| Charles Drelincourt - Death - 1721 - 542 pages
...which is but for a Moment, work^ eth for Hi a far more exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory; while we look^ not at the Things which are feen, but at the...which are feen are temporal, but the Things which arc not feen are eternal, z Cor. 4. R 3 ther ther of Mercies, and the God of all Comfort, who comforts... | |
| Basil Kennett - 1721 - 254 pages
...and eternal weight of Glory. A Knowledge not to be obtain'd, a Comfort not to be expe&ed, unlefs we look, not at the things which are feen, but at the things which are not feen j becaufe the things which are feen are temporal, but the things which are not feen are eternal *.... | |
| Daniel Finch Earl of Nottingham - Arianism - 1721 - 96 pages
...Son of God 5 Cor. ir. tcac'1 us' w'1cn wc РгаУ > to h? f° ' St. pant fays, the Thingt ig. vbicb are feen are temporal, but the Things which are not feen are ajuirm, eternal, but according to your Notion youmufl render it, are to the End of the World, that... | |
| Michel de La Roche - Bibliography - 1722 - 480 pages
...Chrijtian. II. The fecond was preached on a New-year's-day, upon thefe Words, 2 Cor. iv. 18. While we look not at the things which are feen, but at the things which are not feen : {"or the things which are feen are temporal; but the things which are nor feen, are eternal. III.... | |
| Bibliography - 478 pages
...Chrijlian. II. The fecond was preached on a New-year's-day, upon thefe Words, 2 Cor. iv. 18. While we look not at the things which are feen, but at the things which are notfeen : for the things which are feen are temporal; but the things which are notfeen, are eternal.... | |
| Edward Maynard - 1724 - 416 pages
...Glory : Whilft we look not at the Things that are feen, but at the Things which are not feen ; far the Things which are feen are Temporal, but the Things which are not feen are Eternal. But there is Nothing more Wretched and Forlorn than the Wtcked in Extremities ; When they come to find... | |
| Basil Kennett - 1726 - 218 pages
...eternal weight of Glory. A Knowledge not to be obtain'd, a Comfort not to be expeded, unlefs we look net at the things which are feen, but at the things which are not few, becaufe the i xCor. iv. 17, things which are feen are temporal, but the thing* which art **•... | |
| Samuel Clarke - Sermons, English - 1730 - 434 pages
...us a far more exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory : While we look not at the things which arefeen, but at the things which are not feen; for the things which are feeny are temporal, but the things which are notfeen, are eternal. Z3 SER SERMON XV. Of CHRIST'S fitting... | |
| Charles Drelincourt - 1732 - 536 pages
...afar more exceeding And eternal Weight of Glory ; while we look not at the 'Things which are feen y but at the Things which are not feen ; for the Things...temporal, but the Things which are not feen are eternal, 2 Cor. iv. The only Spring of all our Comforts, is God's graciousPromife of feafonableHeJpinTimeofNeed.... | |
| Bible - 1737 - 502 pages
...exceeding and eternal weight of glory; 1 8. While we look not at the things which are feen, but •t the things which are not feen : for the things which are feen, a'f temporal : but the things which are not feen, art eternal. 15. For your Sakes then, as well as... | |
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