| Isaac Barrow - Sermons, English - 1798 - 492 pages
...afar more exceeding weight of glory ; while we look not at the things which are J'een, but at thofe which are not feen : for the things which are feen...temporal ; but the things which are not feen are eternal. For we know, aCor.T. x< that when our earthly houfe of ihis tabernacle (of this SE R M.unfteady tranfitory... | |
| Ebenezer Erskine - Sermons - 1798 - 630 pages
...contempt of all thefe things, in companion of things that lie beyond the wildemefs ; it lies in " looking not at the things which are feen, but at the things which are not feenl" O Sirs, we fink our fouls below their original make and excellency, when we lie down, with the... | |
| Ebenezer Erskine - Sermons - 1798 - 614 pages
...things that are above, where rhrilt is at the right-hand of God. " We look not at the things »•htch are feen, but at the things which; are not feen : for the lings which are feen are temporal; tut the things which are lot feen, »re eternal." 5/¿/y, As was... | |
| Samuel Stanhope Smith - Presbyterian Church - 1799 - 466 pages
...are but for a moment, work out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory ; while \ve look not at the things which are feen, but at the...temporal, but the things which are not feen are eternal."* i BleJJed are the dead who die in the Lord ! yea faith the Spirit, that they may reft from their labors,... | |
| Thomas Boston - 1799 - 414 pages
...as a night-time, a fhadowy one. And this, 1. By ftretching your view habitually beyond it, " looking not at the things which are feen, but at the things which are not feen," 2 Cor. iv. ult. A foul married to Chrift will not terminate its defires and expe&ations within the... | |
| 1802 - 502 pages
...and have his converfation in heaven while he dwelleth on the earth. The genuine Chriftian " lookcth not at the things which are feen, but at the things which arc not feen." The doctrines of Chriftianity uniformly teach, that the honor of God and the beft good... | |
| English literature - 1801 - 430 pages
...many things which could not be feen By the, natural fight. Above the cloud was this infcription, " The things which are feen are temporal, but the things which are not feen are eternal. Of thefelaft many glorious defcriptions had been given, but as thofe fplendors were at a diftance,... | |
| Hannah More - 1801 - 488 pages
...difcern many things which could not ' be feen by the natural fight. Above the cloud was this infcription, The things which are feen are temporal, but the things which are not feen are eternal. Of thefe laft things many glorious defcriptions had been given ; but as thofe fplendors were at a diftance,... | |
| John Evans - Christian life - 1801 - 404 pages
...fight. And fo they are' exprefsly called more than once in' die New Teftament, a- Cor. iv. 18. " We took not at the things which are feen, but at the things which are not feen." Aitd Heb. xL t. " Faith is the evidence of things not feen." By this reprefentation of the things which... | |
| Peter Immens - Lord's Supper - 1801 - 596 pages
...faith, thou wilt find thy heart more weaned from things of time and fenfe, and difpofed not to look at the things which are feen, but at the things which are not fan ; for the things which are feen are temporal, but the things -which are not feen are eternal, 2... | |
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