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Interpretation Clause.

exclusive Privilege of Banking as is given by this Act, upon such Terms and Conditions, and subject to the Termination thereof at such Time and in such Manner as is by this Act provided and specified; and all and every the Powers and Authorities, Franchises, Privileges, and Advantages, given or recognized by the said recited Act passed in the Fourth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King William the Fourth, as belonging to or enjoyed by the said Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or by any subsequent Act or Acts of Parliament, shall be and the same are hereby declared to be in full Force, and continued by this Act, except so far as the same are altered by this Act; subject nevertheless to Redemption upon the Terms and Conditions following; (that is to say,) at any Time upon Twelve Months Notice to be given after the First Day of August One thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and upon Repayment by Parliament to the said Governor and Company or their Successors of the Sum of Eleven million fifteen thousand and one hundred Pounds, being the Debt now due from the Public to the said Governor and Company, without any Deduction, Discount, or Abatement whatsoever, and upon Payment to the said Governor and Company and their Successors of all Arrears of the Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds per Annum, in the last-mentioned Act mentioned, together with the Interest or Annuities payable upon the said Debt or in respect thereof, and also upon Repayment of all the Principal and Interest which shall be owing unto the said Governor and Company and their Successors upon all such Tallies, Exchequer Orders, Exchequer Bills, or Parliamentary Funds which the said Governor and Company or their Suecessors shall have remaining in their Hands or be entitled to at the Time of such Notice to be given as last aforesaid, then and in such Case, and not till then, the said exclusive Privileges of Banking granted by this Act shall cease and determine at the Expiration of such Notice of Twelve Months; and any Vote or Resolution of the House of Commons, signified under the Hand of the Speaker of the said House in Writing, and delivered at the public Office of the said Governor and Company, shall be deemed and adjudged to be a sufficient Notice.

XXVIII. And be it enacted, That the Term "Bank Notes" used in this Act shall extend and apply to all Bills or Notes for the Payment of Money to the Bearer on Demand other than Bills or Notes of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England; and that the Term "Bank of England Notes " shall extend and apply to the Promissory Notes of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England payable to Bearer on Demand; and that the Term "Banker" shall extend and apply to all Corporations, Societies, Partnerships, and Persons, and every individual Person carrying on the Business of Banking, whether by the Issue of Bank Notes or otherwise, except only the Governor and Company of the Bank of England; and that the Word "Person" used in this Act shall include Corporations; and that the Singular Number in this Act shall include include the Plural Number, and the Plural Number the Singular, except where there is any thing in the Context repugnant to such Construction; and that the Masculine Gender in this Act shall include the Feminine, except where there is any thing in the Context repugnant to such Construction.

XXIX. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended Act may be or repealed by any Act to be passed in the present Session of amended.


SCHEDULES to which the Act refers.



An Account pursuant to the Act 7 & 8 Vict. Cap. for the Week ending

[blocks in formation]


Day of

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]




Government Securities (in

cluding Dead Weight An


[blocks in formation]

Other Securities


Gold and Silver Coin



[blocks in formation]



Name and Title as set forth

in the Licence

Name of the Firm

Insert Head Office, or prin-}

cipal Place of Issue

An Account pursuant to the Act 7 & 8 Vict. Cap.
Bank in circulation during the Week ending Saturday the


[ocr errors]





of the Notes of the said


[blocks in formation]

[To be annexed to this Account at the End of each Period of Four Weeks.] Amount of Notes authorized by Law

[ocr errors]




Average Amount in circulation during the
Four Weeks ending as above

I, being [the Banker, Chief Cashier, Managing Director, or Partner of the Bank, as the Case may be], do hereby certify, That the above is a true Account of the Notes of the said Bank in circulation during the Week above written.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Banks which have ceased to issue their own Bank Notes, under certain Agreements with the Governor and Company of the Bank of England.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Liverpool Borough Bank.

Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Company.

Manchester and Salford Banking Company.

Monmouth and Glamorgan Banking Company.

Moss and Company.

Mangles, Brothers.

Newcastle Commercial Banking Company.

Newcastle-on-Tyne Joint Stock Banking Company.
North of England Joint Stock Banking Company.
Northumberland and Durham District Bank.
Portsmouth and South Hants Bank Company.
T. and R. Raikes and Co.

[blocks in formation]

An Act for facilitating the Collection of County Rates,
and for relieving High Constables from Attendance
at Quarter Sessions in certain Cases, and from certain
other Duties.
[19th July 1844.]


[ocr errors]


WHEREAS the Constitution of Boards of Guardians for

Parishes and Unions of Parishes for the Administration.


' of the Laws for the Relief of the Poor in England, together
' with the Appointment of Treasurers holding Funds contributed
by such Parishes, affords great Facility for the Collection of
County Rates, Hundred Rates, Police Rates, and other like
' Rates authorized to be levied in Counties or Parts of Counties;
' and it is expedient to relieve High Constables from the Duties:
' of collecting and paying to the County Treasurer the said..
• Rates, and from attending at the Quarter Sessions of the Peace 1
' of their several Counties in certain Cases, and from the Per-)
'formance of certain other Duties at present by Law imposed
on them:' Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Ma-1
jesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual




Justices of the

Peace shall

and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the First Day of October in this present Year, so soon as any Vacancy occurs in the Office of High Constable of any Hundred, by the Expiration of his Appointment or otherwise, then, as often as the Justices of the Peace within the respective County Rates, Limits of their Commissions in England have made a County

send Precepts directly to Guardians of Unions for the Payment of


Guardians to

the same.

Rate or a Police Rate, or any other Rate which may by Law be raised in like Manner as County Rates, or any Two or more such Rates, such Justices assembled at their General or Quarter Sessions, or at any Adjournment thereof, shall order Precepts in the Form shown in the Schedule annexed to this Act, or as near thereto as may be, to be issued to the Guardians of every Union of Parishes, of which Union any Parish is situate within such Limits, stating the Sum or Sums assessed and charged for each such Rate on each Parish in the Union, the whole of which Parish is situate within such Limits, and to the Guardians of every single Parish situate within such Limits, stating the Sum or Sums assessed and charged on such Parish for each such Rate, and requiring the Guardians of such Union or Parish respectively, within such Time as may be limited in such Precepts, to cause the aggregate of the said several Sums so stated to be paid by them, out of the Monies held by them on behalf of each such Parish, to the Treasurer of the County or Place for which such Justices act, and may cause such Precepts to be sent by Post, or otherwise, to such Guardians; and such Precepts shall have force in every such Union so far as concerns such Parishes as are within the Limits of the Commission of the said Justices, notwithstanding that the Place of meeting of such Guardians may not be situated within such Limits, and without being endorsed with the Signature of any Justice of the Peace having ordinary Jurisdiction in the Place of meeting of the Guardians; and such Guardians shall raise the Monies required

pay such Rates. by such Precepts to be paid in like Manner as the Money required by such Guardians for the Relief of the Poor, and shall pay such Monies at the Time limited and in the Manner County Trea- prescribed by such Precepts; and if the Treasurer of such surer to receive Guardians, or any Person on his or their Behalf, tender to the Treasurer of the County or Place for which such Justices act the aggregate of the said several Sums, or if he so tender the whole Sum assessed on any such Parish or Parishes in respect of any such Rate or Rates, together with a Copy of such Precept in which are specified the Parish or Parishes, and the Rate or Rates, in respect of which the same is so tendered, the Treasurer of the County shall receive the Sum so tendered, notwithstanding that the Sums required to be paid on behalf of other of such Parishes or of other of such Rates be not then tendered, and shall give a Receipt for the Sum or Sums received by him accordingly, but he shall not receive any Sum on behalf of any such Parish less than the whole of the Sum assessed and charged thereon in respect of one such Rate; and the Receipt of the Treasurer of such County or Place shall be a good Discharge


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