| Anson Willis - United States - 1868 - 546 pages
...the first Monday in November. The enacting clause of her laws is, " Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Florida, in General Assembly convened." UNITED STATES SENATORS. Jackson Morton, from 1849 to 1855 SR Mallory, " 1851 " 1861 Florida seceded... | |
| Anson Willis - United States - 1872 - 522 pages
...the first Monday in January. The enacting clause of the laws is : "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Florida, in General Assembly convened." UNITED BTATES SENATORS. David L. Yulee, JD Wescott, Jackson Morton, 8. R. Mai lory, AS Welch, Thomas... | |
| Texas - Law - 1873 - 876 pages
...for thc Keliof of \Vm. W. Wallace. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the Mate of Texan, That the Comptroller of the State be, and he is hereby authorized and required to draw his war rant on the Treasurer of the State, in favor of Wm. W. Wallace, for the... | |
| Charles Bancroft - Constitutional history - 1875 - 744 pages
...after the first Monday in January. The enacting clause of the laws is: "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Florida, in General Assembly convened." UNITED STATES SENATORS. David L. Tulee, from 1845 to 1861. JD Wescott, « 1845 " 1851. Jackson Morton,... | |
| Benjamin Perley Poore - Constitutional law - 1877 - 1054 pages
...assembly of the State of Florida;" and the style of the laws shall be, "Be it enacted by the senate and responsible for the SEC. 2. The members of the house of representatives shall be chosen by the qualified voters, and shall... | |
| Florida - Canals - 1881 - 1354 pages
...may be appropriated for such improvements ;" therefore, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Florida in General Assembly convened: So much of the five hundred thousand acres of land f^0^^ the granted to this State for Internal Improvement... | |
| Law reports, digests, etc - 1912 - 1068 pages
...riparian owners from improving their water-lots: Therefore, "Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the state of Florida in General Assembly convened, that the state of i'lorida for the considerations above mentioned, divest themselves ot all right, title and... | |
| United States. Bureau of Rolls and Library - Constitutional history - 1894 - 904 pages
...enforce this article by appropriate legislation." Therefore, I. Be it Resolved, by the Senate and. House of Representatives of the State of Florida in General Assembly convened, That, the foregoing amendment to the Constitution of the United States, be, and the same is hereby ratified to... | |
| United States Bureau of Rolls and Library - Archives - 1895 - 736 pages
..."to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." Therefore, I. Be it Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Florida in General Assembly convened, That, the foregoing amendment to the Constitution of the United States, be, and the same is hereby ratified to... | |
| Tennessee - Session laws - 1895 - 676 pages
...therefore, Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, That the Comptroller of State be and he is hereby authorized to issue his warrant .upon the State 'Treasurer for the said sum of $16.80 in favor of the said WA Cannon. Adopted April 24, 1895.... | |
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