the doctrine of Election-Mr. How misrepresents and lish Episcopalians, denied-Proved to be true-Charge of illiberality against the author-Refuted-The claim of high-churchmen construed by impartial judges, and even by Episcopal writers, as we construe it-Charge Scripture the only rule of faith and practice-Dr. from the Constitution of the Jewish Synagogue reviewed and defended-Quotations from Episcopal writers in support of that argument-Argument drawn from the alleged Episcopal character of James, examined and re- futed-Calvin unjustly produced as a witness in favour of this argument-Calvin grossly misrepresented in an- other instance-Dr. Bowden denies that the genuine- ness and authenticity of the Scriptures can be decided Testimony in favour of the office of Ruling Elder more particularly considered This, or some similar office, necessary in the Church-There were Ruling Elders in the Jewish Synagogue-They are expressly mentioned in the New Testament-Testimony in favour of this office from the Fathers-The Waldenses, the Bohemian brethren, and the Hussites, had Ruling Elders in their Churches before Calvin was born-Testimony of the Reformers-Martin Bucer-Peter Martyr-Confes- sion of Saxony-Acknowledgment of Archbishop Whit- gift-Szegedin-Kromayer-Voetius-Ursinus- This Testimony of the Fathers reviewed-The author's former protest and explanations on this subject disre- garded by Dr. Bowden-Charge of suppressing testimo- ny from the Fathers unfounded-Charge of misrepre- senting the testimony of other Fathers equally unfounded -The Fathers of the third and fourth centuries ought not to be credited, even if they had asserted the apostoli- *cal institution of Prelacy-But they do not assert it- but a parochial Bishop-Recapitulation of testimony Testimony of the Reformers-Further proof that the Waldenses were Presbyterians-Additional testimony also that the Bohemian brethren embraced the doctrine of ministerial parity-The attempts of Dr. Bowden and Mr. How to show that the English Reformers were be- lievers in the divine right of Prelacy, examined and shown to be insufficient Dr. Bowden represents the first reformation in Scotland, under Knox, as prelatical in its character-This representation shown to be an er roneous one-Testimony of the Reformers on the conti- nent of Europe-Luther-Augustan Confession-De- fence of the Augustan Confession-Smalkald Articles- Syllabus of controverted Points-Confession of Saxony -Confession of Witemberg-French Confession-Bel- gic Confession--Second Helvetic Confession-Confession of Bohemia-Ursinus-Musculus-Szegedin-Junius- Sadeel-Crakenthorp-Further proof that the Churches of Sweden and Denmark are not, and never were, Epis- Testimony of Calvin-Extraordinary frains taken by LETTER VIII. Testimony of the Successors of the Reformers-Le -Balduin-Dieterich-Hulsemann-Gerhard-Bud- Rise and Progress of Prelacy-Prelacy introduced, not suddenly, but by little and little-Dr. Bowden proved to be incorrect in his estimate of the great purity of the clergy during the first three centuries-Quota- tions from the Fathers to prove this-Hermas-Hegis- sippus Cyprian-Origen-Eusebius-Proof not only that clerical ambition existed, but that there were ob- vious temptations to it in those early times-Dr. Bouw- den misrepresents Blondel, with respect to his opinion, as to the period at which Prelacy arose-Probably mis- represents Salmasius, Chamier, and Du Moulin in the same manner-The early community of the titles of Bi- |