For all that beauty that doth cover thee, Prefume not on thy heart, when mine is flain; XXIII. As an unperfect actor on the stage, Or fome fierce thing replete with too much rage, Sa Thus we ever, delights to introduce words with this termination. The old reading is certainly right. Then do I expect, fays Shak- i. e. fully to fatisfy my wrath. So alfo in Byron's Confpiracie, a tragedy by Chapman, 1608, an old courtier fays, he is "A poor and expiate humour of the court." Again, in our authour's King Richard III: "Make hafte; the hour of death is expiate." MALONE. 2 As an unperfect actor on the stage, Who with his fear is put befides his part,] So, in Coriolanus: "I have forgot my part, and I am out, "Even to a full difgrace." From the introductory lines of this Sonnet, it may be conjectured that thefe poems were not compofed till our authour had arrived in London, and became converfant with the ftage. He had perhaps him. felf experienced what he here defcribes. MALONE. It is highly probable that our author had feen plays reprefented, before he left his own country, by the fervants of Lord Warwick. Moft of our ancient noblemen had fome company of comedians who enrolled themselves among their vaffals, and fheltered themselves under their protection. See Vol. III. p. 248, n. 7. STEEVENS. The So I, for fear of truft, forget to say And in mine own love's ftrength feem to decay, And dumb prefagers of my speaking breast +; XXIV. Mine eye hath play'd the painter, and hath steel'd My The feeing a few plays exhibited by a company of ftrollers in a barn at Stratford, or in Warwick caftle, would not however have made Shakspeare acquainted with the feelings of a timid actor on the stage. It has never been fuppofed that our authour was himself a player before he came to London. Whether the lines before us were founded on experience, or obfervation, cannot now be afcertained. What I have advanced is merely conjectural. MALONE. 30, let my books be then the eloquence-] A gentleman to whom I am indebted for the obfervations which are marked with the letter C, would read: O, let my looks, &c. But the context, I think, shows that the old copy is right. The poet finding that he could not fufficiently collect his thoughts to exprefs his efteem by speech, requests that his writings may speak for him. So af terwards: "O, learn to read what filent love hath writ." Had looks been the authour's word, he hardly would have used it again in the next line but one. MALONE. 4 And dumb prefagers of my speaking breaft ;] So, in King John: "And fullen prefage of your own decay." MALONE. 5 Mine eye batb play'd the painter, and bath fteel'd Thy beauty's form in table of my heart;] So in All's well that ends well: My body is the frame wherein 'tis held, Yet eyes this cunning want to grace their art, XXV. Let those who are in favour with their stars, Great princes' favourites their fair leaves fpread, Again, in King John: till beheld myself "Drawn in the flattering table of her eye."" Then A table was the ancient term for a picture. See Vol. III. p. 358, .7. MALONE. Great princes' favourites their fair leaves fpread, &c.] Compare Wolfey's fpeech in King Henry VIII. Vol. VII. p. 90. This is the state of man: To-day he puts forth "The tender leaves of hope, tomorrow bloffoms, 7 The painful warrior famoufed for fight MALONE. I from the book of bonour razed quite,] The old copy reads famoufed Then happy I, that love and am belov'd, XXVI. Lord of my love, to whom in vaffalage famoused for worth, which not rhyming with the concluding word of the correfponding line, (quite) either one or the other must be corrupt. The emendation was fuggefted by Mr. Theobald, who likewife propofed, if worth was retained, to read-razed forth. "Is from the book of honour rafed quite," reminds us of Bolingbroke's enumeration of the wrongs done to him by King Richard II. "From my own windows torn my houfhold coat. "Raz'd out my imprefs, leaving me no fign➡ "To fhew the world I am a gentleman." Again, in King Richard II. 66 -'tis not my meaning, "To raze one title of your bonour out." MALONE. This ftanza is not worth the labour that has been bestowed on it. By tranfpofition, however, the rhime may be recovered, without further change: The painful warrior for worth famoused, is a line in King Richard II. STEEVENS. Why it should not be worth while to correct this as well as any other manifeft corruption in our authour's works, I confefs, I do not comprehend. Neither much labour, nor many words, have been employed upon it. MALONE. Lord of my love, to whom in vaffalage, Thy merit bath my duty ftrongly knit;] So, in Macbeth: "Command upon me; to the which my duties "Are with a most indiffoluble tye "For ever knit." Again, in the fame play: STEEVENS, -Your highness' part Is to receive our duty, and our duties "Are to your throne and state children and servants, Again, in Antony and Cleopatra: "To make you brothers, and to knit your hearts "With an unflipping knot. Again, in Othello: "I have profefs'd myself thy friend, and I con fefs me knit to thy deferving with cables of perdurable toughness." MALONE. To thee I fend this written embassage, To witness duty, not to show my wit9 Duty fo great, which wit so poor as mi May make feem bare, in wanting word But that I hope fome good conceit of thi In thy foul's thought, all naked, will be Till whatsoever ftar that guides my mov Points on me graciously with fair afpéct And puts apparel on my tattered loving. To fhow me worthy of thy fweet refpect Then may I dare to boast how I do lov Till then, not show my head where thou XXVII. Weary with toil, I hafte me to my bed, The dear repofe for limbs with travel tir But then begins a journey in my head, To work my mind, when body's work's e 9 Lord of my love, to whom in vaffalage Thy merit bath my duty ftrongly knit, To thee I fend this written emballage, ance. To witness duty, not to fhow my wit:] So, in The Rape of Lucrece: "The warrant I bave of you fition, not the worth of my untutor'd lines, makes it What I have done is yours; what I have to part in all I have devoted yours. Were my worth fhould fhow greater; meantime, as it is, it is bound to Till whatsoever ftar that guides my moving, Points on me graciously with fair afpéct,] So, in "As if that whatsoever God who leads bim, "Were flily crept into his human powers, "And gave bim graceful posture." C. Again, in Antony and Cleopatra: he hath fought to-day, "As if a god in hate of mankind had "Deftroy'd in fuch a fhape." MALONE. 2 To show me worthy of thy fweet refpect:] The old of their fweet refpect. It is evidently a mifprint. For the correction I am an fame mistake has feveral times happened in thefe Son bably to abbreviations having been formerly used for and tby, fo nearly refembling each other as not to be ea I have obferved the fame error in fome of the old Engli |