- or, like a gate of feel, "Fronting the fun, receives and renders back P. 147. Revealin day through every cranny fpies ;- feide, B. III. "O cruel day, accufer of the joy "That love and night have stole,- "What halt thou loft? why feekelt thou this place? MALONE. P. 164. It feem'd they would debate with angry fwords.] So, in Marlowe's K. Edward II. "Come, uncle, let us leave this brainfick king, P. 179. n. 9. l. 1.] For nunce, r. nunc. MALONE. P. 184. Why, Collatine, is woe the cure of woe?] So, in Romeo and Juliet: "Peace, ho, for fhame! confufion's cure lives not SONNET S. P. 191. n. 1.] Since this page was printed, I have learned that our poet's nephew, William Hart, was not born till See the extracts from the Register of Stratford upon 1600. Avon, in Vol. I. Part I. MALONE. P. 217. When to the feffions of fweet filent thought I fummon up remembrance of things past, &c.] So, in Othello: "But fome uncleanly apprehenfions "Keep leets and law-days, and in session fit P. 218. n. 4. 1. 16.] For P. II. r. P. I. P. 284. Or whether doth my mind, being crown'd with you, Drink up the monarch's plague, this flattery;] So, in Troilus and Crefida: "And how his filence drinks up his applause." MALONE. P. 285. n. 7. 1. 1.] For of, r. to; and in 1. 3, dele it. P. 288. n. 1.] In A Midsummer-Night's Dream, we have the fame image: "Made me compare with Hermia's fphery eyne." P. 305. n. 5. 1. 2.] For fevural, r. several. MALONE. The fame errour is found in the tragedy of Nero, by Nat. Lee, 1675: "Thou favage mother, seed of rock, more wild "More wild than the fierce tygrefs of her young beguild." MALONE. P. 344. To themselves yet either-neither,] So, in Drayton's Mortimeriados, 4to. 1596: fire feem'd to be water, water flame, "Either or neither, and yet both the fame." MALONE. TITUS ANDRONICUS. P. 388. Was there none elfe in Rome to make a ftare of,] Dele the word of, which was inferted by the editor of the fecond folio, from ignorance of ancient phrafeology. See a note in this Appendix, p. 577, (Midfummer Night's Dream, P. 445,) and Vol. VIII. p. 472. n. 9. MALONE. P. 400. the morn is bright and grey;] Add to my note, Again, in Romeo and Juliet: "The grey-ey'd morn fmiles on the frowning night". Again, ibidem: "I'll fay yon grey is not the morning's eye." Again, more appofitely in Venus and Adonis, which decifively fupports the reading of the old copy: "Mine eyes are grey and bright, and quick in turning." MALONE. P. 409. A precious ring, that lightens all the hole,] So, in K. Henry VIII. 66 a gem, "To lighten all this ifle." So alfo, Spenfer's Faery Queene, B. VI. c. xi. like a diamond of rich regard, "In doubtful shadow of the darksome night." Y y a MALONE. P. 416. n. 7. 1. 2. of my note.] For be, r. Titus. P. 423. Marcus, unknit that forrow-wreathen knot;] So, in The Tempeft: fitting "In that fad knot." MALONE. P. 424. O, handle not the theme, to talk of hands;] So, in Troilus and Crefida: thou "Handleft in thy difcourfe, O, that her band-." MALONE. Ibidem. fhe drinks no other drink but tears;] So, in K. Henry VI. P. III. Ye fee, I drink the water of my eyes.” Again, in Venus and Adonis : "Doft thou drink tears, that thou provok'ft fuch weeping?" MALONE. P. 425. Out on thee, murderer! thou kill'ft my heart.] So, in K. Henry V. "The king hath kill`d his heart.” Again, in Venus and Adenis: "That they have murder'd this poor heart of mine." MALONE. P. 434. The close enacts and counfels of the heart!] So, in Othello: "They are clofe denotements working from the beart,"-. MALONE. - let P. 438. n. 9. 1. ult.] For Clum, r. Cœlum, P. 459. n. 9.] The errour here corrected has likewife happened in the quarto copies of Hamlet, A&t I. fc. ii. « my extent to the players -- fhould more appear like entertainment than yours:"-instead of-Left my extent, &c. P. 466. 1. 12.] For 1663, r. 1664. MALONE. ERRATUM in APPENDIX. P. 590. 1. 19.] For Burton, r. Barton. |