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4. Amo (I love): amours, amiable, amity, amateur.
5. Anima (life): animate, animal.

6. Animus (the mind): animadvert (245), unanimous (237).
7. Annus (a year): annuity, perennial, superannuate.
8. Antiquus (ancient): antiquity, antique.

9. Ars, artis (skill, art): artificial, artist, artisan, inert.
10. Avis (a bird): aviary, auspicious (205).

11. Bene (well): benevolence (253), beneficial (54). 12. Brevis (short): abbreviation, brevity, abridge.

13. Cado (1 fall): accident, casualty, deciduous.

14. Campus (a plain): champaign, decamp, champion.

15. Capio, captum (I take): captivate, anticipate, exception.

16. Catena (a chain): concatenation.

17. Cedo (I go): proceed, recede, precede, antecedent, secede. 18. Centrum (a centre): eccentric, central, concentrate.

19. Cera (wax): sincere, cerate, cerements.

20. Cerno, cretum (I distinguish): discern, discretion, secretary. 21. Circus (a ring): circular, circulate, circlet.

22. Cito (I call): excite, resuscitate, citation.

23. Claudo, clausum (I shut): cloister, inclose, include, recluse. 24. Clino (I lean): incline, recline, declension.

25. Coelum (heaven): celestial, ceiling.

26. Colo, cultum (I cultivate): agriculture (3), colony.

27. Comes, comitis (a companion): concomitant, count. 28. Commodus (convenient): accommodate, commodious.

29. Concilio (I make friends): reconciliation, conciliate.

30. Corpus, corporis (the body): incorporate, corps, corpse, corpulent. 31. Credo, creditum (I believe): credit, incredible, credulity, creed. 32. Cresco, cretum (I grow): increase, excrescence, crescent, decrease. 33. Cumbo (I lie down): succumb, recumbent, incumbent.

34. Cura (care): sincere, curate, curator.

35. Curro, cursum (Irun): concurrence, succour, cursory, precursor. 36. Deterior (worse): detriment, deteriorate.

37. Dexter (right-handed): dexterous, ambidexterous.

38. Dico, dictum (I say): contradiction, verdict (246), predict.

39. Divus (a god): divinity, divine.

40. Doceo, doctum (I teach): doctor, docile, doctrine.

41. Doleo (1 grieve): indolence, doleful, condole, dolorous.

42. Domus (a house): domestic, domicile, dome.

43. Duco, ductum (I lead): conduce, seduce, conduct, deduce.
44. Duo (two): duel, duplicate (159), dual, duet, duplicity (159).
45. Durus (hard, lasting): duration, obdurate, endure.
46. Emo, emptum (I buy): redeem, exemption, peremptory.
47. Eo, itum (I go): circuit, transient; iens (going).

48. Esse (to be): essential, essence, interest.

49. Estimo (I value): esteem, estimate, inestimable.

50. Experior, expertum (I try): experiment, experience, expert. 51. Faber, fabri (a workman): fabric, fabricate.

52. Facies (the face): superficial, deface, facial.
53. Facilis (easy): difficult, facility, facile, faculty.

54. Facio, factum (I make, do): magnify (106), manufacture (108).
55. Fatigo (I weary): indefatigable.

56. Fendo, fensum (I keep off): offensive, defend, fender, fence.
57. Fero (I carry, bear): refer, circumference, fertile, transfer.
58. Ferveo (I boil): fervour, fervid, effervescence, fervent.
59. Fido (I trust): fidelity, confidence, infidel, diffident.
60. Fingo, fictum (I feign, invent): fictitious, figment, effigy.
61. Finis (an end): infinite, final, confine.

62. Firmus (strong): infirmity, affirm, confirmation.

63. Flecto, flexum (I bend): reflection, inflexible, circumflex.
64. Flos, floris (a flower): florist, floral, floriculture (26).

65. Fluo, fluxum (I flow): superfluous, influence, fluid, affluent.
66. Forma (a shape): uniform (237), deformity, transform, conform.
67. Fors, fortis (chance, luck): fortuitous, fortunate.

68. Fortis (strong): fortify, fortitude, pianoforte, effort.

69. Fugio, fugitum (I flee): fugitive, subterfuge, centrifugal (18).
70. Fundo, fusum (I pour, melt): confuse, diffusive, fusible, refund.
71. Fungor (I discharge a duty): function, perfunctory.
72. Gero, gestum (I carry): digest, congestion, suggest.

73. Gradior, gressus (I go, walk): progress, graduate, degrade, trans-

74. Gravis (heavy): gravity, aggravate, aggrieve, grievance, grave.
75. Gusto (I taste): disgust, gusto.

76. Habito (I dwell): inhabitant, habitation.

77. Haereo, haesum (I stick): inherent, adhere, hesitate, cohesive.

78. Haeres, haeredis (an heir): hereditary, inheritance.

79. Haurio, haustum (I draw): exhaust, inexhaustible.

80. Homo (a man): homage, humanity, humane, homicide.

81. Iter, itineris (a journey): itinerant, itinerary.

82. Jacio, jactum (I throw): ejectment, object, dejected, ejaculate.
83. Jocus (a jest): jocund, jocular, jocose, joke.

84. Judex, judicis (a judge): prejudice, judicial, judicious, adjudi-


85. Jungo, junctum (I join): conjunction, conjuncture, adjunct,

86. Juro (I swear): conjure, jury, perjury, abjure.

87. Langueo (I droop): languish, languor.

88. Lateo (I lie hid): latent.

89. Latum (to carry): dilate, relative, prelate, collate, translate.

90. Laudo, laudatum (I praise): laudable, laudatory.

91. Laxo, laxatum (I loose): relaxation, laxity.

92. Lego, lectum (I read, gather): select, collection, legible, lectern.
93. Levis (light): alleviate, levity, leaven.

94. Liber, libri (a book): library, libel.

95. Liber (free): liberal, libertine, liberate, deliver.

96. Libra (a balance): equilibrium (2), deliberate.

97. Ligo (I bind): ligature, religion, league, oblige, liable.

98. Lingua (the tongue): linguist, language, slang.

99. Loquor, locutus (I speak): elocution, soliloquy (201), loquacity.
100. Ludo, lusum (I play, deceive): ludicrous, delusion, delude, in-

101. Luna (the moon): sublunary, lunar, lunatic.

102. Luo, lutum (I wash): pollute, dilute, ablution.

103. Lux, lucis (light): pellucid, elucidate, lucifer (57).
104. Luxus (excess): luxury, luxuriant, luscious.

105. Magister (a master): magistracy, magisterial.

106. Magnus (great): magnify (54), magnitude, magnanimous (6).
107. Maneo, mansum (I remain): permanent, remnant, mansion.
108. Manus (the hand): manuscript (192), manufacture (54), manual.
109. Meditor (I think): meditation, premeditate.

110. Mens, mentis (the mind): mental, demented, comment.

111. Miles, militis (a soldier): militia, military, militant.

112. Minister (a servant): administer, minstrel.

113. Minor (less): diminution, miniature, diminutive.

114. Miror (I wonder): admire, miracle, mirror.

115. Misceo, mixtum (I mix): intermix, promiscuous, miscellany.
116. Miser (wretched): misery, commiserate.

117. Mitis (mild): mitigate.

118. Mitto, missum (I send): transmit, emit, missionary, remit-

119. Modus (a manner, measure): immoderate, modification (54).
120. Moneo, monitum (I warn): admonition, monitor, premonitory.
121. Monstro (I show): demonstration, monster, remonstrate.
122. Mors, mortis (death): mortality, mortuary, mortgage.

123. Moveo, motum (I move): emotion, promote, commotion, mobile.
124. Multus (many): multiplicity (159), multiform (66).

125. Munio, munitum (I fortify): ammunition, muniment.

126. Natura (nature): supernatural, naturalist.

127. Necto, nexum (I tie, bind): connect, annex.
128. Neuter (neither of two): neutrality, neutralize.
129. Nihil (nothing): annihilate.

130. Noceo (I hurt): innocent, innocuous, nuisance.

131. Nomen, nominis (a name): denomination, ignominy, nominal.
132. Novus (new): innovation, novelty, novice.

133. Numerus (a number): innumerable, supernumerary, enumerate.
134. Odium (hatred): odious.

135. Omnis (all): omniscience (191), omnibus, omnivorous (255).

136. Opinor (I think): opinion, opine.

137. Opus, operis (a work): operation, operative, opera.

138. Ordo, ordinis (order, rank): extraordinary, inordinate, ordinal.

139. Origo, originis (the beginning): original, aborigines.

140. Orior, ortus (I rise): oriental, orient, abortive.

141. Oro, oratum (I speak): oracle, oration, adore, peroration.
142. Pando, pansum (I spread): expanse, expand.

143. Pareo, paritum (I appear): apparition, transparent, apparent.
144. Paro, paratum (I make ready): preparation, repair.

145. Pars, partis (a part): particle, partial, parse, participate (15).
146. Pasco, pastum (I feed): pastoral, pasture, repast.

147. Patior, passus (I suffer): compassion, patient, passive.
148. Pejor (worse) impair.

149. Pello, pellatum (I name, call): appeal, appellation, repeal.
150. Pello, pulsum (I drive): repulse, dispel, compulsory, propel.
151. Pendeo, pensum (I hang): depend, suspense, pendulum, append.
152. Pendo, pensum (I weigh, pay): pension, counterpoise, expense,

153. Pestis (a plague): pestilence, pestiferous (57), rinderpest.
154. Peto, petitum (I seek): competition, petitioner, centripetal (18).
155. Pius (religious): impiety, pious, expiate.

156. Placeo (I please): complacency, placidity.

157. Planta (a plant): plantation, supplant, displant, transplant.
158. Plecto, plexum (I twist): perplex, complex, simple.

159. Plico, plicatum (I fold): complication, multiplicity (124), pliable.
160. Plus, pluris (more): nonplus, surplus, plural.

161. Populus (the people): popular, depopulate, publish.

162. Pondus, ponderis (weight): ponderous, preponderate, ponder,

163. Pono, positum (I place): composition, proposal, deposit, repose.
164. Porto (I carry): transport, support, portmanteau, export.
165. Poto, potatum (I drink): potion, potation.

166. Prehendo, prehensum (I take): comprehend, apprehend, im-

167. Premo, pressum (I press): inexpressible, suppress, impression.
168. Primus (first): primary, primer, primate, premier, primrose.
169. Privo, privatum (I take away): deprive, privacy, privation.
170. Probo, probatum (I prove, try): probation, reprobate.

171. Proprius (one's own): proper, proprietor, appropriate, property.
172. Pudens, pudentis (bashful): impudent.

173. Quaero, quaesitum (I ask): inquisitive, disquisition, query,

174. Quatio, quassum (I shake): discuss, concussion, percussion.
175. Quies, quietis (rest): acquiesce, quiescent, quietude, requiem.
176. Rapio, raptum (I seize): rapine, rapture, surreptitious.

177. Ratio, rationis (reason): rational, reasonable.

178. Rectus (straight): rectify, indirect, rectitude, correct, erect.
179. Repo, reptum (I creep): reptile.

180. Rideo, risum (I laugh): ridiculous, derision, risible.
181. Rigeo (I am stiff): rigid, rigour.

182. Ripa (bank of a river): arrive.

183. Rumen, ruminis (the cud): ruminate.

184. Rumpo, ruptum (I break): interrupt, rupture, eruptive, abrupt.
185. Rus, ruris (the country): rustic, rural.

186. Sacer (holy): consecrate, sacred, sacrament, execrate.

187. Sagax, sagacis (wise): presage, sagacity.

188. Salvus (safe): salvation, salvage.

189. Satis (enough): insatiable, satisfy, satiety, assets.

190. Scando, scansum (I climb): descent, ascend, transcendently,


191. Scio, scitum (I know): omniscience (135), conscious, scientific. 192. Scribo, scriptum (I write): describe, inscription, ascribe, scrip


193. Seco, sectum (I cut): dissection, insect, bisect, section.

194. Sedeo, sessum (I sit): session, sedentary, assiduous, besiege. 195. Sequor, secutus (I follow): prosecute, sue, consequence, sequel. 196. Sermo, sermonis (a speech): sermon.

197. Sero, sertum (I join, thrust): insert, deserter, exert, dissertation. 198. Servio, servitum (I obey): subserviency, servitor, servile, serf. 199. Sinus (a bay): insinuate, sinuous.

200. Socius (a companion): sociable, social, society, association. 201. Solus (alone): soliloquy (99), solitude, desolate, solo.

202. Sono (I sound): sonorous, unison (237), consonant, resonant.

203. Spargo, sparsum (I scatter): disperse, aspersion, sparse.

204. Spatium (space): expatiate, spacious.

205. Specio, spectum (I see): inspection, conspicuous, aspect, pros


206. Species (a kind): special, specious.

207. Spiro, spiratum (I breathe): inspire, perspire, conspiracy, re


208. Spondeo, sponsum (I promise): response, correspondent, sponsor. 209. Stillo (I drop): distil, instil.

210. Stinguo, stinctum (I put out light): extinguish, extinct.

211. Sto, statum (I stand): circumstance, extant, statue, obstinate. 212. Struo, structum (I build): structure, construct, destroy, obstructive.

213. Stupeo (I am insensible): stupendous, stupefaction (54), stupor. 214. Suadeo, suasum (I adrise): persuade, dissuade, suasion. 215. Summus (the highest): consummation, summit, sum.

216. Sumo, sumptum (I take): presumption, assume, consumption,


217. Taceo, tacitum (I am silent): taciturnity, tacit, reticence. 218. Tego, tectum (I cover): protection, detect, tegument.

219. Temetum (wine): abstemious.

220. Tempus, temporis (time): contemporary, temporal, temporary,


221. Tendo, tentum (I stretch): extend, contention, portend, ostentatious.

222. Teneo, tentum (I hold): retain, abstain, sustenance, tenable. 223. Tento (I try): attempt, temptation.

224. Terminus (a boundary): termination, exterminate, contermi


225. Terra (the earth): terrace, terrestrial, inter, terrier.

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