The ENGLISH Weights for Gold and Silver, compar'd with those of several other Countries... : こ The English Pound Troy of Gold and Silver, confifting of 12 Ounces, and the Ounce contains 480 Grains, and the Pound in course 5760. Of these the Roman Pound contains 5256, and that Pound being likewife divided into 12 Ounces, the Ounce contains 438 Grains.... The Paris Pound, or Standard for Gold and Silver of 16 Ounces, 7560 Grains, and the Ounce 472. The Spanish Pound, or Standard for Gold and Silver of 16 Ounces, taken at Gibraltar, 7090 Grains: Another weigh'd at Gibraltar 7085 Grains. The Spanish Pound in Vilalpondus is but 7035 Grains. ! The Venetian Pound, or Standard for Gold and Silver of 12 Ounces, 5528 Grains; the Ounce 460. The Neapolitan Pound, or Standard for Gold and Silver of 12 Ounces, 4950 Grains; the Ounce 412. ; The Pound, or Standard for Gold and Silver of 12 Ounces, at Florence, Pisa, and Leghorn 5286 Grains, the Ounce 440 Grains. The Pound, or Standard at Sienna for Gold and Silver of 12 Ounces, 5178 Grains; the Ounce 431. The Ounce at Genoa, for Gold and Silver 405 Grains. The Turkish Oketh, or Oke at Constantinople, confifting of 400 Silver Drams, 19128 Grains. Grains. The Silver Dram generally used in the Turkish Dominions, Persia, and the Mogul's Countries, is taken to be 47 The The Turkish Sultani, or Egyptian Xeriff, being a Gold Coin, with which, the Barbary and Venetian Chequeens, and Marienberg Ducat, very nearly agree with 53 Grains. The Ratal, or Rotulo for Gold and Silver of 144 Drams at Cairo, 6886 Grains. The Ratal, or Rotulo for Silk of 720 Drams at Damafcus, (with which I fuppofe they formerly weigh'd their Gold and Silver; because most Countries use the fame Weights for Silk, Gold; and Silver) 34430 ww96 Having given fome Account of the ancient and modern Coins, and Money-Weights, and of the prefent Denominations of Money in general, let us next examine the State and Value of the Coins of thofe Nations, with whom we drive any confiderable Trade, either in Exchange, or Merchan dize: For, to know the real intrinfick Value of moft kinds of Money, is the only true Method to icome at the Knowledge of the juft Par Mr. RICARD in his Book of Exchange, written in French, and publifh'd at Amfterdam, compares the Par of the undermention'd Coins, (affay'd in Holland) with the Rixdollar of that Place. The Rixdollar of 50 Stivers, according to that Eftimation, is worth as he tells us, In England 4 s. 6d. or 54 d. Sterling. In France 60 Solz Tournois, or a French Crown in Specie whatever be it's current Value. In Brabant 48 Stivers, or 96 Groots. "In Hamburgh, 48 Stivers Lubs In Nuremberg, the Rixdollar of 90 Cruitzers. In Frankfort, the fame. In Dantzick, the Rixdollar of 90 Grofs. In Berlin, the Rixdollar of 30 Grofs. In Leipfick, the Rixdollar of 24 Grofs. In Venice, 150 Soldi. In Genoa, the Piaftre of 5 Lires, or 100 Soldi. The Par of Exchange, according to the faid Mr. RICARD, is, between LONDON, and Paris, 54 d. Sterling for the French Crown of 60 Solz, in Specie.. Amfterdam, 11. Sterling for 37 s. d. or 444 Grofs. d. Antwerp, 1 l. Sterling for 35s. 6}`d. or 426 † d. Grofs. Hamburg, the fame 61 (74 d. Sterling for the fame Ducat of Spain, 375 Marvedies; or 54 d. Sterling for the Piaftre of 272 Marvedies. Portugal, 7.s. 6d. Sterling or 90 d. for 1000 Rees. Between PARIS, and i Amfterdam, the Crown of 60 Solz in Specie, for 50 Stivers. Antwerp, the fame for 48 Stivers, or 96 Groots. Hamburgh, the same. Spain, the fame for the Piaftre of 272 Marvedies. Frankfort, the fame for 73 Cruitzers of Exchange. Venice, 100 Crowns aforefaid, for 100 3 Ducats 10. Banco. Between 4 Between AMSTERDAM, and Spain, 137 8 d. for the Ducat of 375 Marvedies. Dantzick, 11. Gross, for 216 Polish Groffes. Koningsberg, the same. Frankfort, { 28 } food. for the Rixdollar of 90 Cruitzers current, or 88 3 d. for the Florin of 65 Ditto, in Exchange. Hamburgh, 33 Stivers for the Dollar of 2 Marks, or 32 Stivers Lubs. Nuremberg, 723 d. for the Florin of 65 Cruitzers current. Venice, 99 d. for the Ducat in Bank of 24 Gross. Leghorn, the same for the Piastre of 6 Lires. Between ANTWERP, and Hamburgh, 96 d. for 48 Stivers Lubs. Frankfort, 881 d. for the Florin of 65 Cruitzers of Exchange. Nuremberg, 69 d. for the Florin of 65 Cruitzers current. Venice, 95 Tid, for the Venetian Ducat in Bank. Spain, 132 19 d. for the Ducat of 375 Marvedies. The Dollar of 32 Stivers Lubs for Cruitz. of Exchange, or 100 Rixdollars of 48 Stiyers Lubs for 199 Rixdollars of Frankfort. Dantzick, Dantzick, the Dollar of 32 Stivers Lubs for 61 Polifh Groffes. Koningsberg the fame. Nuremberg, the fame Dollar for the like Number of Cruitzers, current of Nuremberg. Between FRANKFORT, and Venice, 122 123 Florins of 60 Cruitzers of Exchange for 100 Ducats in Bank. Nuremberg, 100 Florins of 60 Cruitzers of Exchange for 121 Florins. Between NUREMBERG, and Venice, 148 Florins current for 100 Ducats in Bank. St. Gal, 100 Florins current for 113 Florins of St. Gal. Another Account of the Par of Money and Exchange. By HENRY DES AGUILIERS. According to this Gentleman's Account, the Par of Money is, as under, viz. Between AMSTERDAM, and Antwerp, 25 Florins of Amfterdam, for 41. Grofs of Antwerp, at which rate Florin is worth 3 s. 29 d. Gross. Cadiz, 17 Florins for 57 Rials of Plate; at which Rate, Florin is worth 3 Rials, 12 Marvedies. Dantziek, 5 Florins of Amfterdam, for 6 Florins or Gilders of Dantzick, fo that 1 Florin of Amfterdam is worth 1 Florin of Dantzick. I Frank |