To win me foon to hell, my female evil Yet this fhall I ne'er know, but live CXLV. Thofe lips that Love's own hand did ma 1 Tempteth my better angel from my fide,] So, in "Yea, curfe his better angel from bis fide.” The quarto has-from my fight. The true readi Paffionate Pilgrim. MALONE. with her foul pride.] The copy in The Paffio with her fair pride. MALONE. 3 But being both from me,] The Paffionate Pi 4 Yet this fhall I ne'er know,-] The Paffionate. The truth I fhall not know. MALONE. 5 Till my bad angel fire my good one out.] So, in "and fire us hence, like foxes." STIEV • Thofe lips that love's own band did make,] -ofcula, quæ Venus Quinta parte fui nectaris imbuit. Hor. M. Doth follow night, who, like a fiend3, I hate from hate away fhe threw, CXLVI. Poor foul, the center of my sinful earth', Fool'd by those rebel powers that thee array", 7 That follow'd it as gentle day Doth follow night,] So, in Hamlet: "And it must follow, as the night the day, Why "Thou canst not then be false to any man." MALONE. 8-night, who like a fiend] So, in King Henry V: 66 -night, "Who like a foul and ugly witch," &c. STEEVENS. 9 I hate from hate away he threw, And fav'd my life, faying-not you.] Such fenfe as these Sonnets abound with, may perhaps be difcovered as the words at prefent ftand; but I had rather read: I bate-away from hate the flew, &c. Having pronounced the words I hate, the left me with a declaration ia my favour. STEEVENS. The meaning is-fhe removed the words I bate to a distance from batred; the changed their natural import, and rendered them ineffica cious, and undefcriptive of diflike, by fubjoining not you. The old copy is certainly right. The poet relates what the lady faid; he is not herfelf the fpeaker. We have the same kind of expression in The Rape of Lucrece: "It cannot be, quoth fhe, that so much guile "But Tarquin's fhape came in her mind the while, "And from her tongue can lurk from cannot took." MALONE. Poor foul, the center of my finful earth,] So, in Love's Labour's Loft: "Than thou, fair fun, which on my earth doth fhine.” Again, in Romeo and Juliet: "Can I go forward, while my heart is here? Again, in Hamlet: "O, that the earth which kept the world in awe, We meet with a fimilar allufion in The Merchant of Venice: "But while this muddy vefture of decay "Doth grofly clofe it in, we cannot hear it." MALONE. a Fool'd by thafe rebel powers that thee array,] The old copy reads: X 4 Poor Why doft thou pine within, and fuffer dearth, So fhalt thou feed on death, that feeds on men, CXLVII. My love is as a fever, longing still For that which longer nurfeth the disease ; Poor foul, the center of my finful earth, My finful earth these rebel pow'rs that thee array. It is manifest that the compofitor inadvertently repeated the laft three words of the first verfe in the beginning of the fecond, omitting two fyllables, which are fufficient to complete the metre. What the omitted word or words were, it is impoffible now to determine. Rather than leave an hiatus, I have hazarded a conjecture, and filled up the line. MALONE. I would read: Starv'd by the rebel powers, &c. The deartb complained of in the fucceeding line, appears to authorife the conjecture. The poet feems to allude to the short commons and gaudy habit of foldiers. STEEVENS. 3-to aggravate thy flore;] The error that has been fo often already noticed, has happened here; the original copy, and all the subsequent impreffions, reading my inftead of tby. MALONE. 4 My reafon, the phyfician to my love,] So, in The Merry Wives of Wirdfor: "Afk me no reason why I love you; for though love use reafon for his precifian, he admits him not for his counsellor." Dr. Farmer, with fome probability, would here read—for his phyfician. MALONE. Paft Paft cure I am, now reason is past care, For I have fworn thee fair, and thought thee bright, Who art as black as hell, as dark as night. CXLVIII. O me! what eyes hath love put in my head, O cunning Love! with tears thou keep'ft me blind, CXLIX. Canft thou, O cruel! fay I love thee not, 5 Paft cure I am, now reason is past care,] So, in Love's Labour's Loft: "Great reafon; for paft cure is ftill past care." It was a proverbial faying. See Holland's Leaguer, a pamphlet publifhed in 1632: She has got this adage in her mouth; Things paft cure, paft care." MALONE. 6-as black as bell, as dark as night.] So, in Love's Labour's Loft: "Black is the badge of bell, "The hue of dungeons, and the fcowl of night." STEEVENS. 7 That cenfures falfely-] That estimates falfely. See Vol. IV. p. 149, n. 8. MALONE. • When I, against myself, with thee partake?] i. e, take part with thee against myself. STEEVENS. A partaker was in Shakspeare's time the term for an affociate or confederate in any business.` MALONE. Do Do I not think on thee, when I forgot But, love, hate on, for now I know thy mind; CL. O, from what power haft thou this powerful might, To make me give the lie to my true fight, And fwear that brightnefs doth not grace the day 3 ? The 9 -all tyrant, for thy fake?] That is, for the fake of thee, th tyrant. Perhaps however the authour wrote: when I forgot Am of myself, all truant for thy fake? So, in the 10ft Sonnet: "O truant Muse, what shall be thy amends "For thy neglect of truth." MALONE. Wbo bateth thee, that I do call my friend] This is from one of th Pfalms: "Do I not hate thofe that hate thee?" &c. STLEVENS. 2 Commanded by the motion of thine eyes ?] So, in Coriolanus: "Hewagid me with his countenance." STEEVENS. Again, more appofitely, in Antony and Cleopatra: "Her gentlewomen, like the Nereides, "So many mermaids, tended.beri' the eyes, 3 And swear that brightness doth not grace the day ] So, in Romee and Juliet: "I am content, if thou wilt have it fo: "I'll fay, yon grey is not the morning's\eye," &C.] STERVENS 4 Whence baft thou this becoming of things ill,] So, in Antony and Cleopatra: |