SYSTEM OF PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC, APPLICABLE TO THE PRESENT STATE OF TRADE, AND MONEY TRANSACTIONS: ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS EXAMPLES UNDER EACH RULE; FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. BY THE REV. J. JOYCE. THE FOURTH EDITION, REVISED AND CORRECTED. LONDON: PRINTED FOR RICHARD PHILLIPS, NEW BRIDGE-STREET.. And sold by SHERWOOD and Co., Paternoster-row; Wilson and Co., York; and by all other Booksellers: with a full- 1812. [Price Three Shillings and Sixpence, Bound.] Multiplication o Vage 17 3 avoirdupoise apothecarier weightLong Theatre 41Wool weight 41Cloth theasure 43Square meature44 46 Cubic Meaние 49 Time Table stronomy Jable 122 Sence Table Interest 162 Burping and selling stock 2 James Gillet, Printer, Crown-court, Fleet-street, London, harif hical Colinations-245 tochs-160 160 230 J6 PREFACE. 18/2 In presenting a new System of Arithmetic to the Public, some account of its plan and execution will be expected. It is hoped, that the title of the present Work will briefly explain the views of the Author, who, from his own experience in the business of education, has long been convinced, that, among the excellent introductory books to this science, no one is sufficiently adapted to the occasions of common life. Some are too abstruse for novices, while others are defective in such examples as point out the application of the several rules to transactions of real business. If the Author of this System of Arithmetic has not deceived himself, he has supplied these deficiencies; and he appeals, without apprehension, to that Public, whose candour and liberality he has already experienced, to decide upon this attempt to render the elementary rules of Arithmetic at once practical and popular. There are few children who do not experience some disgust in passing through the first four rules; occasioned, with*out doubt, by the paucity of examples, and by the want of interest in those that are given. The Author has therefore devoted a large portion of this work to the early rules, and has illustrated them by miscellaneous questions, in which will be found much useful information, applicable in the progressive stages of life. The modes of treating the Role of Three, of illustrating Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, Practice, &c. &c., will best speak for themselves. But a reason may be demanded for the introduction of Logarithms, and for the particular Amethod adopted in those parts in which the doctrine of M507409 |