nothing can well be more unseemly than the appearance they too often make. Is it not like young recruits using the language and assuming the greatness of the veteran General? Or, to borrow a simile from Bunyan, do they not too much resemble the young chicks, running about with a profusion of the egg-shell on them, yet thinking they have ascended by the six steps to the matchless throne of King Solomon in all his glory? But may not this, their exaltation and lifting up, be chiefly by means of human learning and natural ability, maybe on the stilts of conceit and vanity? Does not the place on which they are by some means or other perched, more resemble man's wretched dunghil than the pure unsullied throne of judgment and righteousness? Have there not been some exhibitions from this their own place, disgusting and loathsome to the spiritual senses of some of the Lord's tried and experienced family, who, in regard to strength of faith, aboundings of love, communications of wisdom and power, and the rich anointings of the Holy Ghost, are certainly not inferior to these self-made Judges of Israel? Certainly the position such men assume, is as pernicious and absurd as if the Rulers of our Nation were to place briefless Barristers on the seats of our Judges in the Courts of Law, instead of able, learned, and wise men, of long standing and great experience in matters of Jurisprudence. (To be continued.) OBITUARY. M. H. THE highly respected and deeply lamented subject of the following brief memoir, Mr. George Greenhough, was born at Bradford, in Yorkshire, Oct. 26, 1783. He was apprenticed to a currier and leather-dresser, at the age of thirteen, after which he suffered much from hard labour and severe deprivations. Being the child of believing parents, he was placed under the sound of the Gospel and moral restraint, which at the time were irksome to him, but he has frequently been heard to praise God for them in after life. It was not till after his marriage, when about twenty years of age, that he was brought to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus. After a severe conflict, his soul was set at liberty by the application of that glorious passage, "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin." The very spot where he was thus favoured by the Holy Ghost, was peculiarly dear to him, and in grateful remembrance thereof he would frequently, when preaching, exhort believers, who might be under the hidings of God's countenance, to recollect some such "little hill, Mizar," which neither Satan nor unbelief could entirely overshadow, however devoid they might be of present enjoyment. A poor old farmer once remarked to him-" Friend G, though the way has been dark, thorny, and rough, I do remember a sweet season near an old oak in my field." And many are the instances that might be adduced in which he was made the honoured instrument of comforting the feeble of Christ's flock; a work in which he delighted. * Reader-perhaps greatly cast down, and apparently on the very verge of despair, the devil hurling his fiery darts, the world its insinuations, thy God in thine own apprehension far, far away, having nought to do with thee or thine-hast thou no hill Mizar in remembrance? Hast thou forgotten the sweet visit the Lord paid thee when traversing yonder barren heath, many, many years ago? has the precious lovetoken with which he favoured thee while strolling through that secluded lane escaped thy memory? Has the timely "Fear not" which dropped upon the ear with sooth Being a man of a warm and generous disposition, he became the dupe of many unprincipled professors; but this never restrained his bounty to the children of God. Having been many years a member and deacon of Mr. Gadsby's chapel, his mind became much harassed on the subject of preaching, and after repeated solicitations to exercise the gift the Lord had bestowed on him, he consented to preach in a private house in the week evenings; and eventually he became a zealous labourer and itinerant preacher in several places in connexion with the Baptist interest, where he shunned not to declare the whole counsel of God to those by whom he will long be remembered with gratitude and affection. Previously to preaching, he was generally subject to great spiritual conflict, but during such engagements, he usually enjoyed great liberty. Thus, for a term of nearly thirty years, he advocated the cause of God and truth, and unflinchingly preached a full, free, and finished salvation through the blood of the dear Redeemer. During his pilgrimage he suffered many trials from the church, the world, and his own family, being the father of sixteen children. His first wife, by whom he had eleven children, after many years of bodily suffering, died triumphant in Christ, Nov., 1826. By his second marriage, which took place the year following, he had five children. He was blessed with a strong constitution and a vigorous and active mind, till within the last two years of his valuable life, when his strength was observed to decline; but such was his earnest desire to promote the glory of God and the welfare of Zion, that he continued to preach, contrary to the best medical advice, until October last. Disease now made rapid advances, and deep solicitude for his wife and the younger children was painfully excited. By the grace of God this yielded to the promise, "The Lord will provide," and he then enjoyed great composure of soul. On one occasion being greatly exhausted, he exclaimed, "I am nearly dead, but my life is hid with Christ in God. Did he, my Lord, suffer, and shall I repine ?" At two other periods, being very happy, he summoned his afflicted family, and requested them to join him in singing his favourite hymns-"There is a fountain;" "Firmer than earth;" Grace, 'tis a charming sound," &c. Afterwards, placing his hands on the heads of his beloved wife and children separately, he invoked the divine blessing on their behalf. Nor was he unmindful of absent friends to whom he had been privileged to proclaim the Gospel; for these he prayed as members of the mystical body, that they might be kept in the knowledge of the truth. His friend, the Rev. Thomas Owen, calling to see him, expressed great satisfaction that the Lord so wonderfully favoured him. To which he replied, "Yes, but I fear another attack from the enemy." Then rejoined the former, "The Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard." This appeared to comfort him, and he repeated the passage with great emphasis. Very soon was this "word of the Lord tried," and in a sharp conflict made to prove that greater is He that is in you than all that can be against you.' To his mourning family he gave the most consolatory advice, reminding them it is written,Ho every one that thirsteth;" "He hath delivered, and doth deliver, and will yet deliver." He requested that, when dying, his finger might be placed upon the words, "Now unto him that hath loved us," &c.; and the last text he uttered, was, "Him hath God exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour." Thus he fell asleep in Jesus, without a struggle or a groan, Feb. 18, 1842. "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright; for the end of that man is peace." 66 ing sweetnes when wending thy way with anxious air amid the crowded city, died away? Still, still thy God is the same-yesterday, to-day, for ever; nor can he forget his covenant engagements, or forego his promise to bring thee through (Isa. xlix. 15, 16).-Ed. OUTLINES OF A SERMON PREACHED AT SHALOM CHAPEL, OVAL, HACKNEY ROAD, BY THE REV. JOHN CAYZER, WHOSE PORTRAIT ACCOMPANIES THE PRESENT NUMber. Jesus Christ, the same.-Heb. xiii. 8. THE subject of my text is infinite, no creature can possibly do it justice; and yet the most blessed reflections and reviving cordials may be produced from it. In speaking from it I might tell you, that these names are names of office, and belong to the most wonderful and glorious Person that ever did or will exist; that Jesus, the first name, means a Saviour, for which he was set up from everlasting, and which was announced by the angel previously to his appearance on earth, because he should save his people from their sins; that the salvation was actually effected, and that for the chief of sinners: that the second name, Christ, is a Greek word, the same as Messiah in the Hebrew, and that it means anointed; that he was anointed by the Holy Ghost, on account of his people, to be their Prophet, Priest, and King. But I shall lead you, by another path, to the contemplation of this wondrous character; I shall lead you into a national gallery of paintings, belonging to the Israel of God, the production of the most talented artists that ever lived; they all belonged to one school, and flourished ages before the masters of the Italian and the Flemish schools. 1. One of these (Rev. i. 13-16), gives a full-length portrait. In the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, one like unto the Son of man. Christ is ever with his church, which, as a candlestick, holds forth the light, the Gospel, to a dark world. A golden candlestick sets forth its excellence, preciousness, and value. Clothed with a garment down to the feet, like the high-priest, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle; as a King he is girded with righteousness; as a Prophet, with truth, and as a Priest, with love; this like a girdle round from everlasting to everlasting, golden, pure, precious, bound with it, denotes strength and readiness to assist. His head and hair white, denoting his eternity, the Ancient of Days, with whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. His eyes a flame of fire, terrible to enemies, penetrating to all; those eyes are truly wonderful on account of their watchful attention-they never sleep, nor are ever taken off the objects of their care; all things are open to them, and they run to and fro in all the earth, to succour, deliver, and save. His feet like brass, denoting strength, duration; burning in a furnace, purity in all his ways. His voice like the sound of many waters, powerful, convincing, refreshing; his voice or mouth is most sweet in ordinances, in providential dispensations, in death, and will be in judgment. His hands-in his hands he holds the winds and the ocean, together with the church; he restrains, controls, supports, protects, and governs all; his ministers are stars in his hand, he makes use of them as instruments; he values, sustains, preserves, and holds them up. Out of his mouth goeth a sharp two-edged sword, which is the word; two-edged, Law and Gospel; which wounds and kills, and must be felt wherever it is applied. And his countenance as the sun shining in his strength-he is the image of the invisible God, terrible to his enemies, but gracious and full of compassion. Having contemplated this full-length portrait by the celebrated artist John, we shall pass on to others, that we may see him in different circumstances, as drawn by various artists. 2. The next (Isa. vi. 1—5). Here Christ appears as Jehovah, the Lord of hosts, sitting on his throne, and his train filling the temple; a most glorious sight by faith to behold him in the glory and beauty of his person and the riches of his grace. Mark the seraphim, you may fancy you hear them cry, "Holy, holy, holy;" observe the posts of the doors moving, and the house filled with smoke; look at the prophet, see how the sight humbles him; hear his confession, "Woe is me, for I am undone." Believer, is this picture realized by you? Is it Jesus Christ, the same? 3. The next is the High Priest attired in his sacerdotal robes; look at his white and pure linen garments, setting forth his perfect and pure humanity; look at his robe of office, his girdle of righteousness, the tiara on his head, with the fillet of gold |