| Jonathan Edwards - Emotions - 1821 - 472 pages
...labour of love, and patience of hope." 1 Pet. i. 13, 14, " Wherefore, gird up the loins of your mind, he sober, and hope to the end, for the grace that is...revelation of Jesus Christ, as obedient children," &c. Psal. cxix. 166, " Lord, I have hoped in thy salvation, and done thy commandments." Psal. Ixxviii.... | |
| Robert Leighton - Theology - 1822 - 576 pages
...with the delightful admiration of Jesus Christ, and the redemption he hath wrought for us. Ver. 1 3. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober,...brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. THE great error of man's mind, and the cause of all his errors of life, is the diverting of the soul... | |
| Thomas Adam - Theology - 1822 - 570 pages
...souls ;" receiving it in part now, in your deliverance from the curse and power of sin ; and if you " gird up the loins of your mind, be sober and hope...brought unto you, at the revelation of Jesus Christ," when he comes to reward his faithful servants, sure to receive it hereafter, in the fulness of glory... | |
| Jeremy Taylor, Reginald Heber - Theology - 1822 - 548 pages
...things, is blind, and cannot see far off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins b. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober,...hope to the end, for the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according... | |
| Arminianism - 1863 - 1198 pages
...inch an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cotneth. Let us gird up the loins of our mind ; let us be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto us at the revelation of Jesus Christ." The author of such an epistle would not be likely to be satisfied... | |
| Philadelphia Sunday and Adult School Union - 1822 - 156 pages
...seek God. The hand of our God is upon all them that seek him. O taste and see that the Lord is good. Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober and hope to the end. Be of one mind, live in peace, and the God of love and peace shall be with you. iSeek good, and not... | |
| Edward John Burrow - 1822 - 594 pages
...Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. 1 Pet. i. 13. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to tin end fur the grace that is to he brought untuyou at the Revelation of Jesus Christ. VOL. from tl)e... | |
| Nathanael Emmons - Congregational churches - 1823 - 494 pages
...whatsoever things are of good report." Peter also in his first epistle to christians in general, says, "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober...revelation of Jesus Christ: as obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance. But as he who bath called you... | |
| Methodist Church - 1823 - 494 pages
...ardour to be among his train, "when he shall be revealed from heaven with power and great glory ?" Then "gird' up the loins of your mind; be sober, and hope...brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ!" Wherefore " comfort one another with these words," for truly " 'tis with the same comfort wherewith... | |
| Alexander Tilloch - Bible - 1823 - 404 pages
...rendered in the common version (and indeed all the translations I have met with give the same sense) : " Wherefore gird " up the loins of your mind, be sober,...to " the end, for the grace that is to be brought untoyou " at the revelation of Jesus Christ" This version, so far as respects the first three verbs... | |
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