| William Penn - Society of Friends - 1782 - 518 pages
...Chrift preached a prefent practical doctrine? as Firft, " If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, " and caft it from thee; for it is profitable for thee,...not " that thy whole body fhould be caft into hell fire." Mat. v. 29. Ergo what ? ' That there is a purgatory that that which ftood every man upon in... | |
| William Penn - Society of Friends - 1782 - 534 pages
...will compare thefe paffages with this opinion. Firft, " If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, " and caft it from thee ; for it is profitable for thee,...not " that thy whole body fhould be caft into hell fire." Mat. v. 29. Ergo what ? ' That there is a purgatory ' after this life,' fays the Romanift. O... | |
| Isaac Mann (bp. of Cork and Ross) - 1783 - 456 pages
...members fhould perifh, and not that thy whole body fhould be caft into 30 hell. And if thy right-hand offend thee, cut it off,. and caft it from thee :...that one of thy members fhould perifh, and not that 31 thy whole body fhould be caft into hell. It hath been faid, Whofoever fhall put away his wife, let... | |
| Bible - 1788 - 598 pages
...thee that one of thy members fhould perifh, and not that thy whole body fhould be caft into hell. 30 And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and...not that thy whole body fhould be caft into hell. 31 It hath been faid, Whofoever fhall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement:... | |
| Joseph Priestley - Apologetics - 1799 - 504 pages
...is profitable for thee that one of thy members mould perifh, and not that thy whole body fhould be caft into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee,...it off, and caft it from thee. For it is profitable for thee that one of thy members mould perifh, and not that thy whole body fhould be caft into hell."... | |
| 1803 - 498 pages
...is profitable for thee that one of thy members fhould perifh, and not that thy whole body fhould be caft into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee,...members fhould perifh, and not that thy whole body mould be caft into hell.' — ' For whofoever will lofe his life for my fake, fhall find it.' *—... | |
| John Witherspoon, John Rodgers - Presbyterian Church - 1800 - 620 pages
...: " And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and " caft it from thce : for it is profitable for thee that one of " thy members fhould perifh,...not that thy whole " body fhould be caft into hell. And if thy right hand " offend thee, cut it oft', and caft it from thee ; for it is pro" fitable for... | |
| John Hollis - Revelation - 1801 - 224 pages
...profitable for thee that " one of thy members mould perilh, and " not that thy whole body mould be caft " into hell. And if thy right hand offend " thee, cut it off, and caft it from thee: for *c it is profitable for thee that one of thy " members mould perifh, and not that thy " whole body... | |
| John Witherspoon, John Rodgers - Presbyterian Church - 1802 - 600 pages
...is profitable for thee that one of thy members fhould perifh, and not that thy whole body mould be caft into hell. And if thy right hand " offend thee,...profitable for thee that one of thy members fhould pe" rifh, and not that thy whole body fhould be caft into " hell."-)- Is there no fin, however long... | |
| John Witherspoon, John Rodgers - Presbyterian Church - 1802 - 636 pages
...Remember this neceflary caution of our Saviour : " And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and " caft it from thee : for it is profitable for...not that thy whole " body fhould be caft into hell. And if thy right hand " offend thee, cut it off, and caft it from thee ; for it is " profitable for... | |
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