| Raymond Hickey - Computational linguistics - 1997 - 260 pages
...general, in (13), we find it in its well-known use in postposition, in (14), and as a noun, in (15): (13) at the next General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held for the County ofSurry... as none will be qualified to vote at the General Meetii Notice is hereby given, that a General... | |
| William Cathcart - Religion - 2001 - 502 pages
...Protestants, that shall make and subscribe the declaration aforesaid, and take the said oaths, at the general or quarter sessions of the peace to be held for the county, town, parts, or division where such person lives, which court is hereby empowered to administer the... | |
| Gerald Lewis Bray - England - 2004 - 682 pages
...to commit such person to prison without bail or mainprize, and to certify the name of such person to the next General or Quarter Sessions of the peace to be held for that county, town, part or division where such person then resides, and if such person so committed... | |
| Robert Tudur Jones, Kenneth Dix, Alan Ruston - Religion - 2006 - 448 pages
...to commit such person to prison without bail or mainprize, and to certify the name of such person to the next general or quarter sessions of the peace to be held for that county, city, town, part or division where such person then resides . . . and he shall be taken... | |
| 1860 - 592 pages
...Sessions, in pursuance of this Act, such Person shall be at liberty to make his Complaint thereof by Appeal to the Justices of the Peace at the next General...Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held for the County, Riding, Division, or Place wherein the Cause of such Complaint shall arise, such Appellant first giving... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - Great Britain - 1818 - 596 pages
...herself aggrieved, by any thing done by any Justice or Justices of the Peace in pursuance of this Act, such Person may appeal to the Justices of the Peace...next General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be holden for the County, Riding, City, Town, Borough or Division wherein the cause of such Complaint... | |
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