return day of the said process; and further, if the deft., on such service...
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A General Abridgment and Digest of American Law: With Occasional ..., Volume 6

Nathan Dane - Law - 1824 - 768 pages
...process of subpasna, issuing out of this court, in any suit in equity, shall be served on the deft, sixty days before the return day of the said process ; and further, if the deft., on such service of the subpoena, shall not appear at the return day contained therein,...
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Documents of the Assembly of the State of New York

New York (State). Legislature. Assembly - New York (State) - 1831 - 572 pages
...executive magistrate, and the Attorney-General of such State, 2. Ordered, that process of subpoena issuing out of this court in any suit in equity, shall...the return day eontained therein, the complainant shaUriB^^ liberty to proceed ex parte." " " In Huger & al. vs. the State of South-Carolina^^^^Hlas,...
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American Annual Register, Volume 6

Joseph Blunt - History - 1832 - 720 pages
...Executive Magistrate, and the Attorney General of such Slate. 2d. Ordered, That process of subpoena, issuing out of this Court, in any suit in equity,...further, that if the defendant, on such service of the subpffina, shall not appear at the return day, contained therein, the complainant shall be at liberty...
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Rules and Orders of the Courts of the State of Maine and of the Courts of ...

Maine. Courts - Court rules - 1834 - 100 pages
...controversy, the damages shall be awarded at the rate of six per cent only. LXV. Process of subpoena, issuing out of this Court in any suit in equity, shall be served on the defendant fourteen days before the return day of the said process ; and if the defendant on such service of the...
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A Digest of the Laws of the United States: Including an Abstract of the ...

Thomas Francis Gordon - Commercial law - 1837 - 886 pages
...must appear on the return of the subpoena. — Ibid. Process of subpoena issuing out of the supreme r six clays before the return day of the process ; and if Ik defendant, upon such service, should not...
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United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court, Volume 37

United States. Supreme Court - Courts - 1838 - 850 pages
...executive magistrate, and the attorney general of such state. 2. Ordered, that process of subpoena issuing out of this Court in any suit in equity, shall...days before the return day of the said process: And, farther, that if the defendant, on such service of the subpoena, shall not appear at the return day...
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