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" Snow, his heirs and assigns, forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. "
A Correspondence Between Edward Brooks and John A. Lowell, with Remarks by ... - Page 23
by Edward Brooks - 1847 - 249 pages
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The Complete Letter Writer Containing a Great Variety of Letters ...

1853 - 158 pages
...and tha* I will warrant and defend the same to the said SP his heirs and assigns for ever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal, this day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Signed,...
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A Treatise on the Law of Evidence, Volume 2

Simon Greenleaf - Evidence (Law) - 1854 - 784 pages
...with the said JS and his heirs and assigns, to warrant and defend the same premises to the said JS and his heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. And the said JS afterwards, on the same day, lawfully entered into said premises, and by virtue of...
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Richmond's Book of Legal Forms and Law Manual: For the Legal Transaction of ...

Wellington Harrison Richmond - Commercial law - 1854 - 646 pages
...the said granted premises, to the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever : against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming under myself, my heirs and assigns : PROVIDED, nevertheless, that if I the said party of the...
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A Practical Treaties on the Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace and ...

Elijah Middlebrook Haines - Constables - 1855 - 470 pages convey the same to the said NWE, and that he will warrant and defend the same to the said N. \VE, his heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful...demands of all persons. In witness whereof, I, the said NE, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this first day of July, AD 1855. Signed, sealed and delivered...
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The New Parlor Letter Writer: Containing a Variety of Letters. Selected from ...

1856 - 194 pages
...same to the eaid CD to hold as aforesaid, and that I will warrant and defend the same to the said CD his heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. Provided nevertheless, That if 1, ihe said AB my heirs, executors, or administrators, shall well and...
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The Laws of Business for Business Men, in All the States of the Union: With ...

Theophilus Parsons - Commercial law - 1857 - 524 pages
...warrant and defend the same to the said (tl,e yrantre), and his heirs and assigns for ever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. In witness whereof, I, the said (the yrantor), and , wife of said grantor, in token of her release of all right and title of or to...
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Report of the Joint Special Committee Upon the Subject of the Flowage of ...

Massachusetts. General Court. Joint Special Committee on the Flowage of Meadows on Concord and Sudbury Rivers - Concord River (Mass.) - 1860 - 520 pages
...are free of all incumbrances, that they will warrant and defend the same premises to said Faulkner, his heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons, and that in case they hereafter grant to any person or persons a right to use the water which passes...
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Senate Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Public Documents and ..., Volume 11

United States. Congress. Senate - United States - 1860 - 888 pages
...administrators shall, warrant and defend the same to the said Mary Parland and Francis M. Scarlett, their heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, from, or under us: Provided, nevertheless, That if the said Brunswick Land Company shall...
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Senate Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Public Documents and ..., Volume 11

United States. Congress. Senate - United States - 1860 - 888 pages
...administrators shall, warrant and defend the same to the said Mary Parland and Francis M. Scarlett, their heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, from, or under us: Provided, nevertheless, That if the said Brunswick Land Company shall...
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Massachusetts Reports: Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme ..., Volume 8

Massachusetts. Supreme Judicial Court - Law reports, digests, etc - 1864 - 496 pages
...administrators as aforesaid, we will warrant and defend the same to the said Increase and Elizabeth, their heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. In testimony whereof, we, the said Thomai Williams and Joseph Williams, in our said capacity of administrators,...
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