| Great Britain - 1761 - 808 pages
...aclion, within the fame time alter the difjbility removed, 21 Ja. ic 16. § 7. val. 7. No aclion (ball be brought upon any agreement that is not to be performed within a year, unlefs it is in writing, &c. 29 Car. 2. (. 3. § 4. ml. 8. No No teftimony íhall be received... | |
| Thomas Walter Williams - 9 - 1787 - 694 pages
...agreement on confideration of marriage, or upon any contrail for lands or any intereit tiierein, or upon any agreement that is not to be performed within one year, unlefs the agreement, or memoJ rsndum thereof, be in writing iigned by the party. lud, No contrail... | |
| William Blackstone - Law - 1794 - 700 pages
...upon any agreement in confideration of marriage, or upon any contract or fale of any real eftate, or upon any agreement that is not to be performed within one year from the making ; unlefs the agreement or fome memorandum thereof be in writing, and figned by the... | |
| William Blackstone - Law - 1794 - 676 pages
...upon any agreement in confideration of marriage, or upon any contract or fak of any real eftate, or upon any agreement that is not to be performed within one year from the making ; unlefs the agreement or fome memorandum thereof be in writing, and figned by the... | |
| William Roberts - Evidence (Law) - 1807 - 522 pages
...was a good promise, and not within the clause of the statute, which provides, that no action shall be brought upon any agreement that is not to be performed within the space of one year from the making thereof, unless it be in writing ; for that by possibility the... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1769 - 688 pages
...any agreementon confideration of marriage, or upon any contract for lands or any intereft therein, or upon any agreement that is not to be performed within one year, unlefs the agreement, or memorándum thereof be in writing figned by the party, &c. 29 Car. 2. e. 3.... | |
| Thomas Potts - Law - 1815 - 836 pages
...agreement on consideration of marriage, or upun any contract for lands or any interest therein, or upon any agreement that is not to be performed within one year, unless the agreement, or memorandum thereof, be in writing signed by the party. No contract for sale... | |
| Sir William BLACKSTONE, Vincent WANOSTROCHT - Constitutional law - 1823 - 872 pages
...upon any agreement in consideration of marriage, or upon any contract for sale of any real estate, or upon any agreement that is not to be performed within one year from the making; unless the agreement or some memorandum thereof be in writing, and signed by the party... | |
| sir William Blackstone - Law - 1825 - 626 pages
...upon any agreement in consideration of marriage, or upon any contract or sale of any real estate, or upon any agreement that is not to be performed within one year from the making ; unless the agreement or some memorandum thereof be in writing, and signed by the... | |
| Law - 1835 - 520 pages
...concerning them; or vOL. XIII. NO. XXvI. 11 370 Revision of the Laws in Mastachusetts. [Apr;/ Fifthly, upon any agreement that is not to be performed within one year from the making thereof ; Unless the promise, contract or agreement, upon which such action shall be... | |
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