| William Pitt (1st earl of Chatham.), William Stanhope Taylor - Europe - 1838 - 532 pages
...opening roar ! Within a window'd niche of that high ball Sate Brunswick's fated chieftain ; he did hear That sound the first amidst the festival, And caught its tone with Death's prophetic ear; And when they smiled because he deem'd it near, His heart more truly knew that peal too well Which... | |
| Henry Marlen - 1838 - 342 pages
...opening roar ! Within a windowed niche of that high hall Sate Brunswick's fated chieftain ; he did hear That sound the first amidst the festival, And caught its tone with Death's prophetic ear : And when they smiled because he deemed it near, His heart more truly knew that peal too well Which... | |
| American poetry - 1838 - 332 pages
...opening roar ! Within a window'd niche of that high hall Sat Brunswick's fated chieflain ; he did hear That sound the first amidst the festival, And caught its tone with death's prophetic ear; And when they smiled because he deem'd it near, His heart more truly^uiew that peal too well Which... | |
| William Pitt (Earl of Chatham) - Europe - 1838 - 544 pages
...opening roar ! Within a window'd niche of that high hall Sate Brunswick's fated chieftain ; he did hear That sound the first amidst the festival, And caught its tone with Death's prophetic ear ; And when they smiled because be deem'd it near, His heart more truly knew that peal too well Which... | |
| William Pitt (Earl of Chatham) - Europe - 1838 - 516 pages
...opening roar ! Within a window'd niche of that high hall Sate Brunswick's fated chieftain ; he did hear That sound the first amidst the festival, And caught its tone with Death's prophetic ear ; And when they smiled because he deera'd it near, His heart more truly knew that peal too well Which... | |
| William Pitt (Earl of Chatham) - Europe - 1838 - 548 pages
...opening roar ! Within a window'd niche of that high hall Sate Brunswick's fated chieftain ; he did hear That sound the first amidst the festival, And caught its tone with Death's prophetic car ; And when they smiled because he dccm'd it near, His heart more truly knew that peal too well... | |
| Priscilla Maden Watts - 1839 - 286 pages
...opening roar ! Within a windowed niche of that high hall Sat Brunswick's fated chieftain ; he did hear That sound the first amidst the festival, And caught its tone with death's prophetic ear ; And when they smiled because he deemed it near, His heart more truly knew that peal too well Which... | |
| George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1841 - 998 pages
...roar! ХХШ. Within a window'd niche of that high hall Sate Brunswick's fated chieftain ; he did hear he burning lamp Gleam'd as the preceding one, was written after a visit to the field of Waterloo), the lines stood — *' Here... | |
| Andrew Comstock - Elocution - 1841 - 410 pages
...! | Within a window'd niche of that high hall, | Sate Brunswick's fa ted chief tain; he did hear , That sound the first', amidst the festival, And caught its tone with Death's prophetic ear, ; | And, when they smil'd, because he deem'd it near, | His heart more truly knew that peal too well',... | |
| George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1842 - 866 pages
...I XXIII. Within a window'd niche of that high hall .Sate Brunswick's fated chieftain ; he did hear nd drink the tears of thy distress ; XLCI. Then might'st ; And when they smiled because he deem'd it near, His heart more truly knew that peal too well Which... | |
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