| Joseph Townsend - Despotism - 1781 - 342 pages
...girdle of his loins, and faithfulnefs the girdle of his • Joel ii. 2, 10. reins. The wolf alfo fhall dwell with the? lamb, and the leopard (hall lie down...little child fhall lead them. And the cow and the bear fhall feed ; their young ones fhall lie down together : and the lion fhall eat ftraw like the ox. And... | |
| Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge - Sermons - 1785 - 618 pages
...peace. The wolf alfo Jball dwell witb the lamb, and the leopard Jball lie down with the kid 3. and the calf and the young lion and the falling together, and a little child Jball lead them. And the fucking child Jbalt play on the bole of the ajp, and the weaned child Jball... | |
| Theocritus (of Syracuse) - 1792 - 242 pages
...lamb; .and the leopard lie down ' with the kid : And the calf and the young lion, and the fading ' together; and a little child fhall lead them. And the cow ' and the bear fhall feed — their young or.es fhall lie down ' together ; and the lion fhall eat ftraw like an ox.'... | |
| John Disney - Sermons, English - 1793 - 516 pages
...down *' with the kid : and the calf, and the young " lion, and the fading mall come together; " and " and a little child fhall lead them : and the '' cow and the fhe-bear fhall feed together ; " together their young ones fhall lie down : ' ' and the lion fhall... | |
| Alexander Pope - English literature - 1797 - 444 pages
...16, &c. " The wolf ihall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard fhall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the falling together : and a little child fhall lead them. — And the lion fhall eat ftraw like tiie ox. And the fucking child fhall play on the hole of the afp, and the... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1797 - 442 pages
...16, &c. " The wolf fhall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard fhall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the falling together : and a little child fhall lead them. — And the lion fhall eat ftraw like the ox. And the fucking child fhall play on the hole of the afp, and the... | |
| John Pearson - Apostles' Creed - 1797 - 632 pages
...mould come, the wolf Jhould dwell with the lamb, and the leopard Jhould lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the falling together, and a little child Jhould lead them ; that is, there fhould be fo much love, unanimity, and brotherly kindnefs in the... | |
| George Stanley Faber - Bible - 1801 - 374 pages
...the leopard " fhall lie down with the kid : and the " calf, and the young lion, and the fatling C( together, and a little child fhall lead " them. And the cow and the bear lhall " feed ; their young ones fhall lie down " together ; and the lion fhall eat ftraw " like the... | |
| Henry Kett - Bible - 1801 - 442 pages
...morez. — The wolf alfo fhall dwell with the lamb, and the calf, and the young lion, and the fatling together, and a little child fhall lead them. And the cow and the bear fhall feed, and their young ones lie down together ; and the lion mail eat ftraw like the ox. The fucking... | |
| Alexander Fraser - Bible - 1802 - 498 pages
...and the leopard fhall " lie down with the kid : and the calf, and the " young lion, and the fatling together, and a "little child fhall lead them. And the cow ** and the bear fhall feed ; their young ones " fhall Jie down together : and the lion fhall " eat ftraw like the ox.... | |
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