THE CONSECUTIVE UNION QUESTION-BOOK. LUKE. REPARED FOR THE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, AND PHILADELPHIA: AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, REFACE. n often made for another series in the general plan of the Union ing from them in the following stead of taking (as they do) the etions recorded in the several y distinct and independent sub1, it is proposed to take each gosollowing the order of events as history, divide the text into leslength, and frame appropriate To supply this want the series which the present volume is one) advantage anticipated from the estion-book as this, is, that the el-narrative will be brought into so far as that gospel contains ave a complete history of Christ 's and teachings. cond volumes of Union Questions e gospels) are intended to bring ew the chief transactions of our earth, as they are recorded by any by all of them-drawing from apply the omissions, or to cond confirm the statements, of the ied out by a skilful teacher, will d the same result; but as there |