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" There is no other head of the Church but the Lord Jesus Christ: nor can the Pope of Rome, in any sense be head thereof; but is that Antichrist, that man of sin and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the Church against Christ, and all that is called... "
A Continuation of Letters Concerning the Constitution and Order of the ... - Page 41
by Samuel Miller - 1809 - 434 pages
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Historical Memorials Relating to the Independents Or ..., Volume 3

Benjamin Hanbury - Congregationalism - 1844 - 686 pages this world to the end thereof, of such as believe in Him and make profession of his Name. — iv. There is no other Head of the church but the Lord...the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof: but it [he] is that antichrist, that man of sin and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the church...
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The Life and Times of Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, Volume 2

Aaron Crossley Hobart Seymour - 1844 - 588 pages
...Indian, let the Negro." Mr. Samuel Beaufoy then ascended the platform, and addressed the congregation. There is no other Head of the Church but the Lord...Jesus Christ; nor can the Pope of Rome in any sense thereof, but is that Antichrist, the man of sin, nnd son of perdition, that exulteth himself in the...
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The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review, Volume 16

Charles Hodge, Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater - Bible - 1844 - 668 pages
...controversy. The church of Scotland has always held and testified, in prison and at the stake, First, that " there is no other head of the church but the Lord Jesus Christ," and that He " as king and head of the church hath therein appointed a government in the hands of church...
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The Exodus of the Church of Scotland: And the Claims of the Free Church of ...

Thomas Smyth - 1844 - 192 pages the Confession of Faith thereof, in accordance with the word and law of the Most Holy God, that ' there is no other head of the church but the Lord Jesus Christ;' and that, while ' God, the supreme Lord and King of all the world, hath ordained civil magistrates...
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Parish Psalmody: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship ...

Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Isaac Watts - Bible - 1844 - 758 pages
...Satan.« Nevertheless, there shall be always a church on earth, to worship God according to his will.' VI. There is no other head of the church but the Lord Jesus Christ.7 Nor can the Pope of Rome, in any sense be head thereof; but is that anti-christ, that man...
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The North British review

1845 - 548 pages
...of Episcopacy was contrary to the Word of God. But they deal with Popery in very different terms : " There is no other Head of the Church, but the Lord...Church against Christ, and all that is called God." And the same observation applies to the creed of all the Reformed Churches. A Protestant Government...
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Morning exercises at Cripplegate [ed. by S. Annesley] St. Giles in ..., Volume 6

London St. Giles, Cripplegate - 1845 - 828 pages
...The doctrine of the Protestante or Reformed churches concerning the head of the universal church. . " There is no other head of the church but the Lord...can the pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof. All true pastors, in what place soever they be placed, have the same and equal authority among themselves,...
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The Scottish Church Question

Carl Leopold Adolph Sydow, Adolphus Sydow - Church and state - 1845 - 228 pages
...expressed at the same time so absolutely as to admit of no mistake." In chapter twenty-five it is stated, " There is no other head of the Church but the Lord Jesus Christ."* * Remark of the Author. — In relation to this principle, it is said, " Nobody denies this : but this...
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The Ancient Platforms of the Congregational Churches of New England: With a ...

General Association of Connecticut - Congregationalism - 1845 - 380 pages
...28 : 2 ; Rom. 11 : 18 to 23. k Matt. 16 : 18 ; Psal. 72 : 17, and 102 : 28 ; Matt. 28 : 19, 20. IV. There is no other head of the Church but the Lord Jesus Christ;i nor can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof, but is that Antichrist, that man of...
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The Confession of Faith: The Larger and Shorter Catechisms, with the ...

Church of Scotland - Presbyterianism - 1845 - 392 pages
...Satan1. Nevertheless, there shall be always a church ou earth to worship God according to his will m. VI. There is no other head of the church but the Lord Jesus Christ11: nor can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof; but is that antichrist, that man of...
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