| Great Britain - 1764 - 554 pages
...notary publick, in law, KO, and in default of fuch notary publick, by any other fubftantial '7J- . perfon of the city, town, or place, in the prefence of two or more credible witneflès, refufal or negleel being firft made of due payment of the fame ; which proteft ihall be... | |
| 1777 - 538 pages
...faid Bills to- be protefted by a Notary Publick ; and in default of fuch Notary Publick, by any other fubftantial Perfon of the City, Town, or Place, in the Prefence of two or more credible Witnefies ; Refufal or Neglec~t being firft made of due Payment of the fame; which Protefl fhall be... | |
| Adam Anderson - Commerce - 1787 - 662 pages
...agent, or affigns may, and ihall caufe the faid bill to be protefted by a notary-publie, or " any other fubftantial perfon of the city, town, or place, in the prefence of two or more cre" dible witnefles, refufal or neglect being firft made of due payment ; which proteft ihall be "... | |
| Sir John Bayley - Bills of exchange - 1797 - 158 pages
...to bcprotelled by a Notary Publick, and in default of fuch Notary Publick, by any other liibftantial perfon of the city, town, or place, in the prefence of two or more credible witneffes, refufal or neglect being firf t made of due payment of the fame; which proteft fhall be... | |
| Stewart Kyd - Bills of exchange - 1800 - 328 pages
...bill or bills to be protefted by a notary public, and in default of fuch notary public, by any other fubftantial perfon of the city, town, or place, in the prefence of two or more credible witnefles, rerufal or negleft being firft made of due payment of the fame : which proteft fhall be made and written... | |
| Richard Burn - Law - 2004 - 904 pages
...faid bill to be protefted by « a notary public, and in default of fuch notary public, by « any other fubftantial perfon of the. city, town, or place, « in the prefence of two witneffes, refufal or neglect being *< firft made of due payment of the fame. S. 1. « Which proteft... | |
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