442 WINNEBAGOES. Hoo-wau-noo-kaw, little elk, his x mark, Wau-kaun-hah-kaw, snake skin, his x mark, Won Run Lee price. Shoank-tshunk-saip-kau, black wolf, his x mark, Kay-rah-tsho-kau, clear sky, his x mark, Hee-tshaum-wau-kaw, wild cat, his x mark, Hoo-tshoap-kau, four legs, Jr., his x mark, L. S. L. S. L. S. L. S. L. S. L. S. L. S. L. S. Maunk-kay-ray-kau, crooked tail, his x mark, Wau-tshee-roo-kun-o-kau, master of the lodge, his x mark, L. S. Menne-kam, the bear who scratches, his x mark, Kay-ray-mau-nee, walking turtle, his x mark, Kaish-kee-pay-kau, his x mark, Ni-si-wau-roosh-kun, the bear, his x mark, Maun-tsha-nig-ee-nig, little white bear, his x mark, Maunee hat-a-kau, big walker, his x mark, In presence of Charles S. Hempstead, Sec. to Joseph M. Street, Ind. Agent, Z. Taylor, Lt. Col. U. S. Army, A. Hill, Henry Gratiot, Charles Chouteau, John Garland, Henry Crossle, Wm. Beaumont, Sur. U. S. A. J. L. Bogardus, L. S L. S. L. S. L. S. L. S. L..S. L. S. L. S. L. S. L. S. L. S. L. S. DELAWARES. [CONCLUDED August 3, 1829-RATIFIED JANUARY 2, 1830.] Articles of agreement made between John McElvain, thereto especially authorized by the President of the United States, and the band of Delaware Indians, upon the Sandusky river, in the State of Ohio, for the cession of a certain reservation of land in the said State. ART. 1. The said band of Delaware Indians cede to the United States the tract of three miles square, adjoining the Wyandot reservation upon the Sandusky river, reserved for their use by the treaty of the Rapids of the Maumee, concluded between the United States and the Wyandots, Seneca, Delaware, Shawanees, Potawatamies, Ottawas, and Chippewa tribes of Indians, on the twentyninth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, and the said tribe of Delawares engage to remove to and join their nation on the west side of the Mississippi, on the land allotted to them, on or before the first day of January next, at which time peaceable possession of said reservation is to be given to the United States. ART. 2. In consideration of the stipulations aforesaid, it is agreed, that the United States shall pay to the said band the sum of three thousand dollars: two thousand dollars in hand, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the undersigned chiefs of said tribe, and the remaining balance of one thousand dollars to be appropriated to the purchase of horses, clothing, provisions, and other useful articles, to aid them on their journey so soon as they are prepared to remove. In witness whereof, the said John McElvain, and the chiefs of the said band, have hereunto set their hands and seals at Little Sandusky, in the State of Ohio, this third day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine. DELAWARES. [CONCLUDED SEPTEMBER 24, 1829-RATIFIED MARCH 24, 1831.] SUPPLEMENTARY ARTICLE To the Delaware treaty, concluded at St. Mary's, in the State of Ohio, on the 3d of October, 1818. Whereas the foregoing treaty stipulates that the United States shall provide for the Delaware nation, a country to reside in, west of the Mississippi, as the permanent residence of their nation; and whereas the said Delaware nation, are now willing to remove, on the following conditions, from the country on James's fork of White river in the State of Missouri, to the country selected in the fork of the Kansas and Missouri river, as recommended by the government, for the permanent residence of the whole Delaware nation; it is hereby agreed upon by the parties, that the country in the fork of the Kansas and Missouri rivers, extending up the Kansas river, to the Kansas line, and up the Missouri river to Camp Leavenworth, and thence by a line drawn westwardly, leaving a space ten miles wide, north of the Kansas boundary line, for an outlet; shall be conveyed and forever secured by the United States, to the said Delaware nation, as their permanent residence: And the United States hereby pledges the faith of the government to guarantee to the said Delaware nation forever, the quiet and peaceable possession and undisturbed enjoyment of the same, against the claims and assaults of all and every other people whatever. And the United States hereby agrces to furnish the Delaware nation with forty horses, to be given to their poor and destitute people, and the use of six wagons and ox-teams, to assist the nation in removing their heavy articles to their permanent home; and to supply them with all necessary farming utensils and tools necessary for building houses, &c. and to supply them with provisions on their journey, and with one year's provisions after they get to their permanent residence; and to have a grist and saw mill erected for their use, within two years after their complete removal. And it is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon by the parties, that for and in consideration of the full and entire relinquishment by the Delaware nation of all claim whatever to the country now occupied by them in the State of Missouri, the United States shall pay to the said Delaware nation, an additional permanent annuity of one thousand dollars. And it is further stipulated that thirty-six sections of the best land within the limits hereby relinquished, shall be selected under the direction of the President of the United States, and sold for the purpose of raising a fund, to be applied under the direction of the President, to the support of schools for the education of Delaware children. It is agreed upon by the parties that this supplementary article shall be concluded in part only, at this time, and that a deputation of a chief, or warrior, from each town with their interpreter shall proceed with the agent to explore the country more fully, and if they approve of said country, to sign their names under ours, which shall be considered as finally concluded on our part; and after the same shall be ratified by the President and Senate of the United States, shall be binding on the contracting parties. In testimony whereof the United States Indian agent, and the chiefs and warriors of the Delaware nation of Indians, have hereunto set their hands at Council camp, on James's fork of White river, in the State of Missouri, this 24th day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine. Geo. Vashon, U. S. Indian Agent, Wm. Anderson, principal chief, his x mark, Capt. Suwaunock, whiteman, his x mark, Jonny Quick, his x mark, John Gray, his x mark, George Guirty, his x mark, Capt. Beaver, his x mark, Capt. Pipe, his x mark, Big Island, his x mark. Signed in presence of James Connor, Delaware Inter- Anth'y Shane, Shawanee Interpreter, preter. These last six chiefs and warriors having been deputed to examine the country, have approved of it, and signed their names at Council camp in the fork of the Kansas and Missouri river, on the 19th October, 1829. Nauochecaupauc, his x mark, Outhteekawshaweat, his x mark. In presence of Anth'y Shane, Interpreter, Baptiste Peoria, Interpreter. I hereby certify the above to be a true copy from the original in my possession, Geo. Vashon, U. S. Indian Agent. INDIAN AGENCY, near Kansas river, 24th October, 1829. SACS AND FOXES, ETC. [CONCLUDED JULY 15, 1830-RATIFIED FEBRUARY 24, 1831.] Articles of a treaty made and concluded by William Clark, superintendent of Indian Affairs, and Willoughby Morgan, colonel of the United States 1st regiment infantry, commissioners on behalf of the United States, on the one part, and the undersigned deputations of the confederated tribes of the Sacs and Fores; the Medawah-Kanton, Wahpacoota, Wahpeton, and Sissetong bands or tribes of Sioux; the Omahas, Ioways, Ottoes, and Missourias, on the other part. The said tribes being anxious to remove all causes which may hereafter create any unfriendly feeling between them, and being also anxious to provide other sources for supplying their wants besides those of hunting, which they are sensible must soon entirely fail them; agree with the United States on the following articles: ART. 1. The said tribes cede and relinquish to the United States forever all their right and title to the lands lying within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the upper fork of the Desmoines river, and passing the sources of the Little Sioux, and Floyds rivers, to the fork of the first creek which falls into the Big Sioux or Calumet on the east side; thence, down said creek, and Calumet river to the Missouri river; thence, down said Missouri river to the Missouri State line, above the Kansas; thence, along said line to the northwest corner of the said State; thence, to the high lands between the waters falling into the Missouri and Desmoines, passing on said high lands along the dividing ridge between the forks of the Grand river; thence, along said high lands or ridge separating the waters of the Missouri from those of the Desmoines, to a point opposite the source of Boyer river; and thence, in a direct line to the upper fork of the Desmoines, the place of beginning. But it is understood that the lands ceded and relinquished by this treaty, are to be assigned and allotted under the direction of the President of the United States, to the tribes now living thereon, or to such other tribes as the President may locate thereon for hunting, and other purposes. |